We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jamie Dixon please sign in and let everyone know.

Pest control statistics

Jamie Dixon made this Freedom of Information request to Luton Borough Council as part of a batch sent to 68 authorities Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Jamie Dixon to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Luton Borough Council,

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request data regarding pests and pest control in England.

Please answer the following questions for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023.

Do you offer a pest control service to the public, and if so, is the service delivered in-house by the Council or contracted out to a 3rd party? Y=Yes, N=No, C=Contract out

Do you charge for your pest control service? (Y=Yes, N=No, X=we charge for some services)

How many initial reactive domestic service requests involving the following species, did the council deploy one or more technicians for each fiscal year between 1st April and 31st March?
Other rodents (e.g. foxes/squirrels/rabbits/etc.)
Other insects (e.g. fleas/bees/mites/etc.)

Are you intending to continue providing pest control services to your community for the next 12-month period? (Y=Yes, N=No, DK=Don’t Know)

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours faithfully,

Jamie Dixon

LBC Freedom of Information, Luton Borough Council

Thank you for contacting Luton Council’s Freedom of Information team. We confirm receipt of your request and will contact you in due course.

If you are contacting us about a request you have already made, please ensure you have included the reference number, and please email again if you have not included this.

Note, this email address is for Freedom of Information requests only. If your email is for anything else, we will not be able to assist so please re-direct your request accordingly. You can see our website at www.luton.gov.uk<http://www.luton.gov.uk/>.

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Website: www.luton.gov.uk

Luton Council - Feedback,

Reference: LU14104
Dear Jaime Dixon (request-1101261-9da59135)

Your Environmental Information Regulations Request - Acknowledgement. 

Thank you for your request for information. We are treating this as a
request under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

The legislation allows us 20 working days to respond to your request. This
is 09/04/2024. If we require any clarification from you in relation to
your request, we will contact you further.  

Should you have any queries or concerns about how your request is being
handled, please do not hesitate to contact us, quoting the above
reference, by emailing us at [Luton Borough Council request email] or writing to us at the
above address.

Yours sincerely

Sarah Cave 
Complaints and Information Compliance Team
IMPORTANT: Luton Borough Council routinely monitors the content of e-mail
sent and received by its e-mail systems, to ensure compliance with its
policies and procedures. Messages that breach policy or pose a threat may
be quarantined or deleted. Scanning of this message and addition of this
footer is performed by MailMarshal Secure Email Gateway in conjunction
with virus detection software. The Council is not responsible for any
changes made to the message after it has been sent. This message is
intended only for the addressee. Any unauthorised copying or distribution
may be unlawful. If you have received this email in error please notify
the originator of the message and then delete this message from your

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Before printing, please think about the ENVIRONMENT! 


Luton Council - Feedback - David Porter,

Good Afternoon

Please find responses below.

Please note; I am still waiting on reports for 2021/22 and ‘other rodents’
and will get them to you as soon as I receive the figures. I am sorry for
the delay

Do you offer a pest control service to the public, and if so, is the
service delivered in-house by the Council or contracted out to a 3rd
party? Y=Yes, N=No, C=Contract out       YES

Do you charge for your pest control service? (Y=Yes, N=No, X=we charge for
some services)   X we charge for some services

How many initial reactive domestic service requests involving the
following species, did the council deploy one or more technicians for each
fiscal year between 1st April and 31st March?

Other rodents (e.g. foxes/squirrels/rabbits/etc.) Wasps Bedbugs Ants
Cockroaches Other insects (e.g. fleas/bees/mites/etc.) Birds

Category Count
P01  820
P02  480

Are you intending to continue providing pest control services to your
community for the next 12-month period? (Y=Yes, N=No, DK=Don’t Know) YES

Best regards

David Porter
Pest Control & Dog Warden Manager


Luton Council - Feedback - David Porter,

Good morning Jamie

Please see the remaining info you requested.
I apologise for the delay in getting this to you. 

Best regards

David Porter
Pest Control & Dog Warden Manager
Luton Council

Category 2021/22 2022/23 Grand Total
P01  Rats 972 838 1810
P02  Mice 552 524 1076
P03  Bedbugs 67 84 151
P04  Fleas 17 17 34
P05  Garden Ants 3 3 6
P06  Wasps 86 97 183
P07  Other Crawling 3 1 4
P08  Flying Insects 4 1 5
P09  Birds 1 8 9
P10  Pharoah's Ants 2 6 8
P11  Cockroaches 69 86 155
P13  Other Mammals 4 4 8
P14  Other animals 2 1 3
P15  Pest on public land 16 15 31
P87  Pigeons 12 7 19
P88  Rodents 1 0 1
P89  Insects 0 1 1
P90  Other Pests 41 51 92
P91  Service Contract 2 4 6
P92  Pest Identification 39 33 72
P99  Educational Visits 0 1 1
Grand Total 1893 1782 3675



We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jamie Dixon please sign in and let everyone know.