Personal Budgets Information System

The request was successful.

Dear Common Council of the City of London,

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act I would like to make a Freedom of Information Request for the following:

1. Name, Email address and contact number for:

Director responsible for Implementing the Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Assistant Director responsible for Implementing the Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Head of Service responsible for Implementing the Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Programme Manager responsible for Implementing the Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Project Manager responsible for Implementing the Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Project Manager responsible for Procuring any information system for enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or manage their personal budget online?

2. Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Project or Programme Initiation document for your Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

3. Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Business Requirements document for any Information Systems that you have identified are needed for implementing your Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

4. Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Pre Qualification Questionnaire document for any Information Systems that you have identified are needed for implementing your Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

4. Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Invitation to quote or Invitation to tender document for any Information Systems that you have identified are needed for implementing your Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

5. If you have procured an information system for enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system?

6. If you have not procured an information system for enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system do you intend to procure such a system?

7. If you have not procured an information system for enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system what date do you expect to buy such a systems?

8. If you have not procured an information system for enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system do you expect to advertise the opportunity to quote and/or tender on a website? If yes which website will advertise this opportunity?

Yours faithfully,

simon masterson

COL - EB - Information Officer, City of London Corporation

Dear Mr Masterman,


The City of London (CoL) acknowledges receipt of your request for
information of 8 September 2010. Public authorities are required to
respond to requests within the statutory timescale of 20 working days
beginning from the first working day after they receive a request. The Act
does not always require public authorities to disclose the information
which they hold.

The FOIA applies to the CoL as a local authority, police authority and
port health authority. The CoL is the local and police authority for the
"Square Mile", ie the historic City of London, and not for London as a
whole. Please see the following link to a map on the CoL's website, which
shows the area covered:

The CoL's port health authority functions extend beyond the City boundary.
For further information please see:

Yours sincerely,

Information Officer
City of London
Tel: 020-7332 1209

show quoted sections

COL - EB - Information Officer, City of London Corporation

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Masterson,


Following receipt of your request for information on 9 September 2010, and
our acknowledgement of the same date, the City of London (CoL) responds as

Please note that the City (the "Square Mile") has a resident population of
only about 8,000 people

1. Name, Email address and contact number for:

Director responsible for implementing the Putting People First
Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known
as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Joy Hollister - Director of Community & Children's Services, City of
London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ
E: [email address]
T: 020 7606 3030

Assistant Director responsible for Implementing the Putting People First
Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known
as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

This post does not exist. The Head of Adult Social Care would be
responsible for this.

Head of Service responsible for Implementing the Putting People First
Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known
as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Julian Wakefield - Interim, Head of Adult Social Care (address as above)
E: [email address]
T: 020 7606 3030

Programme Manager responsible for Implementing the Putting People First
Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known
as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Julian Wakefield - details as before

Project Manager responsible for Implementing the Putting People First
Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known
as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Julian Wakefield - details as before

Project Manager responsible for Procuring any information system for
enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or
Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out
information online and/or manage their personal budget online?

Fay Sutton - Systems Development Manager (address as above)
E: [email address]
T: 020 7606 3030
Keith Manaton - Commissioning Manager (address as above)
E: [email address]
T: 020 7606 3030

2. Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Project or Programme
Initiation document for your Putting People First Transforming Adult
Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People
First and/or Choice and Control?

Please see the attached Committee Report & Transformation document which
should provide information for questions 2 & 3.

<<Doc 1.pdf>> <<Doc 2.pdf>>
3. Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Business Requirements
document for any Information Systems that you have identified are needed
for implementing your Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care
Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or
Choice and Control?

We are updating our SWIFT system which will be compatible with putting
people first.

4. Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Pre Qualification
Questionnaire document for any Information Systems that you have
identified are needed for implementing your Putting People First
Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known
as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?This will be available
at the end of the year.

4. Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Invitation to quote or
Invitation to tender document for any Information Systems that you have
identified are needed for implementing your Putting People First
Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known
as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?We are currently looking
to procure a new system. A bid report has been agreed by Committee and we
are due to have completed an evaluation report by the year end.

<<Doc 3.pdf>>
5. If you have procured an information system for enabling Personal
budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget
Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or
manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system?

We do not have this system.

6. If you have not procured an information system for enabling Personal
budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget
Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or
manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system do you
intend to procure such a system?

We are currently looking to procure a new system.

7. If you have not procured an information system for enabling Personal
budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget
Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or
manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system what
date do you expect to buy such a systems?

Please see bid report.

8. If you have not procured an information system for enabling Personal
budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget
Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or
manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system do you
expect to advertise the opportunity to quote and/or tender on a website?
If yes which website will advertise this opportunity?

As above, we are not planning to manage IB on line instead we have a
contract with an organisation called Pendrils which provides person to
person advice information and support. We are unsure what our future plans
are at the moment. An options appraisal is being done and we do not know
if we are planning to tender or not.

We hope that this assists.

If you wish to make a complaint about the way the CoL has handled your
enquiry, please make your complaint in writing to email address:
[email address]. For a link to the CoL's FOI complaints
procedure, please visit the following page:
[1], at the end of which is located the
FOI complaints procedure. If, having used the CoL's FOI Complaints
Procedure, you are still dissatisfied, you may request the Information
Commissioner to investigate. Please contact: Information Commissioner,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Telephone:
(01625) 545700. Website: [2]

Please note that the Act applies to the City of London only as a local
authority, police authority and port health authority.

The CoL holds the copyright in this communication and the attachments. The
supply of these does not give a right to re-use in a way that would
infringe that copyright, for example, by making copies, publishing and
issuing copies to the public or to any other person. Brief extracts of any
of the material may be reproduced under the fair dealing provisions of the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (sections 29 and 30) for the
purposes of research for non-commercial purposes, private study,
criticism, review and news reporting, subject to an acknowledgement of the
copyright owner.

Yours sincerely

Department of Community & Children's Services
City of London

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