Personal statement

London School of Economics did not have the information requested.

Dear London School of Economics,

It would be very much appreciated if you could provide information relating to criteria and scoring templates for the personal statement selection criteria for the course Economics in the last admissions process.

Yours faithfully,

Ricky Chang

ARD Systems, London School of Economics

Your call has been logged

Dear Ricky,
Thank you for contacting the Data Management Unit.
This message is confirmation that your request was logged in DMU on Jul 19
2014 9:52AM.
Should you need to contact the helpdesk regarding this matter, please
remember to quote your call reference number, which is: 29871.
The subject of your call is:
Freedom of Information request - Personal statement
If this description is inaccurate or you can provide any more information
that would help us to resolve this request, please reply to this email
quoting your call reference number 29871.

Remember to quote your call reference number 29871 in any correspondence,
as this will assist us in providing you with a quick response.

Many thanks,

Data Management Unit
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London School of Economics

Dear Ricky,


I have contacted colleagues in  Admissions  regarding your request. Their
response to your request was:


The School doesn’t apply scoring templates to personal statements. The
guidance on what should be in a personal statement is publically available


If you think that the information provided does not meet your request,
contact me on 020 7849 4622 or write to Kevin Haynes, Head of Legal and
Compliance,  Planning and Corporate Policy Division, London School of
Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE. We
will then review the response to your request and get back to you within
20 working days. You can also contact the Information Commissioner's
Office [2], though they expect the internal review
to be carried out before receiving a complaint directly.


The provision of information by the LSE under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 does not imply a right to copy, reproduce publish or otherwise
use such information.


Copying or reproducing such information in any way either in whole or in
part without prior written consent may be an infringement of copyright or
other intellectual property right belonging to the LSE or a third party.


Yours sincerely,

Rachael Maguire

Records Manager

London School of Economics and Political Science


From: Data-Management
Sent: 21 July 2014 10:33
To: Maguire,RE
Subject: <.FW.>'LSE=029-871' Freedom of Information request - Personal


Hi Rachel,


We received this FOI request over the weekend. It's not really something
we can answer, so should probably go to the Undergraduate Admissions
office. Would you like me to forward it on to them?




Data Management Unit


Interaction - {029-871}


Interaction History


E-mail received from Contact Ricky Chang on July 19 2014, 09:52 AM


From:  Ricky Chang
([3][FOI #220771 email])
To:  FOI requests at LSE ([4][LSE request email])
Date:  Saturday, July 19, 2014 09:44 AM
Subject:  Freedom of Information request - Personal statement


Dear London School of Economics,


It would be very much appreciated if you could provide information
relating to criteria and scoring templates for the personal statement
selection criteria for the course Economics in the last admissions


Yours faithfully,


Ricky Chang




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[5][FOI #220771 email]


Is [6][LSE request email] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to London School of Economics? If so, please contact
us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.






E-Mail Response to Contact Ricky Chang by Rule(Call Logged) on July 19
2014, 09:54 AM


From:  ARD Systems ([9][email address])
To:  Ricky Chang
([10][FOI #220771 email])
Date:  Saturday, July 19, 2014 09:54 AM
Subject:  RE:'LSE=029-871' Freedom of Information request -
Personal statement


Your call has been logged

Dear Ricky,


Thank you for contacting the Data Management Unit.


This message is confirmation that your request was logged in DMU on Jul 19
2014 9:52AM.


Should you need to contact the helpdesk regarding this matter, please
remember to quote your call reference number, which is: 29871.


The subject of your call is:


Freedom of Information request - Personal statement


If this description is inaccurate or you can provide any more information
that would help us to resolve this request, please reply to this email
quoting your call reference number 29871.

Remember to quote your call reference number 29871 in any correspondence,
as this will assist us in providing you with a quick response.

Many thanks,

Data Management Unit
Quick Links

·         Data Management Unit ·         [12]SITS
·         Tower 2, 7th Floor
·         [13]Password
·         Houghton Street Reset

·         London WC2A 2AR ·         [14]SITS
·         Tel. +44 (0) 20 7955 6290
·         [15]Request
·         [11] access

·         [16]Reports


Assigned to Andy N Kaufman by Andy N Kaufman on July 21 2014, 10:24 AM




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10. mailto:[FOI #220771 email]