Bòrd SSN nan Eilean Siar
37 South Beach
Western Isles NHS Board
Western Isles HS1 2BB
Telephone 01851 702997
Public Health & Health Strategy Division
Fax 01851 704405
Private & Confidential
Your Ref:
Our Ref:
FOI Req 5428
M Spring
Enquiries to: Information Governance Manager
Extension: 3031
Direct Line: 01851 708031
Dear Sirs,
Request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
Further to your recent enquiry under the Freedom of Information Act, received on 13 July 2021
please find our response below. In your request you asked for the following information:
I would like to request the product names (brand and generic where applicable) with start
and finish dates of all your rebates and please distinguish which rebates are aligned to
PrescQIPP and which are Independent.
I would also like to request the process of how you review and evaluate the rebates
presented to you.
The list of current Primary Care Rebate Schemes in Scotland is attached. Scotland has its
own rebate process, separate to PrescQIPP so all Primary Care Rebate Schemes are
independent of PrescQIPP. Primary care rebates are also a standard feature of NHS
Scotland Patient Access Schemes which are agreed at the point of product market entry,
regardless of whether the medicine will in practice be supplied in primary care. A list of
medicines with Patient Access Schemes can be found on the Scottish Medicines
Consortium website:
If you are dissatisfied with the way NHS Western Isles has dealt with your request, you have a right
to request a review of our actions and decisions in relation to your request within 40 working days
and we will respond within 20 working days of its receipt. For this review you should write to
Information Governance Manager, NHS Western Isles, 37 South Beach, Stornoway Isle of Lewis,
HS1 2BB stating clearly why you wish a review to be carried out.
If, following the outcome of a request for review, you are still dissatisfied you have the right to
make an application for a decision by the Scottish Information Commissioner under section 47(1)
of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 within 6 months of receiving the response to
review letter. The Commissioner can be contacted at Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St
Andrews, Fife, KY16 9DS or by telephone on 01334 464610 or via the website
Oifisean Bòrd na Slàinte
37 Mol a Deas, Steòrnabhagh, Eileanan Siar, HS1 2BB
37 South Beach, Stornoway, Western Isles, HS1 2BB
G. NicCannon
Gillian McCannon
Ceannard an Gnìomh:
G. MacSheumais
Chief Executive:
Gordon Jamieson
Western Isles NHS Board is the common name of Western Isles Health Board
“The best at what we do”
NHS Western Isles will work actively with patients, the public and our partners to improve our community's health and wellbeing, to tackle
inequalities, and to deliver high quality, reliable clinical services.
If you have any further queries regarding this response please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Carol Macdonald
Information Governance Manager
Oifisean Bòrd na Slàinte
37 Mol a Deas, Steòrnabhagh, Eileanan Siar, HS1 2BB
37 South Beach, Stornoway, Western Isles, HS1 2BB
G. NicCannon
Gillian McCannon
Ceannard an Gnìomh:
G. MacSheumais
Chief Executive:
Gordon Jamieson
Western Isles NHS Board is the common name of Western Isles Health Board
“The best at what we do”
NHS Western Isles will work actively with patients, the public and our partners to improve our community's health and wellbeing, to tackle
inequalities, and to deliver high quality, reliable clinical services.