Placement information

The request was partially successful.

Dear Lews Castle College,

Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life Studies subject network on one or more of the following courses:

1. BSc (Hons.) Integrative Healthcare
2. BSc Oral Health Science
3. Diploma Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy
4. HNC Childhood Practice
5. HNC Social Services
6. HNC Care and Administrative Practice

The UHI Student Placement Policy & Guidance document states:

"4.3 APs are required to keep a record of all placement activities. This should include the following:
1. The subject network/programme associated with the placement activity;
2. A list of the names and student numbers of students undertaking placement activity;
3. The nature of the placement i.e. duration, location, type of activity, assessed or not assessed;
4. Contact details of placement providers; and
5. Copies of formal documentation, at a minimum this must include a copy of risk assessment documentation and signed tri-partite learning agreement, but may also (dependent on circumstances) include, statements of reasonable adjustments, letters of expectation, copies of insurance documentation and students consent to disability disclosure."

Please could you provide me with the information listed above for the courses noted at your AP. I do not wish to see personal information pertaining to disability and please redact the students' names/numbers.

I do not require contact details for the placements, just their name and location, type of business/organisation, type of placement activity taking place, assessed or not assessed.

Please also provide the name of the course that the placement forms part of, the duration of the placement and the role of the person responsible for the student at the placement location.

Please could you let me know if there is a named individual/s specifically responsible for placement students within your AP and if not who would normally be responsible for placement students on the individual courses/their role.

Yours faithfully,

S A Smith

Dear Lews Castle College,

Please could you give me the information for the current academic year and the previous 5 academic years? Sorry I should have made this clear in my original email.

Yours faithfully,

S A Smith

Lews Castle College Freedom of Information, Lews Castle College

4 Attachments

Dear S A Smith,

Please see attached response to your Freedom of Information Request.


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