Job Title:
Head of Medicines Management
Pay Band:
Medicines Management
Managerial Accountable to:
Director of Commissioning, Therapies and Health
Reports to:
Director of Commissioning, Therapies and Health
Professionally Responsible to: Director of Commissioning, Therapies and Health
Responsible For:
Staff within the Medicines Management Department
To provide strong and effective leadership for the planning, co-ordination, development and
delivery of an integrated medicines management and pharmaceutical service within Hywel
Dda UHB; ensuring high quality medicines management in and across all settings, within
allocated resources through the delivery of an integrated governance approach to medicines
The post holder will be responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring the
medicines management and pharmaceutical services strategy across Hywel Dda. The job
combines the strategic responsibilities associated with all pharmacy and medicines
management services across the Hywel Dda UHB area, including primary and secondary
care sectors and community settings. Key functions of the post can be summarised as
June 2015
a) Lead on strategic and operational planning related to the clinical and cost - effective
use of medicines, at all levels within Hywel Dda UHB both within Pharmacy,
prescribing and across the broader health and social care agenda.
b) To provide expert pharmaceutical advice to Boards and other statutory bodies, in
accordance with legislation.
c) Lead on the production and maintenance of policies, procedures and guidance to
assure the safe, effective and efficient procurement, handling, prescription and use
of medicines across the locality. This will include the interpretation of national strategy
and policy for local implementation.
d) To be accountable for the management of the pharmacy and medicines management
team across Hywel Dda UHB.
• Provide professional, strategic and operational advice to Hywel Dda UHB on
medicines management to ensure all statutory requirements and standards are
recognised and incorporated into the Health Board plans.
• Provide advice to the Health Board on clinical and financial risk management, policies
and procedures relating to medicines management.
• Manages and organises an integrated medicines management service to operational
units within the Health Board ensuring service improvements, financial and
performance targets are delivered and maintained.
• Represents the Health Board, as appropriate, within the relevant professional
advisory structures of the Welsh Government Health and Social Care Division, and
other specialist interest groups as required.
• Develop an integrated pharmacy strategy and policies within the wider local and
national strategic context to ensure that the pharmaceutical needs of the population
are identified and addressed (including the needs of remote and rural communities)
and to maintain a high standard of professional practice.
• Provide professional and strategic leadership to local and national Drug and
Therapeutics Committee (Medicines Management Group) and sub-committee
structure, incorporating joint formularies, shared care arrangements and associated
policies and procedures, to plan and achieve the rational, safe and cost effective use
of medicines and associated resources.
• Develop pharmacy involvement in multidisciplinary frameworks to underpin clinical
and corporate governance (eg. clinical audit; clinical incident; adverse drug reaction
and error reporting mechanisms; implementation of evidence based guidelines; and
quality improvement measures).
• Formulate, develop and maintain professional leadership within medicines
management to ensure an environment of continuous professional development and
personal development of staff.
• Effective participation of pharmacy staff in professional and multi-disciplinary service
development initiatives, including benchmarking of services, clinical audit and clinical
effectiveness duties.
• Discharge the responsibilities of Superintendent Pharmacist within the Health Board.
June 2015
• Undertake operational responsibility for the wider interagency network including the
contractor professions, the police etc as required by legislation for controlled drugs
on behalf of the Accountable Officer. Develop policies and procedures to ensure the
safe and effective use of controlled drugs within the Health Board.
Service Management
The post holder will lead a function and Team of staff that will deliver services both in-
hospital and out of hospital as follows:
Hospital Patients
To interpret, plan and apply the General Pharmaceutical Council’s Code of Ethics and
Professional Standards and in particular the Council’s Statement of Principles and
Standards of Good Practice for Hospital Pharmacy in order to manage the Health
Boards hospital pharmacy service.
To ensure that the service provided meets the standards required in the Standards
For Pharmaceutical Services In Provider Units In Wales
To undertake the roles and responsibilities of the Superintendent Pharmacist as
required by the Medicines Act 1968 and the General Pharmaceutical Council’s and as
described in the Code of Ethics.
To be the named Chief Pharmacist with respect to the licensing requirements of the
Aseptic Services section as required by the Medicines Act and the Medicines and
Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority.
To be the named Chief Pharmacist providing pharmaceutical approval for medicine
clinical trials.
To be the named Chief Pharmacist to ensure safe systems of work for those drugs
requiring specific and special arrangements for their safe and secure use.
To authorise, as a co-signatory with the Medical Director and Director of Nursing,
Patient Group Directions and Patient Specific Directions.
To plan, prepare and lead the pharmacy and medicines management response to the
declaration of a Major Incident.
To be responsible for the pharmacy compliance with Health & Safety and C.O.S.H.H.
To be responsible for the management of the response to the Pharmaceutical Hazard
Warning System, the Medical Device Alert system, NHS Estates Alert System (when
applicable to pharmacy) and to Urgent Pharmaceutical Drug Information Alerts.
Primary & Community Patients
June 2015
Communicate medication changes to patients and involved healthcare professionals in
line with agreed policies during reviews of residential/nursing homes or medication
review clinics.
Ensure all medication reviews and / or changes to patient medication are carried out
according to an agreed protocol / procedure.
Develop patient information relating to medicines management.
Work with prescribers to ensure high-quality, cost-effective medicines management
services are delivered
Oversee the development of pharmacy team led patient medication review in primary
Plan, organise and undertake patient medication reviews in GP practices in order to
promote good medicines management. This process involves the following
responsibilities :
Identifying patients for medication review in specific therapeutic areas. This may
include specialist groups of patients such as nursing and residential homes.
Carrying out an initial assessment of the patient’s medication and arranging for
any necessary drug monitoring.
Inviting patients to the practice and carrying out the medication review with the
patient and their carer where appropriate. All prescribed, over-the-counter and
complementary medicines should be included.
Ensuring the patient’s basic understanding of their medicines and concordance
with any agreed treatment protocol.
Documenting any recommendations as a result of the medication review and
discussing with a GP as appropriate.
Implementing any agreed changes.
Communicating any changes to the patient and/or carer, and relevant Healthcare
Professionals eg. GP, Community Pharmacist.
Ensuring any necessary follow up as a result of the medication review eg.
checking results of blood tests and ensuring these are communicated to relevant
healthcare professional
Plan, organise and undertake independent non-medical prescribing clinics in a
general practice setting.
• Implementing novel and new services to patients and other client groups in the
community setting.
The post holder is required to contribute to the evidence base for the practice of pharmacy
and development of medicines management services by leading, co-ordinating and
implementing R&D programmes. Research based innovation and development is a major
job requirement.
The post holder will lead and undertake clinical audit, clinical effectiveness and
governance projects.
He/She also has responsibility to :
June 2015
• Provide the pharmacy and medicines management input to the Health Board’s R&D
Committee, the Health Board Research Review Panel and Ethics Committee as
• Undertake research and development in the fields of medicines management,
primary care pharmacy, hospital pharmacy practice and other areas of interest to
the post holder and of benefit to the service (e.g. hospital pharmacy workforce
issues, non-medical prescribing); typically twice a year.
• Present research results at workshops, national conferences etc (e.g. Guild of
Healthcare Pharmacists National Conference).
• Provide the pharmaceutical approval for clinical trials, involving medicines,
undertaken within the Health Board.
• Ensure, enable and undertake audits of medicines management processes and
pharmacy services. The audits will usually be complex and specific to a large-scale
development or significant problem.
Service Improvement
The post holder undertakes a key leadership role within the Health Board as the lead expert
on the strategic management of medicines.
He/She will be required to interpret complex Welsh Government policy and protocols, and
develop them into integrated corporate strategy.
The post holder will instigate service reviews to ensure the medicine management needs of
Hywel Dda UHB are met.
The post holder will be required to develop and deliver a Medicines Management
Modernisation plan that identifies potential for joint working between hospital and community
pharmacy services to secure better quality, better value for money and innovative ways of
delivering effective medicines management in hospital and in the community.
The post holder will be required to work with clinicians and practitioners across primary and
secondary care to improve the quality of prescribing, increase patient compliance and
reduce waste. This will include negotiations with Community Pharmacy Wales and LMC
Analytical and Judgmental Skills
The post holder will develop analytical and judgmental skills to deal with complex and
potentially contentious service strategies.
Judgments involve highly complex facts or situations which require the analysis,
interpretation and comparison of a range of options. Typical decisions and judgments
include :
Interprets national and local health service policy and strategy and plans Health Board
medicine management in accordance with these and to meet national and professional
June 2015
Forecasting and negotiating the total locality drugs and medicines expenditure
allocation for Hywel Dda UHB prioritising and risk managing drug developments within
available resource in collaboration with clinicians.
Clinical and management decisions involving highly complex facts, analysis and option
Clinical risk management judgments on safe systems and appropriate procedures to
deal with medicine or device supply or preparation problems, drug alerts, immediate
messages, drug withdrawals and safety hazard notices across Hywel Dda Health
Prioritising the level and provision of pharmaceutical care to meet the needs of
different patient groups.
Prioritising business cases each designed to meet increasing clinical demands and/or
developments within different aspects of pharmacy services in different directorates
and localities across Hywel Dda UHB.
Making judgments on sustaining or withdrawing pharmacy services when faced with
problems of staff retention and recruitment (national shortage of pharmacists and
pharmacy technicians).
• Judgment on the need for redesign of services to improve skill mix utilisation and
The need for highly developed interpersonal and communication skills, written, oral and
electronic (formal and informal) is essential for the post.
The post holder will be required to communicate, consult, negotiate, facilitate and influence
effectively to plan and deliver the strategic agenda and establish and maintain good working
Diplomacy, tact and empathy need to be used as well as an ability to convey highly complex
and highly sensitive information in a form readily understood by a variety of target audiences
including staff, staff representatives, contractors, local and national committees, the Welsh
Government, senior executives/managers, professionals, patients, members of the public
and the media.
The post holder will be required to take a lead role in partnership working within pharmacy,
to negotiate with managers, clinicians and contractors, to influence necessary change, to
address staff performance and disciplinary issues, as well as dealing sensitively with staff,
patients and carers. The post holder will direct, chair, brief and/or work as a member of
Committees, Groups and Project Teams both within and out with the locality.
The post holder is an integral member of all key operational management and professional
committees relating to the provision of pharmaceutical services and medicines
management. In addition, the post holder will communicate directly with colleagues from all
disciplines and professions within the NHS both locally and nationally.
June 2015
The post holder will be required to communicate with the Health Board, its Chief Executive,
and other Executive and Non-Executive Directors, Local Authorities, Clinical Directors and
General Managers; the Medical and Nursing Directors; Managed Clinical Networks;
Independent Contractors; a range of Committees; trade unions and professional
organisations; pharmacy staff; and individual clinicians and managers.
The post holder will be required to communicate with other NHS organisations, NICE,
AWMSG, Chief Pharmaceutical Adviser to Welsh Government, Health Solutions Wales, the
National Public Health Service, the Welsh Medicines Partnership, the All Wales Medicines
Strategy Group, the All Wales Prescribing Advisory Group, the National Patient Safety
Agency, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, the Medicines and Healthcare
Products Regulation Agency (MHRA), Community Pharmacy Wales, Welsh Pharmaceutical
Planning and Organisational Skills
The post holder will be the Health Board’s Lead on Medicines Management and as such will
Formulate, develop and maintain a 3 to 5 year strategic vision for pharmacy and
medicine management that reflects the needs and requirements of stakeholders, within
and external to Hywel Dda UHB. This vision must accommodate uncertainty over the
rate and nature of the modernisation of pharmacy and medicines management across
Hywel Dda UHB and the local health economy as a whole.
Produce an annual business plan/service review that will include short (1 to 3 years),
medium (3 to 5 years) and long term (greater than 5 years) development and operational
and strategic plans for pharmacy to enable the delivery of the strategic vision. This
involves the analysis, comparison and reconciliation of highly complex conflicting
options over the content and mode of delivery of the plan.
Advise and make recommendations on policy and procedural matters relating to
pharmacy and medicines management. This includes the analysis and interpretation of
highly complex governmental policy, legislative/regulatory issues, pharmaceutical and
clinical matters.
Analyse and identify the implications for pharmacy and medicines management and
provide comments on external legislative and regulatory consultative documents
Finance and Resources
The Head of Medicines Management is accountable for a multi-stranded total budget.
This covers a range of different services provided by the Departments and those within
primary care and secondary care including the contractor professions. The overall budget
for Medicines Management exceeds £95 million per annum and is the Health Board’s
largest element of non-pay expenditure.
He/She will hold the budgets for medicines and pharmaceuticals, the medical and surgical
items provided by pharmacy and the pharmacy operations.
June 2015
The post holder will provide Hywel Dda UHB Medicines Management Group with advice
and recommendations on financial planning and resource allocation with respect to
competing demands for medicines expenditure within a finite budget. This requires the
analysis of highly complex factors and evaluating the certainty of predicted expenditure
He/She will ensure that all income due to the pharmacy and medicines budgets is realised.
The post holder will manage and be responsible for the security and appropriate storage of
the stock of medicines and medical & surgical supplies held in pharmacy.
He/She will manage the budget and expenditure for the WG-funded staff within and hosted
by Hywel Dda UHB.
The post holder will advise and make recommendations to the Executive Directors, Clinical
Directors, the Chief Executive, and Directorate Managers on present, projected and
developmental budgetary and expenditure issues concerning medicines and
The post holder will monitor, analyse and interpret highly complex issues on medicines
expenditure and to make recommendations on the certainty or otherwise of future
medicines expenditure, taking into account differing opinion and other compounding
As a member of the Individual Patient Funding Request Panel and the Medicines
Management Group, the post holder will frequently contribute to decisions on the
allocation of financial funding for individual patients and patient groups.
Personal and People Development and People Management
The post holder will be educated to a level where they will possess a Masters Degree in
Pharmacy or hold an equivalent Pharmacy Degree. He/She must be registered with the
General Pharmaceutical Council and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
The post holder will require extensive management experience within the NHS either/or both
a hospital environment and primary care setting. He/She will have delivered theoretical and
practical knowledge across a range of areas in medicines management.
The post holder must be able to provide a Continuous Professional Development portfolio
that provides evidence of research/audit, innovation, growth & development, management
of change and an understanding of strategic health policy issues within pharmacy,
medicines management and a wider health and social care context.
The Head of Medicines Management is managerially accountable for more than 150 staff
within the Hywel Dda UHB Health Community. The post holder is the line manager for the
following departments: the 4 acute based pharmacy pharmacies and the Medicines
Management teams in Primary Care across Hywel Dda UHB
June 2015
The post holder will recruit, select, appoint, appraise and develop the senior pharmacy
He/She will action Hywel Dda UHB’s disciplinary and grievance policies as required.
He/She will interpret and implement Hywel Dda UHBs HR Policies and Procedures.
The post holder will determine the requirement and needs and provide the strategic lead
and direction to enable a comprehensive and systematic approach to the education,
training and development of pharmacy staff and that continuing professional development
is given a priority.
The post holder is responsible for pharmacy and multi-professional medicines
management teaching and training at all levels across the organisation from
undergraduate to postgraduate levels and for non-professional teaching and training. Links
with academia and professional bodies will be established and maintained.
As the Superintendent Pharmacist (as defined by legislation) the post holder will ensure
that pharmacists and other staff meet the mandatory qualification and Continuing
Professional Development requirements of the General Pharmaceutical Council.
The post holder will maintain and develop the performance management system so that all
pharmacy staff have annual appraisals and personal development plans.
He/She will maintain the strategic workforce plan for Medicines Management and adapt
and develop it in response to changing workforce needs, technological, legislative and
other factors.
Information Processing
The post holder will be required to record personally generated information, using a
number of information systems, including CASPA, MEDUSA and the electronic formulary
and other clinical decision support systems.
The post holder will represent the Health Board on All Wales IM&T developments related
to pharmacy and medicines management.
Health, Safety and Security
Act within legislation, policies and procedures relating to information governance.
Attend statutory/mandatory training.
Responsible for the security of the pharmacy departments across the Health Board
ensuring appropriate arrangements are in place to secure storage of drugs and the
security of staff.
Patient/Client Care Responsibilities
June 2015
The post holder will promote, encourage and deliver educational initiatives and services to
patients, the public and other client groups.
Investigating and resolving complaints and complex and sensitive personnel management
problems, including disciplinary investigations and interviews.
Implementing novel and new services to patients and other client groups across the Health
Board including the community care setting.
To provide and develop educational materials for members of the public and other health
The post holder is required to contribute to the evidence base for the practice of pharmacy
and development of medicines management services by leading, co-ordinating and
implementing R&D programmes. Research based innovation and development is a major
job requirement.
The post holder will lead and undertake clinical audit, clinical effectiveness and
governance projects.
He/She also has responsibility to :
Provide the pharmacy and medicines management input to the Health Board’s R&D
Committee, the Health Board Research Review Panel and Ethics Committee as
Undertake research and development in the fields of medicines management, primary
care pharmacy, hospital pharmacy practice and other areas of interest to the post
holder and of benefit to the service (e.g. hospital pharmacy workforce issues, non-
medical prescribing); typically twice a year.
Present research results at workshops, national conferences etc (e.g. Guild of
Healthcare Pharmacists National Conference).
Provide the pharmaceutical approval for clinical trials, involving medicines, undertaken
within the Health Board.
Ensure, enable and undertake audits of medicines management processes and
pharmacy services. The audits will usually be complex and specific to a large-scale
development or significant problem.
Equality and Diversity
Actively promotes equality of opportunity and diversity in own area of responsibility. It is
intended to go beyond compliance with equality legislation and move towards a situation
where there is awareness in your area of and active commitment to the need to ensure
equality of opportunity and the benefits of diversity.
June 2015
Effort and Environmental
The post holder will be required to have developed keyboard skills and be able to use IT
and Pharmacy equipment.
Dispensing will require accuracy, dexterity and involve the manipulation of equipment where
tolerances are very small.
The post holder will be required to drive between various locations within the Health Board
large geographical area.
Dispensing will require accuracy, dexterity and involve the manipulation of equipment where
tolerances are very small.
The post holder will be required to concentrate intensely for long periods in a variety of
situations, analysing varied and complex data and information, both clinical and
managerial eg. board, committee and other meetings, interpreting prescribing data, writing
reports, developing and implementing policy documents and working under pressure and
to tight deadlines.
The workload is frequently subject to interruptions and the need to respond to changing,
and sometimes conflicting priorities, often at very short notice within the working day.
Requests for formal and informal advice are frequent and may be complex from a number
of different perspectives (e.g. clinical, scientific, technical, legal, ethical or
Maintaining intense concentration and making judgements connected with handling patient
complaints, dealing with critical incidents and discussing unwelcome/contentious issues
with staff and patients (e.g. related to pay and conditions of service, complaints,
grievances or disputes/incidents between staff, capability and disciplinary issues) and
contractors (e.g. prescribing budgets, required service developments or changes in
practice) are a frequent occurrence of the role arising on a daily basis.
There is frequent exposure to circumstances concerning funding decisions of medicines
for patients who have severe life-limiting illnesses.
There is prolonged use of VDU equipment on most days.
June 2015
** For Managers only:
The post holder will be expected to adhere to the standards laid down in the NHS Code of
Conduct for Managers and at all times act in a manner that reflects and promotes the values
of the HB.
The post holder must ensure all activity and service objectives are effectively met in
compliance with HBs standing orders and SFIs, scheme of delegated authority and
employment legislation.
** For Registered Health Professionals only:
All staff who are members of a regulatory body must comply with standards of professional
practice/conduct. It is the postholders responsibility to ensure they are both familiar with
and adhere to these requirements.
** For Healthcare Support Workers only:
All healthcare support workers should be familiar with and must comply with the Code of
Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers in Wales.
The post holder is required to participate in the Hywel Dda PDR process and work towards
meeting identified development needs.
The postholder is required to demonstrate on-going continuous professional development.
At no time should the postholder work outside their defined level of competence. If the
postholder has concerns regarding this they should immediately discuss this with their
Manager/Supervisor/Consultant. The postholder has the responsibility to inform those
supervising their duties if they are not competent to perform a duty.
The post holder is required to actively participate in Hywel Dda Team Briefing in order to aid
communication within the Health Board.
Managers and supervisors will regularly deliver the Team Brief verbally to their own staff
teams by means of a Core Brief and additional departmental information.
The postholder has a responsibility to themselves and others in relation to managing risk,
health and safety and will be required to work within the policies and procedures laid down
by the Hywel Dda. All staff have a responsibility to access occupational health, other staff
support services and/or any relevant others in times of need and advice.
The postholder has the responsibility for monitoring the progress on action plans in relation
to risk, health and safety.
June 2015
The postholder has the responsibility for the development of risk profiles and a risk register
within their area of responsibility.
The postholder has the responsibility for developing systems to monitor performance against
agreed performance indicators.
The HB condemns all forms of harassment and bullying and is actively seeking to promote
a workplace where employees are treated with dignity, respect and without bias. All staff is
requested to report any form of harassment and bullying to their line manager or to any
Director of the HB.
The postholder has the responsibility for timely and accurate record keeping and where
appropriate in accordance with professional guidelines.
The postholder has the responsibility for the creation and maintenance of records in
accordance with Hywel Dda policy and the data protection act.
The developing and rapidly changing nature of the organisation will require considerable
flexibility from the post holder. This job description indicates the main functions and
responsibilities for the post and is not intended to be a fully inclusive list and the duties and
responsibilities specified in this job description are subject to change as the needs of the HB
evolve. On agreement with the post holder, this job description will be amended, as
necessary, in the event of future organisational and professional changes and/or personal
All staff may have access to confidential information about patients, staff or health service
business. On no account must such information be divulged to anyone who is not authorised
to receive it. Confidentiality of information must be preserved at all times whether at or away
from work. Any breach of such confidentiality is considered a serious disciplinary offence,
which is liable to dismissal and /or prosecution under current statutory legislation (Data
Protection Act) and the HB Disciplinary Policy.
It is the aim of the Hywel Dda HB to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less
favourable treatment on grounds of gender, religion, race, colour, sexual orientation,
nationality, ethnic or national origins or is placed at a disadvantage by conditions or
requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable. To this end, the HB has an Equal
Opportunities Policy and it is for each employee to contribute to its success.
Any other work or outside interests must not conflict with the duties and responsibilities of
your attendance for work as an employee of the HB.
June 2015
The Hywel Dda Health Board is committed to its environmental responsibilities. The Board
recognizes that its activities, including energy consumption, waste generation,
transportation emissions, water use and resource consumption, have a significant impact
on the environment. As an integral part of its commitment to ensure high quality patient
care, all staff have a responsibility to adhere to environmental policy and procedure at both
an organisational level and within their own area of work to ensure legal compliance. Staff
will do their utmost to minimize the environmental impacts of Health Board activities and
services, and seek to continually improve operations to minimize their environmental effects.
Staff should take note of relevant communications and attend mandatory training when
All Health Board sites and premises and grounds are designated as smoke free areas.
This policy applies to all staff, contractors/service providers, patients*, visitors and the
*Those patients staying in residential mental health units will be exempt under the
Smoke-Free Premises (etc) Wales Regulations 2007.
Every employee of the Health Board, whatever their job, role, profession, status or place of
work, paid or voluntary, has a responsibility for Safeguarding both adults and children. Staff
• Understand the nature of abuse and how children and adults might be at risk of harm
and neglect.
• Understand their own safeguarding responsibilities and what actions they may need
to take.
• Know where they can access local policies and procedures in relation to
Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults.
• Report allegations or suspicions of abuse to their line manager, including suspicions
about a colleague or manager, irrespective of their status, profession or authority.
This includes whistle-blowing
• Know how to make a Safeguarding referral to Social Services and/or the Police for
both adults and children to report allegations or if they have concerns.
• Know what services, advice and support are available locally to vulnerable children
and adults and how to access help needed.
"The document
Commitment to Purpose: Eliminating Preventable Healthcare Associated
Infection: A Framework of actions for healthcare organisations in Wales stipulates that all
staff must understand their responsibility and accountability for Infection Prevention &
Control and the Health Board must be assured of this on an ongoing basis".
IP&C is the personal and individual responsibility of all Health Board staff. All staff have a
responsibility to protect and safeguard patients, service users, visitors and employees
against the risk of acquiring healthcare associated infections.
June 2015
This responsibility includes being aware of the content of and consistently observing,
Health Board Infection Prevention & Control Policies and procedures; and best practice
guidance in order to maintain high standards of Infection Prevention & control.
The postholder needs to ensure they are familiar with their terms and conditions of service,
The knowledge to be measured is the minimum needed to carry out the full duties of the job to the
required standards. Qualifications should be used to provide an indicator of the level of knowledge
required. Training and experience is also a means of acquiring the knowledge required for a job
such as on-the-job training, short courses and experience to an equivalent level of knowledge
which should be specified.
Indicative qualifications are given in the guidance notes of the Job Evaluation Handbook 3rd edition.
This does not mean that there is a requirement to hold any particular qualification for a job to be
scored at the level in question, but that the knowledge required must be of an equivalent level to
the stipulated qualification and this knowledge can be demonstrated.
NOTE: Please do not use the number of years experience as this is potentially discriminatory and
these will be returned. It is essential that managers concentrate on the sorts of skills and qualities
needed to fulfill the duties of the post.
Masters degree in
Application form
and Knowledge
Pharmacy (or equivalent
Member of the Royal
Pharmaceutical Society
Evidence of commitment to
Continuing Professional
Postgraduate Clinical or
Technical Pharmacy
qualification – or
demonstrable equivalent
Postgraduate management
qualification relevant to the
NHS – or demonstrable
equivalent experience.
June 2015
A minimum of 5 years at a
Application form
senior management level
Experience of a
and interview.
within NHS (hospital,
primary care or community) role
pharmacy services
Evidence of
Expert knowledge of and
experience in implementing
strategies and plans for the
delivery of services and
policy directives
Evidence of leading and
effectively managing
complex organisational
Proven experience of
project and programme
management capability
A proven track record of
dealing with highly
complicated situations and
the delivery of challenging
corporate objectives.
Evidence of working within
a highly complex and
politically sensitive
Evidence of successfully
influencing senior
management and other
Advanced experience of
financial and human
resource management
Experience of working with
clinicians to deliver
challenging cost reduction
programmes whilst
maintaining service quality.
Aptitude and
High level of personal
Welsh Speaker
June 2015
Self-motivated, innovative
and proactive
Good team player with well
developed interpersonal
Flexible and adaptable
Able to plan and prioritise
workload in order to meet
deadlines and deal
effectively with conflicting
Committed to developing
self and team members
Enthusiastic, proactive and
Politically astute and high
level of intuition
Show resilience, stamina
and reliability under
sustained pressure
Full, clean driving license
Ability to travel across
Application form
Wales for professional
and interview
meetings as appropriate
June 2015