Pharmacy Management and Staffing

The request was successful.

Dear Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust,

I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information under the guidance of the Freedom of Information Act:

1. Copy of pharmacy management structure
2. Total WTE of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
3. Total WTE consultant pharmacist posts, and their areas of speciality
4. Copy of Job Description for:
a. each Consultant Pharmacist post

b. Chief Pharmacist / Director of Pharmacy Name

Yours faithfully,

Will Minto

FOI-requests (PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST - RK9), University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

1 Attachment

Please find attached Acknowledgement Letter.

FOI Team
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Bircham House
William Prance Road

show quoted sections


This FOI Request is now overdue; please could you advise the reason for delay and when you intend to be able to provide the information.

Yours sincerely,

Will Minto

FOI-requests (PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST - RK9), University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Dear Will Mionto

I am sorry for the delay and inconvenience caused to you. I have chased the team this morning and await their response. I would kindly ask for your continued patience for a little longer whilst I address the matter. We cannot give a date for conclusion at this time, but will respond shortly.

Yours sincerely

Freedom of Information Team

[Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust request email]

show quoted sections


Chasing again as I've still not had a response.

Yours sincerely,

Will Minto

FOI-requests (PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST - RK9), University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Dear Will Mionto

I am sorry for the continued delay and inconvenience caused to you. I chased the team again yesterday and await their response.

Yours sincerely

Freedom of Information Team

show quoted sections

Dear Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust's handling of my FOI request 'Pharmacy Management and Staffing'.

The information requested has not been provided, and this request is significantly overdue.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Will Minto

FOI-requests (PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST - RK9), University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

1 Attachment

Please find attached our acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information Act Request.

Freedom of Information Team
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Bircham House
William Prance Road

show quoted sections

Dear FOI Team,

You have acknowledged my request on 16 Jan 2018, and provided reference: 17FOI718.

When I chased up my response on 24 March 2018, you then responded with a further acknowledgement on 28 March 2018, under reference 17FOI881, whereas I was seeking an internal review of the handling as the information is still outstanding.

Yours sincerely,

Will Minto

FOI-requests (PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST - RK9), University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

4 Attachments








[1][University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust request email]


Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Freedom of Information Manager

Information Governance Team
Bircham House
William Prance Road


01752 431058




Our Ref: 17FOI718

Your Ref: Email received15/01/2018


[3][FOI #457053 email]


Dear Will Minto


Please find attached Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust Freedom of Information
Act 2000 – Response.  We apologise for the delay and inconvenience caused
and have arranged an appeal as requested.


Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Freedom of Information Team

Bircham House
William Prance Road



show quoted sections

INFORMATION, Governancepht (PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST - RK9), University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

1 Attachment

Dear Will Minto,


Please find attached the internal review of 17FOI718.


Yours Sincerely,


Penny Taylor,  Head of Information Governance and Library Services

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust


show quoted sections