Personal Information

The request was partially successful.

Dear Disclosure and Barring Service,

Me and my associates are aware that Disclosure and Barring Service are managed/owned by TATA consultancy services and this raises questions.

1] As you are managed/owned by TATA, how is it possible that FOI requests to a none owned public body can receive FOI requests ?

2] How can TATA guarantee that personal information is not sold as TATA is not a British Company ?

3] Why do people applying for DBS checks not know of the corporate police officers name when you require personal information from a corporate police force ?

4] By who's authority are you authorised to be judge and jury on who is eligible to work with vulnerable people ?

5] UK police and Army cannot employ migrant workers for a number of years, why is the Disclosure and Barring Service checks different for employment with vulnerable people ?

Kind regards,

peter danby and associates

Peter Danby left an annotation ()

It's good to know that at last some common sense is coming into the system of criminal records that are spent, people with minor convictions should not be persecuted for life ! >>>

Peter Danby left an annotation ()

Dear Disclosure and Barring Service,

Are you going to reply in the designated time allocated to public bodies (not that you are a public body) to this FOI request ?

Kind regards,

peter danby and associates.

DBS FOI, Disclosure and Barring Service

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Danby


Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request
sent to the DBS.


Kind regards


Elise White

DBS Freedom of Information Manager

show quoted sections

Dear Elise White,

As the Disclosure and Barring Service application form is a contract with the applicant, full disclosure is required as to who is the chief constable is providing the information for the application form to be lawful, i require this information as to who is the chief officer for providing this information is from West Mercia Police Constabulary typed up to me in this FOI request, not a link.

Are you aware of this ruling ?

I require a internal review of this FOI request to get full disclosure.

The UK police are in partnership with lots of businesses, but that does not constitute them being public authorities, why have you made an anology of question one ?

Kind regards,

peter danby and associates.

Dave left an annotation ()

Dear Peter danby and associates
I work in the Industry and happened upon your request while looking through this website. (But not in government or for the DBS or TATA/TCS)

To be honest you are not going to get the answers that you want to these queries, the process is for more complex and involved, I have tried to provide some clarification which I hope will help, which is from my knowledge of the industry.

1/ TATA constancy are UK company, they are registered with companies house, (you can look this up yourself online). Their parent company is in India, just like SONY UK or any other multinational, but they are registered in the UK, they have to be.

2/ It would be a criminal offence to sell on your information and I therefore think it is highly unlikely that this would ever happen and very security measures are in place to protect your data. The DBS procedures are in line with ISO 27001 security standards, which is an internationally recognised standard.

3/ TATA support the DBS, they don’t run them or own them, they provide service like IT and mange network and phone systems. The senior staff at the DBS are not TATA employees. This means that if they want new systems developed, that they pay TATA for their consultancy and development.

4/ DBS don’t make the decision, it’s down to the employer to look at the information and make a recruitment decision. However if the individual has been bared by the Police and Courts from working with children or the vulnerable then they notify the Police and employer of this. The high court story you are referring to fails to mention the detail, for example the fact that actually the government, Police and DBS have reviewed in excess of 100,000 offences and every time the Police disclose information they have to fill out a very large document looking at the applicants rights etc.

5/ You are asking for a comparison between Right to work and the freedom for an individual to work anywhere with the EU and something that is done for national security. I don’t think this is something that DBS could answer, I think you would need to speak with European parliament amongst others on that one.

6/ You mentioned who information is disclosed to, well the Police is made up of hundreds of department divisions from the Transport Police, to regional constabularies, army and navy Police or the queens horse guard. Therefore the journey can be different for every DBS application, I am sure that if an particular applicant wants to know about where there specific information has been the DBS would share this with the applicant directly.

I hope this helps, I would recommend reading some of the literature available on the .GOV.UK
website to better understand the process.


Peter Danby left an annotation ()

Dave, my research regarding DBS/CRB was checked years ago and it was found that CRB in the day was breaking the Human Rights Act, plus the application form is a contract, no mention on the application about once the form is signed you loose your right to Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, full disclosure should be made to applicants applying for a enhanced DBS check. You might like to look at this link >>> The Uk has endemic corruption going on and in my opinion DBS/CRB is a money making scam.......

DBS FOI, Disclosure and Barring Service

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Danby

Please find attached our response in relation to the Internal Review you have raised on FOI reference 1533.

Kind regards

Kat Bunting
Senior Operational Policy Manager

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