Planning Applications in respect of the Wynnstay Arms, Bridge Street, Llangollen

The request was refused by Denbighshire County Council.

Dear Sirs,

Please disclose all correspondence with:

1. The applicants MAVI Properties(Wynnstay) Ltd/Matthew Jones their representatives, agents and financial backers including Micro Small Business Fund(Welsh Government);


in relation to “The full programme of refurbishment to the Wynnstay Arms, a Grade II Listed Building in a Conservation Area in Bridge Street, Llangollen - Planning references:





Please also reveal any correspondence with the applicants and/or their representatives in relation to this property prior to submission of the plannng applications.

Yours faithfully,

M. W. Edwards

Information, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information

Thank you for your recent request for information held by Denbighshire County Council received 18th October 2018 regarding the Wynnstay Arms, Bridge Street, Llangollen.

As set out by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 it will be our aim to respond to your request by 15th November 2018. In some cases, however, we may be unable to achieve this deadline. If this occurs we will advise you of the likely timescale within which the response will be provided.
Under the Freedom of Information Act the Council may charge for disbursement costs (e.g. photocopies, postage). However should there be any such costs, you will be notified of this prior to the commencement of any work.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further advice or guidance relating to the above.

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi. We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh which will not lead to a delay.

Yours sincerely

Nicola Samuel
Archifydd Arweiniol - Casgliadau a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus/Lead Archivist – Collections & Public Service
Archifau Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire Archives
Gwella Busnes a Moderneiddio/ Business Improvement & Modernisation
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych/Denbighshire County Council

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Your details, as given by you in your request, will be processed by Denbighshire County Council for the specific purposes of processing your Freedom of Information Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. The Council will not share the data with any other organisation. Denbighshire County Council will retain the details for three years from the date of the request.
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Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Michael Edwards ,

Thank you for your recent request for information held by Denbighshire
County Council received 18/10/2018 regarding the WYNNSTAY ARMS.

Unfortunately we are currently unable to respond to your request as we
have insufficient detail from you to identify the information you require.
In order for us to be able to proceed with your request for information I
would be grateful if you could clarify the following points:


Please could you supply a timeframe for your request – are you asking for
information relating to 2018 only? Also, if you are able to provide any
more keywords to assist my search, please do so.

Upon receipt of this additional detail I will then search for the
information to which you may be entitled under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further advice or guidance
relating to the above.


Yours sincerely


Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
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Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw
ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi.

We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence
in Welsh which will not lead to a delay.


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Dear Kerry,

With the greatest respect your reply is absolute none sense, since I gave you four planning reference numbers which:

(A)Fully identify the property ie the Wynnstay Arms, Bridge Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire, LL20 8PF;

(B)Fully identify the property in respect of planning applications made in 2018:

Either you or other Officers of the Council are being deliberately obtuse and delaying dealing with my request.

For the avoidance of doubt the relevant time frame is the calendar year 2018.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Edwards FRICS, IRRV(Hons)

Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

Thank you for your response. I should have explained that the searches are not as straightforward as they initially appear.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]


Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi.
We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh which will not lead to a delay.

show quoted sections

Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Edwards


Planning tell me that they have been in communication with you about the
Wynnstay Arms and I believe this may have resolved your queries. I would
be grateful if you would confirm that this is so.


If you would like us to continue with the request we would be grateful if
you would specify further which information you require. A central search
on “Wynnstay Arms 2018” brought up 300+ emails, a large number of which
were irrelevant to your request – including bus timetable information,
business rates spreadsheets, lists of empty properties, highway spraying


I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely


Kerry Standen
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]
Gwefan [1]
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Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw
ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi.

We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence
in Welsh which will not lead to a delay.


Dilyn ni ar Twitter: - Follow us on Twitter:
Ymwelwch a ni ar-lein ar - Visit us online

Mae'r wybodaeth a gynhwysir yn yr e-bost hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a
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nid yw o angenrheidrwydd yn cynrychioli barn Cyngor Sir Ddinbych. Serch
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Denbighshire County Council may be required to disclose this e-mail [or
any response to it] under legislative provisions.


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