Pillar 1 PCR machines Forth valley

The request was successful.

Dear Forth Valley NHS Board,

For pillar 1 tests, please indicate how many of the following PCR machines are used:
1. Abbott
2. Diasorin
3. Roche Elecsys
4. Siemens

If other makes of machines are used, please specify the type and number.

Yours faithfully,

Jocelyn Hammer

fv freedomofinformat (NHS Forth Valley), Forth Valley NHS Board

Dear Ms Hammer, 


Thank you for your email.

NHS Forth Valley has received your request and it has been allocated the
following reference number FOI/0005848.
A response to your request will be sent promptly and, in any event, not
later than 22nd April 2021.
Yours sincerely  


Tamara Anderson


Sent on behalf of  

Hilary Chalmers
Lead Freedom of Information Officer
Information Governance Department
NHS Forth Valley
Colquhoun Street
Stirling FK7 7PX
01786 433284

[NHS Forth Valley request email]  


From: Jocelyn Hammer <[FOI #740869 email]>
Sent: 24 March 2021 19:37
To: fv freedomofinformat (NHS Forth Valley)
<[NHS Forth Valley request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Pillar 1 PCR machines Forth
Dear Forth Valley NHS Board,

For pillar 1 tests, please indicate how many of the following PCR machines
are used:
1. Abbott
2. Diasorin
3. Roche Elecsys
4. Siemens

If other makes of machines are used, please specify the type and number.

Yours faithfully,

Jocelyn Hammer


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #740869 email]

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fv freedomofinformat (NHS Forth Valley), Forth Valley NHS Board

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Hammer,

We write in response to your enquiry requesting information under the
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Our response is contained in
the attached document.

Yours sincerely

Tamara Anderson

On behalf of:

Hilary Chalmers
Lead Freedom of Information Officer
Information Governance Department
NHS Forth Valley
Colquhoun Street
Stirling FK7 7PX
01786 433284
[NHS Forth Valley request email]



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it by mistake,
please (i) contact the sender by email reply; (ii) delete the email from
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