Pension Fund Investments

The request was refused by Norfolk County Council.

Dear Norfolk County Council,

Does the Norfolk County Council Pension Fund have any investments in Tobacco Companies ?

If so what amount is invested ?

Yours faithfully,

John Cowan

FOI, Norfolk County Council

Dear Mr Cowan


Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Information Request


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, received by us on 26
January 2012. 


Our twenty working day deadline for your request is 23 February 2012 and
we aim to respond as soon as possible within the time period.


You will be informed in advance if there is a charge for supplying copies
of the information.  We will also provide an explanation if any
information is not released to you.  If the requested information contains
references to any third parties, we may need to consult with them before
deciding whether or not to release the information.


Should you have any queries regarding your request, please feel free to
contact us at [1][Norfolk County Council request email] .


Yours sincerely



Julie Robinson

Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit


A Four-Star Archive Service with a Designated Collection


show quoted sections

FOI, Norfolk County Council

Dear Mr Cowan


Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Information Request


I refer to your request for information dated 26 January 2012. In
accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I
have now processed your request in which you asked does the Norfolk County
Council Pension Fund have any investments in Tobacco Companies. If so what
amount is invested?


Our response is as follows:


Norfolk County Council publishes a list of all our holdings including
valuation, annually in the investment section of our website
([1] This data is provided at our accounting
year-end (31 March) after the conclusion of the statutory audit of the
Fund.  This list covers all the segregated (direct holdings of securities)
holdings and the pooled vehicles that the fund is invested in.


Should you have any queries regarding the information provided then please


The Freedom of Information & Data Protection Unit

The Archive Centre

Martineau Lane

Norwich NR1 2DQ

E-mail: [2][Norfolk County Council request email]

Telephone: 01603 222661


If you are dissatisfied with our handling of your request you have the
right of appeal through the Council's internal complaints procedure by
setting out the grounds of your appeal in writing to:


The Compliments and Complaints Manager


Norwich NR1 2BR

E-mail: [email address]


An appeal should be submitted within 40 working days of the date of this
notice and should be identified as "FOI Appeal".


If you are dissatisfied after pursuing the complaints procedure, you may
apply to the Information Commissioner under Section 50 of the Act for a
decision whether your request for information has been dealt with in
accordance with the requirements of Part I of the Act.  Contact details as


First Contact Team

Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane, Wilmslow

Cheshire SK9 5AF

E-mail: [3][email address]


This response will be published without identifying any personal data on
the Norfolk County Council Freedom of Information website


Yours sincerely


Julie Robinson

Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit


A Four-Star Archive Service with a Designated Collection


The information contained in this email is intended only for the person or organization to which it is addressed. If you have received it by mistake, please disregard and notify the sender immediately. Unauthorized disclosure or use of such information may be a breach of legislation or confidentiality and may be legally privileged.

Emails sent from and received by Members and employees of Norfolk County Council may be monitored. They may also be disclosed to other people under legislation, particularly the Freedom Of Information Act 2000.

Unless this email relates to Norfolk County Council business it will be regarded by the Council as personal and will not be authorized by or sent on behalf of the Council. The sender will have sole responsibility for any legal actions or disputes that may arise.


Visible links
2. mailto:[Norfolk County Council request email]
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