We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are JUSTIN LACEY please sign in and let everyone know.

Permitted development

We're waiting for JUSTIN LACEY to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear East Devon District Council,
the council have Cleary stated my application 24/2320/AGR the the building was not reasonably necessary because limited amounts of forestry/afforestation work so application no 22/0886/AGR could you please provide me with how many hours per week forestry operations will be carried out
22/0862/AGR could you please provide me with how many hours per week forestry operations will be carried out
22/0024/AGE same as above
if the council do not no any of this information please inform me why the council have but time scales and limits on my application only and where this is stated in law on permitted development for a forestry building only


EDDC, East Devon District Council

1 Attachment


Dear Mr Lacey

Thank for submitting your Freedom of Information request.

We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within the 20
working day statutory deadline under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

For updates on this case, please quote your reference number

Yours sincerely,

Information and Complaints Officer
East Devon District Council
[2][East Devon District Council request email]


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EDDC, East Devon District Council

1 Attachment


Dear Mr Lacey

Thank for submitting your Freedom of Information request.

Your request cannot be progressed for the reasons stated below

The council have Cleary stated my application 24/2320/AGR the building was
not reasonably necessary because limited amounts of forestry/afforestation
work so application no 22/0886/AGR could you please provide me with how
many hours per week forestry operations will be carried out – Information
not held
22/0862/AGR could you please provide me with how many hours per week
forestry operations will be carried out – Information not held
22/0024/AGE same as above – Information not held
If the council do not know any of this information please inform me why
the council have but time scales and limits on my application only and
where this is stated in law on permitted development for a forestry
building only – The information you have requested falls outside the scope
of FOI. We do not have to provide reasoning in response to an FOI request,
only information we hold. If you are questioning the reasons behind a
decision on your planning application then you need to refer this back to
the planning department.

Yours sincerely,

Information and Complaints Officer
East Devon District Council
[2][East Devon District Council request email]


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Dear East Devon District Council, the council have clearly stated that forestry/afforestation operations have time limits for what is considered reasonable necessary for by law where in a gpdo is this state and if it is how many hours in a year how to go no for a building to be considered reasonable necessary

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of East Devon District Council's handling of my FOI request 'Permitted development'.


A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/p...

Yours faithfully,


EDDC, East Devon District Council

1 Attachment


Dear Mr Lacey

Thank for submitting your Freedom of Information review.

We will respond to your review as quickly as possible, within the 20
working day statutory deadline under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

For updates on this case, please quote your reference number

Yours sincerely,

Information and Complaints Officer
East Devon District Council


East Devon - an outstanding place
© 2023 East Devon District Council

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East Devon District Council

1 Attachment


Dear Mr Lacey,

Thank you for your email. You have requested an internal review of your
FOI response. I am sorry that you were unhappy with the response provided.

[FOI #1209707 email]

Internal Review ref 669054493 - (FOI ref-668503188)

Dear Mr Lacey,

Thank you for your email. You have asked for an internal review of your
FOI response ref 668503188. I have reviewed your FOI enquiry, what was
sent to you and your email in response.

Your new request – ‘The council have clearly stated that
forestry/afforestation operations have time limits for what is considered
reasonably necessary for by law. Where in a GPDO is this stated and if it
is, how many hours in a year of forestry/afforestation operations for a
building to be considered reasonably necessary’.

Our response to this part of your original FOI request was that this
information was not held. You have asked open ended questions and under
FOI legislation this is not information that the council is obliged to
provide. FOIA only applies to information that a public authority already
holds in recorded form at the time of a request and is not required to
create information to satisfy an information request.

Therefore, your Freedom of Information request was answered correctly and
we are unable to provide the information you have requested as we do not
hold it.

I hope I have been able to clarify our position on this matter. If you
feel dissatisfied with my response to your request, you have the option to
refer matters to the Information Commissioner’s office at www.ico.org.uk


Melanie Wellman
Monitoring Officer

I hope my response answers your Internal Review. If you feel dissatisfied
with my response to your request, you have the option to refer matters to
the Information Commissioner’s office at [2]www.ico.org.uk.


Melanie Wellman

Monitoring Officer

East Devon District Council


East Devon - an outstanding place
© 2023 East Devon District Council

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are JUSTIN LACEY please sign in and let everyone know.