Penrose Signature Index

The request was successful.

Dear National Archives of Scotland,

Under FOI, I am requesting the following information:

a) A PDF Copy of the Signature Index (Index to Signature) of the Penrose Inquiry

Yours faithfully,

JJ Evans

National Archives of Scotland

Dear JJ Evans

Thank you for your request dated 19 February 2019 under the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) requesting a PDF copy of the
Signature Index (Index to Signature) of the Penrose Inquiry.

We received your request on 19 February 2019 and will respond in
accordance with FOISA by 2 April 2019.

If you have any queries, please contact the NRS FOI Team quoting case
number FOI/19/00515.


21 February 2019

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Dear National Archives of Scotland,

I am writing to let you know that a response to FOI/19/00515 is due today.

Yours faithfully,

JJ Evans

National Archives of Scotland

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your email. I can confirm that our response is due with you on 2 April 2019 as originally stated in the acknowledgment below. As this is information to which section 22 of FOISA applies we have 30 working days in which to respond.


20 March 2019

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National Archives of Scotland

1 Attachment

Dear JJ Evans,

Please find attached the response from National Records of Scotland to your recent Freedom of Information request.


28 March 2019

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