Dear Edinburgh College,
As per the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 please supply me with the following information in electronic format:
1) How many staff do you have who are not on permanent contracts (please break down by support staff, lecturers, and staff earning over £70k)?
2) Please provide a breakdown of how many of these staff have now been employed for over one year (again broken down by support staff, lecturers and staff earning over £70k).
3) Please provide a breakdown of how many of these staff have now been employed for over two years (again broken down by support staff, lecturers and staff earning over £70k).
4) How many support staff (from question 1) are on time limited contracts due to project based funding, or sickness or maternity cover?
5) How many (Support) staff (from question 3) have been transferred to permanent (contracts) since the 19th of October 2018?
6) Please give reasons (and breakdown of numbers by reason) why support staff not affected by question 4 and employed for over 2 years have not yet been made permanent?
7) Please give reasons (and breakdown of numbers by reason) why support staff not affected by question 4 and employed for over 1 year have not yet been made permanent?
8) Have you supplied a list, of Support Staff not affected by question 4 to the local Trade Union Stewards?
9) In relation to questions 7 & 8 was this discussed at a formal meeting with support staff Trade Unions (e.g. JNC)?
10) If so please supply the minute of meetings since October 2018 relating to (see also STS Circular 05/18)?
11) How many staff on temporary (change temporary to “not on permanent”) contracts have had contracts ended since October 2018 (please break down by support staff, lecturers and staff earning over £70k.
12) If you have staff affected by your answers to questions 6 & 7 can you detail your plan to address in relation to circular STS 05/18?
Please acknowledge receipt of this information request and I shall look forward to receiving your full disclosure within 20 working days.
Yours faithfully,
John Gallacher
Dear Mr Gallacher
Our Ref: 028/19
We are in receipt of your request for information under the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and will respond by 09 August 2019.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Dear Mr Gallacher
Our Ref: 028/19
As of 1 October 2012, Edinburgh’s Telford College, Jewel & Esk College and
Stevenson College merged to create a single college called Edinburgh
We refer to your request for information dated 12 July 2019. The College
has considered your request as a request for information under section 1
of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“FOISA”).
028/19 (1): How many staff do you have who are not on permanent contracts
(please break down by support staff, lecturers, and staff earning over
Support staff 49
Lecturers 30
Staff earning over £70k 0
028/19 (2): Please provide a breakdown of how many of these staff have now
been employed for over one year (again broken down by support staff,
lecturers and staff earning over £70k).
Support staff 24
Lecturers 10
Staff earning over £70k 0
028/19 (3): Please provide a breakdown of how many of these staff have now
been employed for over two years (again broken down by support staff,
lecturers and staff earning over £70k).
Support staff 4
Lecturers 0
Staff earning over £70k 0
028/19 (4): How many support staff (from question 1) are on time limited
contracts due to project based funding, or sickness or maternity cover?
028/19 (5): How many (Support) staff (from question 3) have been
transferred to permanent (contracts) since the 19th of October 2018?
028/19 (6): Please give reasons (and breakdown of numbers by reason) why
support staff not affected by question 4 and employed for over 2 years
have not yet been made permanent?
Administrative delay. These staff will be made permanent (backdated to
their two year anniversary).
028/19 (7): Please give reasons (and breakdown of numbers by reason) why
support staff not affected by question 4 and employed for over 1 year have
not yet been made permanent?
11 Project based funding
1 Maternity cover
12 Under review
028/19 (8): Have you supplied a list, of Support Staff not affected by
question 4 to the local Trade Union Stewards?
No, this has not been requested.
028/19 (9): In relation to questions 7 & 8 was this discussed at a formal
meeting with support staff Trade Unions (e.g. JNC)?
No, please see response to 028/19 (8).
028/19 (10): If so please supply the minute of meetings since October 2018
relating to (see also STS Circular 05/18)?
028/19 (11): How many staff on temporary (change temporary to “not on
permanent”) contracts have had contracts ended since October 2018 (please
break down by support staff, lecturers and staff earning over £70k.
Support staff 24
Lecturers 26
Staff earning over £70k 0
028/19 (12): If you have staff affected by your answers to questions 6 & 7
can you detail your plan to address in relation to circular STS 05/18?
Question 028/19 (6): The College will process the backdated change to
permanent contracts as soon as possible.
Question 028/19 (7): The College will continue review of staff employed
over one year.
Edinburgh College is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act (FOISA) 2002. If you are dissatisfied with this
response, you may ask the college to review this decision. To do this,
please contact the Head of Communications, Policy and Research at the
postal address below or e-mail the Head of Communications, Policy and
Research at [1][email address] describing your original
request and explaining your grounds for dissatisfaction. (Please include
in your review request, your name and home address for correspondence).
You have 40 working days from receipt of this letter to submit a review
request to:
Head of Communications, Policy and Research
4th Floor
Edinburgh College (Milton Road Campus)
[2]24 Milton Road East
EH15 2PP
When the review process has been completed and if you are still
dissatisfied, you may ask the Scottish Information Commissioner to
The Commissioner’s online appeal service is available from their website:
The online appeal service is available 24/7 and offers you real time help
and advice about your appeal.
You must appeal to the Commissioner within six months of receiving the
review decision.
You also have the right to appeal to the Court of Session on a point of
law following a decision of the Commissioner.
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