Planning Permission
Dear Gloucestershire County Council,
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information;
Has your council declared a climate emergency?
Please provide a breakdown of how many projects in the following categories your council has objected to, rejected and approved over the last three years; battery storage, wind and solar.
What is the average time taken to make a decision on each of the following types of projects; battery storage, solar and wind.
Yours faithfully,
Liam Porter
Information request
Our reference: 31961078
Dear Liam Porter
Request for Information (Reference: 31961078 )
Thank you for your request for information, received on 4 January 2024.
Request summary:
1 )Has your council declared a climate emergency?
2) Please provide a breakdown of how many projects in the following
categories your council has objected to, rejected and approved over the
last three years; battery storage, wind and solar.
3) What is the average time taken to make a decision on each of the
following types of projects; battery storage, solar and wind.
We aim to respond to your request no later than midnight on 1 February
2024 (the statutory timescale of 20 working days, starting on the working
day following receipt of your request). We may need to contact you if the
request needs to be clarified; this is to ensure we provide you with the
information you require.
If the information you have requested is held by another public authority,
we will inform you of this so that you can contact them directly.
Gloucestershire County Council is committed to the principles of
information disclosure and will, wherever possible, provide all
information requested. However, some information you have requested may
not be provided to you; this will only be information that can be withheld
by law, and, in most cases, the reason will be explained to you when we
send out any information that can be released. We will also inform you as
soon as possible if we do not hold the information you have requested.
You may find answers to your questions on our frequently asked questions
page -
Our response to your request may be published in our disclosure log, with
your personal details removed. Our new disclosure log can be found on our
website at: [2]Access council information - Gloucestershire County
Council. In future, you may find that the answer to your questions about
the Council has already been published.
Yours faithfully
Request Support Assistant
Information Management Service
01452 324000
Visible links
Information request
Our reference: 31961078
Dear Liam Porter,
On 04/01/24 we received your Freedom of Information request, reference
31961078, asking for:
1) Has your council declared a climate emergency?
2) Please provide a breakdown of how many projects in the following
categories your council has objected to, rejected and approved over the
last three years; battery storage, wind and solar.
3) What is the average time taken to make a decision on each of the
following types of projects; battery storage, solar and wind.
Please provide a list of approved and not approved wind, solar and battery
projects indicating MW/size for each project.
We have reviewed your request and require clarification in order to locate
the information you have requested. Without this clarification, we are
unable to process your request further.
Please could you provide clarification on:
Whether this relates to Gloucestershire County Council buildings and wider
infrastructure projects? We seek this clarification because all
additional planning would fall under the remit of District Councils.
Whilst your request is awaiting clarification the statutory deadline is
paused, this will resume once clarification has been received.
If we do not hear from you within 60 days of this request for
clarification we will close this case and, if the information is still
required, a new Freedom of Information request will need to be
For more guidance on requests for clarification under the Freedom of
Information Act, please refer to section 11 of the ICO Guidance found
If we have not received a response from you within 2 weeks, we will send a
second request for clarification. If we do not receive clarification from
you by 08/04/2024 [60 working days], we will notify you of case closure.
Yours sincerely,
Information Requests Officer
Information Management Service - [email address]
01452 324000
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.
Dear Gloucestershire CC,
It relates to planning applications, so you can consider the case closed if the council has no responsibility in this area.
Yours sincerely,
Liam Porter
Information request
Our reference: 31961078
Dear Liam Porter,
Thank you for your request for information received on 4 January 2024 .
Please find attached our response to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Information Requests Officer
Information Management Service - [email address]
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.
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