This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Pernicious Anaemia - removal of treatment'.

Information Governance 
Medical Directorate 
NHS Grampian 
Rosehill House 
Foresterhill Site 
Cornhill Road 
AB25 2ZG 
15 June 2020  
George Harris  
Our Ref  
Enquiries to  Information Governance Team 
Extension   51319 
Direct Line   01224 551319 
Dear Mr Harris  
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 
I refer to your e-mail 27 May 2020, requesting: 
“Please could you inform me 
The number of patients within the NHS Grampian region receiving ongoing treatment for 
Pernicious Anaemia and other non dietary related vitamin B12 deficiencies. This may be 
either through number of patients registered as having the condition or number of patients 
regularly prescribed methylcobalmin injections on a 12 week or less cycle, as of the start of 
March 2020.  
Could you also inform me how many of these patients have had the essential injections 
refused and replaced with b12 supplements in tablet form as a result of the coronavirus 
I can now respond as follows: 
Please could you inform me 
The number of patients within the NHS Grampian region receiving ongoing treatment 
for Pernicious Anaemia and other non dietary related vitamin B12 deficiencies. This 
may  be  either  through  number  of  patients  registered  as  having  the  condition  or 
number of patients regularly prescribed methylcobalmin injections on a 12 week or 
less cycle, as of the start of March 2020.  
Could  you  also  inform  me  how  many  of  these  patients  have  had  the  essential 
injections refused and replaced with b12 supplements in tablet form as a result of the 
coronavirus pandemic. 
In relation to all of the above please be advised that NHS Grampian does not hold this 
information; s.17 of the Act refers – Information not held. 

Testing for B12 deficiency is carried out by GP’s and they institute therapy without the 
input of secondary care. This information may be available from individual GP practices. 
Under section 20 (1) of  the  Act, if you are dissatisfied with the way NHS Grampian has 
dealt with your request, you have a right to request a review of  our actions and decisions in 
relation  to  your  request,  and  you  have  a  right  to  appeal  to  the  Scottish  Information 
A request for review must be made within 40 working days and should, in the first instance, 
be in writing to: Directorate of Corporate Communications, Foresterhill House, Foresterhill, 
Aberdeen, AB25 2ZB or by email to 
Requests for appeal can be made by using the Scottish Information Commissioner’s online 
service  at  or  should  be  made  in  writing  to:  Scottish 
Information  Commissioner,  Kinburn  Castle,  Doubledykes  Road,  St  Andrews,  Fife,  KY16 
9DS Telephone: 01334 464610, Fax: 01334 464611.  
If you remain dissatisfied following an appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner 
your recourse is to the Court of Session on a point of law. 
Yours sincerely 
Roohi Bains 
Acting Information Governance Manager 
NHS Grampian