Pharmacy Management and Staffing
Dear Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust,
I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information under the guidance of the Freedom of Information Act:
1. Copy of pharmacy management structure
2. Total WTE of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
3. Chief Pharmacist/Director of Pharmacy name
4. Copy of Job Description for Chief Pharmacist / Director of Pharmacy
Yours faithfully,
Will Minto
Acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. This is an acknowledgment of your request. For the
purposes of the Act, your request will be deemed to have been received on
the first working day following delivery. We will reply to your request by
the 20th working day following receipt.
Kind Regards
Information Officer
Freedom of Information
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
The Resource
Duncan Macmillan House
Porchester Road
Direct Dial 0115 9934521
Email - [email address]
Dear Will,
Re: Decision Notice under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act
Thank you for your recent request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act as below
Dear Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust,
I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information
under the guidance of the Freedom of Information Act:
1. Copy of pharmacy management structure
2. Total WTE of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
3. Chief Pharmacist/Director of Pharmacy name
4. Copy of Job Description for Chief Pharmacist / Director of Pharmacy
Duty to confirm or deny
I can confirm that the information requested is held by the Trust
Response to the information requested
Please see our answer to your questions below:
1. Copy of pharmacy management structure – See attached
2. Total WTE of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
Pharmacists - 27.4 WTE
Technicians - 28 WTE
Assistants - 15.7 WTE
A&C - 3.7 WTE
3. Chief Pharmacist/Director of Pharmacy name
Matt Elswood
4. Copy of Job Description for Chief Pharmacist / Director of Pharmacy –
See attached
Exemption(s) which apply
As part of our monitoring process to ensure that we continue to meet your
requirements, we would be grateful if you could please take a few moments
to complete the survey at
and return it by email to: [2][email address]
Most of the information that we provide in response to Freedom of
Information Act 2000 requests will be subject to copyright protection. In
most cases the copyright will be owned by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS
Foundation Trust. The copyright in other information may be owned by
another person or organisation, as indicated in the information itself.
You are free to use any information supplied for your own use, including
for non-commercial research purposes. The information may also be used for
the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use, for
example, by publishing the information or issuing copies to the public
will require the permission of the copyright owner.
For information where the copyright is owned by Nottinghamshire Healthcare
NHS Trust please contact me. Each request will be dealt with in
accordance with the Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005
and a fee may be charged. For information where the copyright is owned by
another person or organisation, you must apply to the copyright owner to
obtain their permission.
If you are unhappy with the handling of your request or the information
provided, you may ask the Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
to carry out an internal review. Requests for internal reviews should be
addressed to the Trust Secretary at The Resource, Duncan Macmillan House,
Porchester Road, Nottingham NG3 6AA.
If you are still unhappy following an internal review, you may make a
complaint to the Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Many thanks,
Information Officer
Freedom of Information
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
The Resource
Duncan Macmillan House
Porchester Road
Extension: 10213
Direct Dial: 0115 9934513
Please send all emails relating to Freedom of Information to:
[3][email address]
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Visible links
1. https://www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nh...
2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]
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