Personal budget spending
Dear Northamptonshire County Council,
I have narrowed down my request to come within cost limits
Please send details of what personal budgets are spent on,
for example
"After thinking long and hard about what would reduce my isolation and get me out of myself, I met with my care worker and we discussed my thoughts that my needs could be met by having a dog. ‘After a meeting with the direct payment team, and receiving a direct payment, I bought my dog."
From a random sample
e.g. the last 200 personal budgets approved
as many personal budgets approved, that can be met in the costs limits
Please detail the spending
eg PB1
Bounds Taxi £30
RSPCA Dog £500
Yours faithfully,
Linda saunders
Dear Ms Saunders
Your original request referenced FR8203 received a response on 18^th May
and I have set out below for (in bold) ease of administration the salient
points taken from it; unfortunately, by narrowing it down in your most
recent request submission below, the original answer remains the same. The
request was also reviewed by NCC and a response sent on 11^th June 2018;
the reviewing officer advised you that Adult Social Care had confirmed
that there is no central record showing what Personal Budgets are spent
on. The only source for this information would be the individual returns
for each user or the support plan within our social care database Care
First (CF). These are not a central record and not interrogable in bulk;
each individual record would need to be manually checked which would take
in excess of the time limit laid down under FOIA 2000.
· We do not hold a list of what personal budgets are spent on.
· Personal budgets can be used flexibility to meet outcomes
identified as a result of eligible needs, so as long is that is achieved
many things can be purchased.
Kind regards
Gillian Hollowell
Senior Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer
Business Intelligence and Project Management
Northamptonshire County Council
One Angel Square
Angel Street
Tel: 01604 368360
Fax: 01604 367004
Wednesday a non working day
[1][email address]
[3]NEW Wordle alternative
Dear Northamptonshire County Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Northamptonshire County Council's handling of my FOI request 'Personal budget spending'.
I have asked for a sample to be reported on
There will be some sample able to be reviewed in 3 days worth of work!
You will be able to get the last personal budgets approved and work back on whats being approved!
If not it will have to be accelerated to the Information Commissioner to answer why you cannot even analyse any in 3 days!
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Linda saunders
Dear Ms Saunders
Please find attached our previous response to this request and the review
which was undertaken; along with the modified request and its response
provided on Friday. A further review (as requested below) would be of no
benefit to you as our responses provided to your original request and its
review, along with the further response to the modified request submitted
on 15^th June 2018; explains that we do not hold a list of what personal
budgets are spent on. Personal budgets can be used flexibility to meet
outcomes identified as a result of eligible needs, so as long is that is
achieved many things can be purchased.
To answer your request and its modified version cannot be facilitated
regardless as it would still necessitate a manual search of support plans
which are recorded against an individual in our Social Service data base
Care First (CF). Personal budgets are granted and assigned to a service
user and would be their personal information, and details of service users
information is held in (CF) against them as an individual; I can confirm
that there is no automated way in which the criteria of personal budgets
can be identified.
CF is a fully audited system; it would not be acceptable to randomly take
a sample of CF users as you have suggested in your modified request
(below) and search within them, (up to the 18 hours fees limited refusal)
to ascertain if there is a personal budget recorded within the records of
the random sample; and if there is release what the personal budget is
being used for providing examples. Compliance with legislation requires
us to search legally; this necessitates validity in compliance with GDPR
2018. A minimum search criteria for CF is that the request is being made
legitimately; and with purpose for compliance, this necessitates that the
name of a service user, or authorisation for their advocate (if
applicable) to act on their behalf is required along with a photographic
ID and a recent utility or similar dated in the last three months along
with their date of birth to enable us to obtain a match as a service
user. From a legal point of view and with due regard to compliance with
legislation it would not be acceptable to randomly trawl through CF
looking to see if users have a personal budget and what they have spent it
on if applicable, furthermore to provide examples in response to your
request which in turn would populate them into the public domain; without
legitimate reason under DPA 2018 in this manner without purpose would put
us in breach of legislation, as any information would be classed as third
party data of which you are not the data subject and therefore not
entitled to.
Kind regards
Gillian Hollowell
Senior Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer
Business Intelligence and Project Management
Northamptonshire County Council
One Angel Square
Angel Street
Tel: 01604 368360
Fax: 01604 367004
Wednesday a non working day
[1][email address]
[3]NEW Wordle alternative
Dear Northamptonshire County Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Northamptonshire County Council's handling of my FOI request 'Personal budget spending'.
Please clarify your response
You are stating
Northampton County County council holds
NO information
on how Personal Budgets are being spent
You are stating
this is in any form
e.g. analysed or reported
You are stating
this includes the direct payments NCC manages itself on behalf of the client,
You are stating
you dont not analyse what staff are authorizing there are NO reports?
You are stating
this includes the payment card managed PBs
You are stating
you have no audits, no management reports detailing how NCC is spending £250,000,000 a year.
You are stating
this is also the fact after the statement today 18th June by
Director of finance Mark McLaughlin told councillors the level of reserves had been insufficient.
"£12m for a £1bn organisation with services such as adult social care is not enough, nowhere near enough. Nowhere else is anywhere near the position that Northamptonshire is in."
as reported at
You are stating
in actual fact, Director of finance Mark McLaughlin has no idea of spending, because NCC holds no information on itemised spending and has no reports on the spending in Adult Social Care PBs
You are stating
Even since May 2018
when two government-appointed commissioners have been sent in to run a financially troubled council. Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said Tony McArdle and Brian Roberts in place at Northamptonshire County Council until 2021 NCC holds no information on individual spending and has no reports on the spending in Adult Social Care PBs
You are stating
in actual fact, Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said Tony McArdle and Brian Roberts not requested any spending report?
You are stating
No audits, reports, analysis are available of what even £1 of £250,000,000 is being spent on by NCC as PBs
If you hold information on how Personal Budgets are being spent, what information do you hold and please attach it.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Linda saunders
Dear Northamptonshire County Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Northamptonshire County Council's handling of my FOI request 'Personal budget spending'.
Please clarify your response
You are stating
Northampton County County council holds
NO information
on how Personal Budgets are being spent
You are stating
this is in any form
e.g. analysed or reported
You are stating
this includes the direct payments NCC manages itself on behalf of the client,
You are stating
you dont not analyse what staff are authorizing there are NO reports?
You are stating
this includes the payment card managed PBs
You are stating
you have no audits, no management reports detailing how NCC is spending £250,000,000 a year.
You are stating
this is also the fact after the statement today 18th June by
Director of finance Mark McLaughlin told councillors the level of reserves had been insufficient.
"£12m for a £1bn organisation with services such as adult social care is not enough, nowhere near enough. Nowhere else is anywhere near the position that Northamptonshire is in."
as reported at
You are stating
in actual fact, Director of finance Mark McLaughlin has no idea of spending, because NCC holds no information on itemised spending and has no reports on the spending in Adult Social Care PBs
You are stating
Even since May 2018
when two government-appointed commissioners have been sent in to run a financially troubled council. Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said Tony McArdle and Brian Roberts in place at Northamptonshire County Council until 2021 NCC holds no information on individual spending and has no reports on the spending in Adult Social Care PBs
You are stating
in actual fact, Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said Tony McArdle and Brian Roberts not requested any spending report?
You are stating
No audits, reports, analysis are available of what even £1 of £250,000,000 is being spent on by NCC as PBs
If you hold information on how Personal Budgets are being spent, what information do you hold and please attach it.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Linda saunders
Dear Northamptonshire County Council,
Please clarify your response
You are stating
Northampton County County council holds
NO information
on how Personal Budgets are being spent
You are stating
this is in any form
e.g. analysed or reported
You are stating
this includes the direct payments NCC manages itself on behalf of the client,
You are stating
you dont not analyse what staff are authorizing there are NO reports?
You are stating
this includes the payment card managed PBs
You are stating
you have no audits, no management reports detailing how NCC is spending £250,000,000 a year.
You are stating
this is also the fact after the statement today 18th June by
Director of finance Mark McLaughlin told councillors the level of reserves had been insufficient.
"£12m for a £1bn organisation with services such as adult social care is not enough, nowhere near enough. Nowhere else is anywhere near the position that Northamptonshire is in."
as reported at
You are stating
in actual fact, Director of finance Mark McLaughlin has no idea of spending, because NCC holds no information on itemised spending and has no reports on the spending in Adult Social Care PBs
You are stating
Even since May 2018
when two government-appointed commissioners have been sent in to run a financially troubled council. Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said Tony McArdle and Brian Roberts in place at Northamptonshire County Council until 2021 NCC holds no information on individual spending and has no reports on the spending in Adult Social Care PBs
You are stating
in actual fact, Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said Tony McArdle and Brian Roberts not requested any spending report?
You are stating
No audits, reports, analysis are available of what even £1 of £250,000,000 is being spent on by NCC as PBs
If you hold information on how Personal Budgets are being spent, what information do you hold and please attach it.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Linda saunders
Dear Northamptonshire County Council,
You are stating
Northampton County County council holds
NO information
on how Personal Budgets are being spent
You are stating
this is in any form
e.g. analysed or reported
You are stating
this includes the direct payments NCC manages itself on behalf of the client,
You are stating
you dont not analyse what staff are authorizing there are NO reports?
You are stating
this includes the payment card managed PBs
You are stating
you have no audits, no management reports detailing how NCC is spending £250,000,000 a year.
You are stating
this is also the fact after the statement today 18th June by
Director of finance Mark McLaughlin told councillors the level of reserves had been insufficient.
"£12m for a £1bn organisation with services such as adult social care is not enough, nowhere near enough. Nowhere else is anywhere near the position that Northamptonshire is in."
as reported at
You are stating
in actual fact, Director of finance Mark McLaughlin has no idea of spending, because NCC holds no information on itemised spending and has no reports on the spending in Adult Social Care PBs
You are stating
Even since May 2018
when two government-appointed commissioners have been sent in to run a financially troubled council. Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said Tony McArdle and Brian Roberts in place at Northamptonshire County Council until 2021 NCC holds no information on individual spending and has no reports on the spending in Adult Social Care PBs
You are stating
in actual fact, Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said Tony McArdle and Brian Roberts not requested any spending report?
You are stating
No audits, reports, analysis are available of what even £1 of £250,000,000 is being spent on by NCC as PBs
If you hold information on how Personal Budgets are being spent, what information do you hold and please attach it.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Linda saunders
Dear Ms Saunders
We have provided a response and a review and a further response to your
request referenced FR8203/R8203; these are attached for ease of
administration; please contact ICO if you remain unsatisfied as a result.
Kind regards
Gillian Hollowell
Senior Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer
Business Intelligence and Project Management
Northamptonshire County Council
One Angel Square
Angel Street
Tel: 01604 368360
Fax: 01604 367004
Wednesday a non working day
[1][email address]
[3]NEW Wordle alternative
Dear Freedom of Information,
I will make a request
that now states it is for
ANY and ALL information held on Personal Budgets by NCC reports, audits
then we will proceed to the ICO
where you state you have no knowledge of personal budgets or how you spend £250,000,000!
Yours sincerely,
Linda saunders
Dear Freedom of Information,
ANY and ALL information held on Personal Budgets by NCC reports, audits
then we will proceed to the ICO
where you state you have no knowledge of personal budgets or how you spend £250,000,000!
Yours sincerely,
Linda saunders
Dear Freedom of Information,
a new request will be broadened
ANY and ALL information held on Personal Budgets by NCC reports, audits
then we will proceed to the ICO
where you state you have no knowledge of personal budgets or how you spend £250,000,000!
Yours sincerely,
Linda saunders
Dear Ms Saunders
We have provided a response to your requests for information on personal
budgets; furthermore we have carried out a review, we have also responded
in subsequent emails on the matter of personal budgets setting out our
position. If you remain unsatisfied; please take up the matter with ICO
we are not able to assist you further at this time.
Kind regards
Gillian Hollowell
Senior Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer
Business Intelligence and Project Management
Northamptonshire County Council
One Angel Square
Angel Street
Tel: 01604 368360
Fax: 01604 367004
Wednesday a non working day
[1][email address]
[3]NEW Wordle alternative
Dear Ms Saunders
We have provided a response to your requests for information on personal
budgets; furthermore we have carried out a review, we have also responded
in subsequent emails on the matter of personal budgets setting out our
position. If you remain unsatisfied; please take up the matter with ICO
we are not able to assist you further at this time.
Kind regards
Gillian Hollowell
Senior Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer
Business Intelligence and Project Management
Northamptonshire County Council
One Angel Square
Angel Street
Tel: 01604 368360
Fax: 01604 367004
Wednesday a non working day
[1][email address]
[3]NEW Wordle alternative
Kind regards
Gill Hollowell
Tel: 01604 367407
Wednesday a non working day
Dear Ms Saunders
We have provided a response to your requests for information on personal
budgets; furthermore we have carried out a review, we have also responded
in subsequent emails on the matter of personal budgets setting out our
position. If you remain unsatisfied; please take up the matter with ICO
we are not able to assist you further at this time.
Kind regards
Gillian Hollowell
Senior Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer
Business Intelligence and Project Management
Northamptonshire County Council
One Angel Square
Angel Street
Tel: 01604 368360
Fax: 01604 367004
Wednesday a non working day
[1][email address]
[3]NEW Wordle alternative
Kind regards
Gill Hollowell
Tel: 01604 367407
Wednesday a non working day
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