Percentage Figure showing WCA Claims Accepted by Paper-Based Assessment

The request was partially successful.

Dear Department for Work and Pensions,

Please make available to me, the percentage of Employment and Support Allowance benefit claims, since inception of the Work Capability Assessment, that have been successful at the Paper-Based Assessment stage?

Yours faithfully,

Peter McNab

DWP freedom-of-information-requests, Department for Work and Pensions

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1 Attachment

Dear Peter McNab,

I am writing in response to your request for information, received 16th

Yours sincerely,

DWP Central FoI Team

Dear [email address] on behalf of Statistical Services FoI Team,

Please make available the subject matter figures requested previously. As per your advice, to keep the cost under acceptable (statutory) limits, I request that you send only the figures from 1 January 2019, onward.

The Universal Credit Regulations 2013, S41(1) state as follows: "The Secretary of State may carry out an assessment under this Part where -". The word "must" is not in use here. Therefore, it is important to discover whether or not the Secretary of State has been fair in the application of this legislation. The only way to decide this fairly, is to place facts and figures before a jury of my peers in a court of law.

Yours sincerely,

Peter McNab on behalf of Statistical Services FoI Team, Department for Work and Pensions

1 Attachment

Dear Peter McNab,

I am writing in response to your request for information, received 11th

Yours sincerely,

DWP Central FoI Team