Name: Will Minto
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Bracken House
Bracton Lane
Leyton Cross Road
Our ref: FOI 4334
Date: 16 August 2018
Switchboard: 01322625700
Dear Will,
Thank you for your request for information dated 28/07/2018. Your request has been managed
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
You requested the following information under section 8 of the Act:
1. Copy of pharmacy management structure
Deputy Chief
Clinical service team
Band 7 and 8a pharmacists working in mental health
and intermediate care services (based at Bracken
and Lead
Site Lead Queen Mary's
QMH pharmacy team
Hospital (QMH)
Patient Services Manager Dispensary-based pharmacists and all technicians
and assistants based at Bracken
Band 8a pharmacist working in community services
(based at Bracken House)
Link with Oxleas Prison Services (pharmacy services to prisons)
2. Total WTE of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
Pharmacist 15.13 wte; Technicians 19.61 wte
3. Chief Pharmacist/Director of Pharmacy name
Paul Maycock (Acting Chief Pharmacist)
4. Copy of Job Description for Chief Pharmacist / Director of Pharmacy
See document attached below
If you have any queries or concerns or are dissatisfied with the service you have received in relation
to your request, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you wish to request a review of the decision,
you should write to the Information Governance Manager, Julie Lucas via email at in the first instance. If you remain unsatisfied with the outcome of your review
and wish to make a formal complaint, please address this to: Complaints, Oxleas NHS Foundation
Trust, Pinewood House, Pinewood Place, Dartford, DA2 7WG - Email
In addition if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint or review, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision
unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Trust. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF (Telephone: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745 - Kind regards,
Paul Bransgrove
Information Governance Officer
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust | Bracken House | Bracton Lane | Leyton Cross Road | Dartford | Kent |
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Pharmacy Job Description
Job title:
Chief Pharmacist
Band 9
Hours of work:
Monday – Friday, 9am – 5:15pm. 37.5 hours
Responsible to: Medical director
Accountable to: Medical director
Responsible for: All pharmacy staff, except those seconded to OPS
Liases with: Internal: medical director, clinical directors, consultant colleagues, heads of
profession, clinical leads, head of quality, head of R&D, patient safety
lead, carers’ lead, PALS, finance, HR, estates, Trust board.
External: commissioners, chief pharmacists in acute and mental health Trusts
and CCGs, CQC, GPhC, MHRA, Home Office, education providers,
NHS Trusts and other organisations that the Trust pharmacy at QMH
provides support for, NHS England, OPS, Area Prescribing Committee.
Base: Bracken House
Overview of the post:
The post-holder will lead on governance and quality relating to the use of medicines across the
Trust. They will provide leadership for the pharmacy team and be accountable for pharmacy staff
and budgets. The post-holder will also be the Accountable Officer for controlled drugs and a
director of Oxleas Prison Services (subsidiary company).
The post-holder must have robust clinical skills, be able to work independently, have good decision
making skills, be able to lead a team, and work innovatively to develop services. The objectives of
the post holder will be set by the medical director.
Key tasks and responsibilities:
1. Lead and be accountable for the pharmacy team including the management of staff and
2. Lead and be accountable for the clinical governance agenda across the Trust with respect
to medicines optimization, including determining Trust-wide medicines management policy;
this involves the processing of highly complex information and strong negotiating skills.
3. Lead and be accountable for representing the Trust on matters relating to pharmacy with
the Trusts partners and external regulators.
4. Advise the Trust board on professional pharmaceutical matters including the development
of pharmacy services
5. Provide clinical leadership; this requires decisions to be taken where there is a lack of
evidence or the evidence is conflicting.
6. Prepare the agenda for the Trust Medicines Management committee, advise on policy,
influence decisions and ensure that these decisions are acted upon; this requires strong
communication, negotiating and influencing skills
7. Ensure the responsibilities of being the Trust Accountable Officer for Controlled Drugs are
met; this involves the analysis of prescribing data to identify trends and any areas of
concern, and then act appropriately to resolve any issues found.
8. Monitor the quality of the pharmacy services and of Trust services medicines optimisation
practice by ensuring that audits of prescribing quality and the quality of medicines use are
planned, co-ordinated, and implemented.
9. Ensure that appropriate strategies are put in place to minimise recurrence of medicines
10. Lead and be accountable for the pharmacy team at Queen Marys Hospital, including the
management of staff, budgets and external contract with other providers.
11. Be a director of Oxleas Prison Services (subsidiary company)
Management responsibilities
1. Manage the pharmacy pay, non-pay and Income budgets to ensure they remain within
current budget and resources.
2. Ensure the economical purchasing, appropriate storage and distribution of pharmaceuticals
in accordance with good medicines management practice, current legislation, and Trust
standing financial instructions.
3. To be a signatory for high cost invoices in line with the Trust’s standing financial instructions.
4. Ensure the Trust is represented at the London regional purchasing consortia so the Trust
maximises its purchasing power by procuring medicines at optimal prices.
5. Ensure that medicines usage and spend data are available to service line management so
that this can be monitored (expenditure against budget/overspend areas/impact of NICE and
other guidance recommendations) and provide pharmaceutical advice to enable informed
decisions to be taken on appropriate and effective medicine choice within given resources.
This requires routine use of e-PACT software to create reports and subsequently query and
analyse the data in order to identify and act on trends/areas of concern.
6. Identify and lead on cost reduction initiatives in medicines usage
7. Ensure cost pressures are identified, both for pharmacy and medicines, and ensure advice
is provided on the full range of options for managing them.
Business planning
1. Work with commissioners around relevant aspects of the use of medicines including the
implementation of NICE guidance and guidelines
2. Pursue opportunities to attract new pharmacy business and to provide appropriate input at
the planning stage of new clinical services.
3. Ensure that adequate resources are secured to allow the delivery of a high quality
medicines supply and clinical pharmacy service.
Human Resources
1. Be accountable for the direct management of the Trusts senior pharmacists and through
them, for all staff within pharmacy.
2. Be responsible for ensuring adherence to all agreed Trust HR policies and procedures.
3. Be accountable for the development of the pharmacy workforce.
4. Continually review skill mix to meet the service needs and professional standards in force at
the time.
5. Recruit, develop and motivate staff to ensure they can and do perform well in their job,
contribute towards improvements to the pharmaceutical service and achievement of the
pharmacy business plan/Trust corporate objectives. This means as a minimum:
a robust recruitment process compliant with Trust policy
an induction program
ensuring that staff have adequate clinical supervision/mentorship
an annual appraisal
an agreed personal development plan that reflects both the needs of the Trust, to
deliver its objectives, and the longer term goals of the member of staff.
6. Foster a culture of lifelong learning, to include provision for post registration education,
continuous professional development and vocational training of staff within pharmacy
7. Ensure systems are in place to identify poor practice of any type and that any individuals are
appropriately supported and managed within Trust policies.
8. Manage poor performance.
Professional Accountabilities
1. Undertake the roles and responsibilities of the Superintendent Pharmacist as required by
applicable legislation, including the Human Medicines Regulations 2012.
2. Ensure that all pharmacy practice, including their own, is within the boundaries described
within the Professional Standards of the General Pharmaceutical Council and latest version
of the Medicines, Ethics and Practice guide issued by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of
Great Britain.
3. Ensure that Pharmacy meets the regulatory requirements of the General Pharmaceutical
Council and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Hospital Standards.
4. Ensure the requirements of Good Distribution Practice are complied with such that the Trust
retains all statutory licenses it requires for its pharmaceutical wholesaling facilities to support
the services it provides both within the Trust and to other healthcare providers inside and
outside the NHS.
5. Ensure that the requirements of Good Clinical Practice are complied with respect to the
pharmacy components of clinical trials.
6. Act as the Accountable Officer for the Trust with respect to Controlled Drugs, reporting
through the Medical Director, and comply with all associated requirements from the Home
Office and CQC.
Clinical Governance
1. Deliver the medicines optimisation component of clinical governance within the Trust,
ensuring compliance with standards related to pharmaceutical services and use of
medicines from the CQC, NHSE, NICE, commissioning, national peer review, and the RPS.
2. Actively involve pharmacy staff in the delivery of good standards of clinical care in
accordance with Trust strategy. This will include participation in relevant governance
activities at directorate and Trust level.
3. Facilitate effective medicines optimisation in the Trust and local health economy through
formal committee structures, with involvement in the following committees:
Medicines management committee – vice-chair, taking and transcribing formal minutes
Trust clinical effectiveness group–member
Trust quality committee – member
South East London area prescribing committee – member
4. Support the implementation and monitoring of relevant national policy, directives and
initiatives from NICE and NHSE.
5. Ensure errors, complaints and incidents are managed within the Trust’s guidelines. For
incidents relating to medicines, to ensure they are monitored by the medicines management
6. Ensure pharmacy is equipped to proactively influence safe and cost-effective medicine
therapy in conjunction with other staff. This requires that practice is evidence-based and
staff appropriately trained.
7. Ensure proactive management of the medicines management risk register.
8. Ensure the broader “risk management” agenda is addressed within Pharmacy. These areas
Health and Safety at Work – including manual handling and fire training
COSHH – many of the medicines and raw materials used in everyday practice within
pharmacy are hazardous
Use of equipment – both to protect the member of staff and ultimately the patient
Infection Control
Product Liability
1. Be the professional lead for pharmacy staff working within the Trust.
2. Be accountable for ensuring that pharmacy standards are established and regularly
3. Ensure there are systems in place to oversee the quality of medicines that are purchased
for use within the Trust.
4. Ensure there is a programme of medicines-related audits covering legal requirements,
implementation of NICE guidelines and medicines safety.
5. Deliver the medicines optimisation component of the clinical governance agenda within the
6. Ensure accurate and up-to-date information about medicines is provided to consultants,
other prescribers, other health care professionals, patients, relatives and carers. The post
holder will be expected to make judgements where information is highly complex or lacking
or where ambiguity exists.
7. Provide advice on medication errors and incidents including reports for SUI panels as
8. Identify and promote best practice.
9. Motivate and inspire others.
Research and development
1. Monitor the quality of the pharmacy services and of Trust services medicines optimisation
practice by ensuring that audits of prescribing quality and the quality of medicines use are
planned, co-ordinated, and implemented.
2. Identify opportunities for small-scale research, ensure such research is supervised
appropriately and encourage/facilitate conference presentations and publications
3. Initiates and oversee quality improvement innovations relating to medicines as part of on-
going Trust-wide quality improvement programmes
1. Advise the Trust board on professional pharmaceutical matters.
2. Provide reports and presentations as necessary for the Trust CEG and Quality Committee
relating to the safe and secure handling of medicines and medicines optimisation.
3. Prepare the agenda for the Trust Medicines Management Committee (MMC), advise on
policy, influence decisions and ensure that these decisions are acted upon; this requires
strong communication, negotiating and influencing skills
4. Communicate with senior clinicians on clinical matters, finance on matters relating to
medicines spend, patient safety with respect to medicines errors and SUIs, and HR on
matters relating to recruitment and staff performance.
5. Communicate with the pharmacy team to ensure there is a co-ordinated approach to service
1. Represent, or ensure representation of Oxleas at the Area Prescribing Committee and
relevant sub-groups, MMC meetings in the local clinical commissioning groups, and relevant
STP working groups. Within these forums, it is likely that data will be challenged and strong
negotiating skills are required to agree a way forward.
2. Represent the Trust in relevant mental health, acute and CCG chief pharmacist forums.
3. Communicate directly with external regulatory bodies such as the GPhC, MHRA, Home
Office and Accountable Officers network.
4. Negotiate directly with healthcare organisations that Oxleas provides pharmacy support to,
and commissioners with whom direct contracts are held.
On-call/unsocial hours
1. Ensure that a pharmacy on-call service is provided so that urgent advice and medicines can
be made available when the pharmacy department is closed.
Person Specification
Job title: Chief Pharmacist
Department: Pharmacy
Grade: Band 9
How measured
Masters degree (MSc or MPharm) or equivalent in pharmacy.
Registration with the General Pharmaceutical Council.
Postgraduate clinical qualification and/or equivalent experience
CPD portfolio
Compulsory CPD
Absolute minimum 8 years post registration experience.
Broad experience of working in pharmacy including working within a
hospital pharmacy department at a senior level.
Experience of supporting drugs and therapeutics/medicines management
groups and of writing policies and procedures.
Experience of working with and influencing staff from other healthcare
Experience of managing staff
Experience of undertaking audit-based quality improvement work
Sound knowledge of regulations and legislation relevant to pharmacy.
Knowledge of the requirements of national organisations involved in
medication safety (GPhC, CQC, MHRA, Home Office).
Knowledge & experience of clinical governance systems.
Ability to analyse complex situations and make decisions that affect others.
Management skills (recruitment, appraisal etc)
Excellent oral & written communication skills
Excellent interpersonal skills.
CPD portfolio
Computer literacy
Be innovative and able to solve problems and influence others.
Ability to organise and prioritise own workload and meet deadlines.
Ability to lead a team and develop a service.
Ability to use various IT packages
Ability to perform tasks required of a pharmacist (clinical screening,
working with prescribers and patients).
Ability to sustain concentration through frequent interruptions for urgent
information or advice.
Exposure to patient complaints, HR issues with staff and difficult
relationships with purchasers.
Frequent requirement for sitting at a keyboard typing for a substantial
proportion of the working time
Required to use computers more or less continuously on most days.
Required to use mobile devices
Other Requirements
Professional manner
Flexible, adaptable & able to cope with conflicting pressures and meet
Ability to drive essential.
Terms and Conditions
The post holder is subject to the terms and conditions of OXLEAS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST.
This Job description gives an outline of the post and is subject to review in consultation with the
post holder.
The Post holder must maintain the confidentiality of information about patients, staff and other
health service business in accordance with Trust Policy.
Risk Management
The Post holder will ensure compliance with the Trust’s risk management policies and procedures.
These describe the Trust’s commitment to risk management, the recognition that our aim is to
protect patients, staff and visitors from harm and stress and that all staff have a responsibility to
minimise risk.
Infection Control
All staff are required to be familiar with the Trusts infection control policies, and national guidance
in relation to infection control. All staff whose normal duties are directly or indirectly concerned with
patient care must ensure that they complete mandatory infection control training and are compliant
with all measures known to be effective in reducing Healthcare Associated Infections.
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
The Post holder will treat all colleagues, service users, carers and members of the public with
respect and dignity regardless of their gender, age, race, religious beliefs, religion, nationality,
ethnic origin, social background, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, HIV/Aids status,
criminal background and Trade Union status. The Trust has a Policy for Equality and Human
Rights and it is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that this is implemented.
Health & Safety
All staff must be aware of the responsibility placed on them by the Health & Safety at Work Act
(1974) to ensure that the agreed safety procedures are carried out to maintain a safe condition for
employees, patients and visitors.
Professional and NHS Codes of Conduct
You are required to act at all times in accordance with the relevant professional Codes of Conduct
and Accountability (including, where applicable, those for Board Members). In addition, all
management staff must comply with the ‘Code of Conduct for NHS Managers’ and ‘Standards of
Business Conduct for NHS Staff’.
Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. Whatever your role within the trust the welfare
of children should be your paramount consideration. In cases of suspected abuse or neglect the
duty of care that member of Oxleas staff owes to a child, will take precedence over any obligation
to the parent or other adult. All members of Oxleas staff who have contact with service users, or
their families, should be familiar with guidance on Child Protection/Safeguarding Children from their
own Professional organisations; the trust and the London Safeguarding Children Procedures. Staff
are also required to attend mandatory safeguarding children training.
Financial Management and Control of Resources
All staff are responsible for the security and the property of the Trust, avoiding loss or damage and
being economical and efficient in the use of resources. Staff are required to act in accordance with
the rules and regulations as described in the Trust’s Policy relating to the Financial Management
and Control of Resources’.
Customer Care
It is the aim of the Trust to provide patients and clients with the best possible care. All staff are
required to put the patient/client first and do their utmost to meet requests and needs courteously
and efficiently.
Personal/Professional Development Planning/Mandatory Training
All staff should have a personal development plan and in conjunction with their manager, should
actively determine and pursue agreed training and development needs and opportunities. All staff
are required to attend mandatory training as designated by the Trust.
No Smoking
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust has a no smoking policy. Staff are not permitted to smoke within or
on Trust premises.
Signed by Line Manager
Signed by post holder
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