
The request was successful.

Dear Fife College,

As per the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 please supply me with the following information in electronic format:

1) How many staff do you have who are not on permanent contracts (please break down by support staff, lecturers, and staff earning over £70k)?
2) Please provide a breakdown of how many of these staff have now been employed for over one year (again broken down by support staff, lecturers and staff earning over £70k).
3) Please provide a breakdown of how many of these staff have now been employed for over two years (again broken down by support staff, lecturers and staff earning over £70k).
4) How many support staff (from question 1) are on time limited contracts due to project based funding, or sickness or maternity cover?
5) How many (Support) staff (from question 3) have been transferred to permanent (contracts) since the 19th of October 2018?
6) Please give reasons (and breakdown of numbers by reason) why support staff not affected by question 4 and employed for over 2 years have not yet been made permanent?
7) Please give reasons (and breakdown of numbers by reason) why support staff not affected by question 4 and employed for over 1 year have not yet been made permanent?
8) Have you supplied a list, of Support Staff not affected by question 4 to the local Trade Union Stewards?
9) In relation to questions 7 & 8 was this discussed at a formal meeting with support staff Trade Unions (e.g. JNC)?
10) If so please supply the minute of meetings since October 2018 relating to (see also STS Circular 05/18)?
11) How many staff on temporary (change temporary to “not on permanent”) contracts have had contracts ended since October 2018 (please break down by support staff, lecturers and staff earning over £70k.
12) If you have staff affected by your answers to questions 6 & 7 can you detail your plan to address in relation to circular STS 05/18?

Please acknowledge receipt of this information request and I shall look forward to receiving your full disclosure within 20 working days.

Yours faithfully,

John Gallacher

Marianne Philp, Fife College



Please note that I am currently on annual leave, returning on Monday 15
July 2019.  I will reply to your email on my return.  If your query is
urgent, please contact [email address].


Best regards


Shared Mailbox - FOI, Fife College

Dear Mr Gallacher

Thank you for your email dated 12 July 2019 in relation to Permanency. I confirm that your request will be treated as a Request for Information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act aims to increase openness and accountability in government and across the public sector. The Act requires us to respond formally to your request promptly and, in any event, within 20 working days of your request being received. We will therefore be in touch with you again soon.

Further correspondence should be addressed to Freedom of Information, Fife College, Pittsburgh Road, Dunfermline, KY11 8DY or alternatively by e-mail to [Fife College request email].

Yours sincerely

Marianne Philp
Freedom of Information Officer

show quoted sections

Marianne Philp, Fife College

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Gallacher

Please find attached a response from Fife College to your recent FOI request.

Yours sincerely

Marianne Philp
Freedom of Information Officer

show quoted sections