Pernicious Anaemia - removal of treatment
Dear Grampian NHS Board,
Please could you inform me
The number of patients within the NHS Grampian region receiving ongoing treatment for Pernicious Anaemia and other non dietary related vitamin B12 deficiencies. This may be either through number of patients registered as having the condition or number of patients regularly prescribed methylcobalmin injections on a 12 week or less cycle, as of the start of March 2020.
Could you also inform me how many of these patients have had the essential injections refused and replaced with b12 supplements in tablet form as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
Yours faithfully,
George Harris
Dear Mr Harris,
Please find attached an acknowledgement to your request.
Kind Regards
Information Governance Team
NHS Grampian
Rosehill House
Foresterhill Site
Cornhill Road
AB25 2ZG
Direct Dial: (01224) 551319
Email: [1][NHS Grampian request email]
Dear Mr Harris,
Please find attached the response to your request.
Kind Regards
Information Governance Team
NHS Grampian
Rosehill House
Foresterhill Site
Cornhill Road
AB25 2ZG
Direct Dial: (01224) 551319
Email: [1][NHS Grampian request email]
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