Requests similar to 'Persons held in asylum accommodation'

Dear Mark,   Please see the attached response to your FOI request.   Kind regards   Learning Lessons team Reference number,Date Received,...
Dear Mark Leech,   Please find attached our response to your freedom of information request.   Kind regards, Ella   Ella Forder Researc...
Dear Mr Leech,   Please find  attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards, Ella   Ella Forder Research...
Dear Dr Karen McCullagh,   Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards, Ella   Ella...
Dear Mr Leech,   Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards, Ella Forder   Ella For...
Malicious email volume

Information not held

Dear Rebecca Moody,   Please find attached our response to your recent freedom of information request.   Kind regards, Ella   Ella Forde...
Dear Robert Jones,   Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards, Ella   Ella Forder...
Dear Mr Salisbury,   Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request and corresponding documents.   Kind Regar...
Dear Mark Leech,   Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards, Ella   Ella Forder...
Dear Ms Paish   Please see attached further documentation regarding your Freedom of Information request.   Best Wishes   FOI Office Info...
Good Morning Mr Davies Thank you for your email. I have been advised of the following information. The Local Safeguarding Children's Board (LSCB) is...
Dear Mr Injustice Thank you for contacting Buckinghamshire County Council. This email is to acknowledge receipt of your request and to ask please for...
Dear Mr Kalia   I would like to apologise for the delay in responding to your Freedom of Information requests, please find attached the response t...
Library Catalogue
Response by Ministry of Justice to John Cross on .


Dear Mr Cross Find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Data Access and Compliance Unit. <<FOI 696...
Guidance links
Response by Home Office to CA Purkis on .


  Dear CA Purkis,   I am sorry to hear that the link we included in our response to your request, did not work.  Please find attached the link a...
Dear Ms Walton, Freedom of Information Act 2000 I refer to your request for information dated 15^th December 2010. In accordance with the pr...
Dear Mark Leech,   Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards,   Ella     ═════...
FOI Request
Response by Bedford Borough Council to Dave Schneider on .

Partially successful

Dear Dave Schneider, Please see attached response regarding FOI 1584. Regards Tara Egan Freedom of Information/Data Protection Act Office...
Guidance to court staff
Response by HM Courts and Tribunals Service to Steve Elibank on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Elibank,   Please find herewith our reply to your request for an internal review of the Freedom of Information response in respect of the Cr...
Community Resolutions
Response by West Midlands Police to Mat on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Smith FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 Your request for information, received 15 May 2011 and subsequently clarified has now been consi...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Department for Transport to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr Farnet Please find attached my response to your FoI request, with supporting documents. Yours sincerely Lara Lara Bolch Information Rights...
Regarding Complaint handling policy
Response by UK Border Agency to Amrit on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Singh Please find attached a response to your request dated 26 March 2010 Many thanks Sharon Pearce Performance and Assurance Uni...
Dear Robert, Thank you for your requests. Please find our response to both attached, along with your first request. Kind Regards, Allena Reed Alle...
Dear Mr Leech, Please find attached our response to your request. Kind regards, Learning Lessons team Surname,Establishment,Date of Death,Anon repo...
Violence Data for HMP Lincoln
Response by Ministry of Justice to Lesley Laver on .


Dear Ms Laver, Please find attached a reply to your request of 14 April under the Freedom of Information Act. I am sorry for the delay in replying...