Dear Bradford City Council,

I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please provide the data for the period from April 1st, 2023 to March 31st, 2024:

1. Playground Closures:

The number of playgrounds permanently closed.

2. New Playgrounds:

The number of new playgrounds opened.

3. Reports of Vandalism:

The total number of vandalism reports in playgrounds.
If available, provide details of the types of vandalism reported (e.g., graffiti, damage to equipment).

4. Number of Injuries in Play Parks:

The total number of injuries reported in playgrounds, broken down by type of injury.
If available, a breakdown of injuries by specific equipment (e.g., swings, slides, climbing frames).

5. Inspection Frequency:

The frequency with which playgrounds are inspected by the council.

If any of this information is publicly available, I would appreciate it if you could direct me to the relevant resources. Please let me know if this request exceeds the cost limit for FOI requests, and I can refine the scope.

Jamie Dixon

Freedom of Information, Bradford City Council

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Sport & Culture SARs and FOIs, Bradford City Council

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Dear Jamie Dixon


I refer to your request dated 22^nd November 2024,  under the Freedom of
Information Act asking to supply the following information:

The Council’s response is noted below the question.


I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000. Please provide the data for the period from April 1st, 2023 to
March 31st, 2024:


1. Playground Closures:

    The number of playgrounds permanently closed.



2. New Playgrounds:

   The number of new playgrounds opened.



3. Reports of Vandalism:

   The total number of vandalism reports in playgrounds.

  20 (twenty) reported incidents of vandalism, details as follows:

  If available, provide details of the types of vandalism reported (e.g.,
graffiti, damage to equipment).


Type reported Equipment affected
Broken and stolen outdoor seats Outdoor gym equipment
Fire damage Junior swings and rubber safer surfacing
Fire damage Inclined Cargo/Scramble net
debris thrown over play equipment Multi Play equipment, spring rockers and
Rubber Surface damage Play vehicle
Additional Rubber Surface damage Play vehicle
Post caps removed Multi-play unit
Damage swing seat Cradle swings
broken wind chime Music play equipment
Broken plastic screen Play Panel
Surface fire damage Skate Ramps
Cut swing chain Junior swings
Vandalised fence Fence panels
Fire damage spinning dish and surfacing
Vandalised surface Rubber safety surfacing
Vandalised surface Rubber safety surfacing
Vandalised fencing Play area fence.
vandalised surface Rubber safety surfacing.
Vandalised skate surface Skate Ramps.
Vandalised seesaw handles Seesaw



4. Number of Injuries in Play Parks:

   The total number of injuries reported in playgrounds, broken down by
type of injury.

   9 (nine) incidents reported, details as follows

   If available, a breakdown of injuries by specific equipment (e.g.,
swings, slides, climbing frames).


Equipment Incident Injury
Cableway Hit by moving object Fracture
Monkey Bars Fall from height Fracture
Music Play Trip, fall on same level Bruise
Multi-Play Unit Fall from height Fracture
Activity Trail Trip, fall on same level Bruise
Monkey Bars Fall from height Bruise and cut
Monkey Bars Fall from height Fracture
Multi-Play Unit Hit stationary object Bruise
Safety surfacing Trip, fall on same level Graze



5. Inspection Frequency:

   The frequency with which playgrounds are inspected by the council.


• Weekly Visual – Council grounds maintenance staff
• Quarterly Operational – Council contracted RPII (Register of Play
Inspectors International) play inspectors.
• Independent Annual Inspection - Council contracted RPII play



In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, if you are not
satisfied with the reply to your request, you can ask for a review. A
request for a review must be submitted within 40 working days by emailing
us at [1][Bradford City Council request email] or by writing to Corporate Information
Governance Team, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, City
Hall, Centenary Square, Bradford, BD1 1HY.

If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of the internal review you
have the right of appeal to the Information Commissioner who can be
contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water
Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF Tel: 0303 123 1113 URL:

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council is registered with the
Information Commissioners Office (ICO) under the provisions of the Data
Protection Act 2018. The Council takes its responsibilities under the Act
very seriously.

To find out more on how we handle your information, please click on the
following link: [3]


Yours sincerely



FOI and SARS’s Team

Culture Sport & Leisure


Tel: 01274 431301

3^rd Floor, Argus Chambers, Hall Ings, Bradford, BD1 1HX


City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Department of Place




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