Pharmacy Management and Staffing

The request was successful.

Dear Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust,

I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information under the guidance of the Freedom of Information Act:

1. Copy of pharmacy management structure
2. Total WTE of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
3. Chief Pharmacist/Director of Pharmacy name
4. Copy of Job Description for Chief Pharmacist / Director of Pharmacy

Yours faithfully,

Will Minto

Ig (KENT AND MEDWAY NHS AND SOCIAL CARE PARTNERSHIP TRUST), Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

1 Attachment

Dear Sirs


Request for Information


Thank you for your request to access information in accordance with the
Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 30 July 2018.


This was received by the Trust on 30 July 2018 and, in accordance with the
Act, the Trust has 20 working days in which to respond, ending on the 28
August 2018. An initial investigation is currently taking place into
whether the Trust holds the information you have requested and, if so,
whether the information can be released in accordance with the


Any fees applicable to this request will be detailed in writing as soon as
they can be determined and, should any further clarification of your
request be required we will advise accordingly.


If you require any further assistance, or would like to discuss your
request any further, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned
quoting the reference number above.


Yours Sincerely


Leanne McDougall PC.dp PC.foi CertHE-Law

Head of Information Governance


Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

Information Governance Department

St Michaels House

St Michaels Road


Kent, ME10 3DW


01795 514507

07468 763793


[1][email address]




Twitter: kmptnhs

Facebook: kmpt.nhs




If you have a Freedom of Information Request please email [email address]

This message may contain confidential and privileged information. If you
are not the intended recipient please accept our apologies. Please do not
disclose copy or distribute information in this email or take any action
in reliance on its contents: to do so is strictly prohibited and may be
unlawful. Please inform us that this message has gone astray before
deleting it. Thank you for your co-operation.


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Ig (KENT AND MEDWAY NHS AND SOCIAL CARE PARTNERSHIP TRUST), Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

3 Attachments

Dear Sirs


Request for Information


I write further to your request FOI ID 15072 under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 regarding:-


Pharmacy management


Following an investigation and search of our records I can confirm the
following Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT)


1.       Copy of pharmacy management structure


Please find attached


2.       Total WTE of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians


12.84 wte Pharmacists 11.01wte Pharmacy Technicians 0.63 wte Administrator


3.       Chief Pharmacist/Director of Pharmacy name


Mr J Stock


4.       Copy of Job Description for Chief Pharmacist / Director of




I confirm that the information above/attached completes your request under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am also pleased to confirm that no
charge will be made for this request.


If you have any queries about this response please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communication


Yours Sincerely


Leanne McDougall PC.dp PC.foi CertHE-Law

Head of Information Governance


Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

Information Governance Department

St Michaels House

St Michaels Road


Kent, ME10 3DW


01795 514507

07468 763793


[1][email address]




Twitter: kmptnhs

Facebook: kmpt.nhs




If you have a Freedom of Information Request please email [email address]

This message may contain confidential and privileged information. If you
are not the intended recipient please accept our apologies. Please do not
disclose copy or distribute information in this email or take any action
in reliance on its contents: to do so is strictly prohibited and may be
unlawful. Please inform us that this message has gone astray before
deleting it. Thank you for your co-operation.


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