Peter Gold complaint

The request was partially successful.

Dear Tower Hamlets Borough Council,

With reference to the following article Can you answer the follwoing questions.

Who is Clir Golds refering to when he said she?
Who authorised the complaint to be investigated against him?
Why did Tower Hamlets take a complaint that had no grounds?
How much taxpayers money was involved?
Who was the lawyer involved in bringing the case?
Is the council going to apoligise to Clir Golds for this or not?

Yours faithfully,

Abdul Hai

Joytun Akther, Tower Hamlets Borough Council

Dear Sir/Madam




Thank you for your email.


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Please note that some information you have requested may not be provided
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most cases the reasons will be explained to you along with your copy of
any information that can be released to you.


Yours faithfully,


Joytun Akther

Complaints & Information Officer

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Town Hall

6^th Floor, Mulberry Place, Clove Crescent

London E14 2BG

Tel  020 7364 2241

[1][email address]



From: Abdul Hai [mailto:[FOI #150089 email]]
Sent: 16 February 2013 20:39
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Peter Gold complaint


     Dear Tower Hamlets Borough Council,


     With reference to the following article


     Can you answer the follwoing questions.


     Who is Clir Golds refering to when he said she?

     Who authorised the complaint to be investigated against him?

     Why did Tower Hamlets take a complaint that had no grounds?

     How much taxpayers money was involved?

     Who was the lawyer involved in bringing the case?

     Is the council going to apoligise to Clir Golds for this or not?


     Yours faithfully,


     Abdul Hai


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Jane L Jones, Tower Hamlets Borough Council




Dear Sir/Madam




Your request for information has been considered under the requirements of
the Freedom of Information Act and the information can be found at.


[1]IGT_SFOI_02_7973 Peter Golds Complaint



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might like to know that the Council’s website [4]
contains a section on the Freedom of Information Act that lists other
publications readily available from the Council under its Publication


Yours faithfully





Jane Jones

Information Governance Administrative Officer

Legal Services

6th Floor

Mulberry Place

London E14 2BG

0207 364 4736

[5][email address]


Most of the information we provide in response to Freedom of Information
Act 2000 request will be subject to copyright protection. In most cases
the copyright will be owned by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The
copyright in other information may be owned by another person or
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You are free to use any information supplied for your own use, including
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For information where the copyright is owned by the London Borough of
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For information where the copyright is owned by another person or
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If you unhappy with this response or wish to complain about any aspect of
the handling of this request please write to:


Corporate Complaints Unit

Tower Hamlets Town Hall

Mulberry Place

5 Clove Crescent

London E14 2BG


If you are subsequently not satisfied with the Council’s response to your
complaint you have a right of appeal to the independent Information
Commissioner at:


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane


Cheshire SK9 5AF

Telephone: 01625 545 700



Further information about the operation of the act is available from the
council’s website [8] and the information leaflet
in public reception areas in Council buildings.







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Ben Harris left an annotation ()

The reply to this request seems to be at

The substantive part reads:

“1. There is no reference to the word ‘she’ made by Cllr. Golds in the article contained in the link provided with your email requesting information.

“2. The Assessment Sub-Committee of the former statutory Standards Committee decided to refer the complaint for investigation.

“3. The Assessment Sub-Committee did not consider the complaint to be groundless.

“4. The investigation was carried out by an independent investigator at a cost of £8199 (inclusive of VAT).

“5. The decision to refer the complaint for investigation was made by the Assessment Sub-Committee of the former statutory Standards Committee.

“6. The outcome of the independent investigation is yet to be determined.”

Ben Harris, WhatDoTheyKnow volunteer.