Penalty Charge Notices
Dear Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,
I would like to make a request for the following information under the Freedom of Information Act (2000).
I would like to request:
1. The number of Penalty Charge Notices, issued by or on the behalf of RBKC, during the previous six months (to date).
2. The total revenue from Penalty Charge Notices, issued by or on the behalf of RBKC, during the previous six months (to date).
3. The location of the aforementioned notices.
Please send me confirmation that you have received this email. If there any issues regarding the cost of complying, please let me know.
Yours faithfully,
[Name Removed]
Dear [name removed]
I am writing to confirm that we received your information request on 1
November 2017. For your information and future communications your request
has been allocated the reference number FOI2017-1689. Please quote this
reference in any future correspondence.
We will consider your request and respond in accordance with the
requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Our duty is to
respond promptly or at least within 20 working days.
Yours sincerely
Robin Yu
Information Governance and Management Officer
Shared ICT Service
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
The Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX
Tel: 020 7938 8226
Email: [1][email address] | Website: [2]
Dear [name removed],
Could you clarify if you are asking about Parking Penalty Charge Notices
only are does your request include other types of penalty charge notice
(in which case, could you name them)?
Please note that your request is on hold until clarification is received.
Yours sincerely
Robin Yu
Information Governance and Management Officer
Shared ICT Service
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
The Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX
Tel: 020 7938 8226
Email: [email address] | Website: [1]
Dear [name removed],
Sorry for the delay, I’ve chased for a response from the Parking team.
Yours sincerely
Robin Yu
Information Governance and Management Officer
Shared ICT Service
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
The Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX
Tel: 020 7938 8226
Email: [email address] | Website: [1]
Dear [name removed]
I am responding to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000,
which we received on 1 November 2017, for information held by the Council.
I apologise for the delay in responding, your request is as follows:
1. The number of Penalty Charge Notices, issued by or on the behalf of
RBKC, during the previous six months (to date).
The number of PCNs issued for parking contraventions for the 6 month
period from 1 May to 30 October 2017 is 101,245.
2. The total revenue from Penalty Charge Notices, issued by or on the
behalf of RBKC, during the previous six months (to date).
The total revenue for the 6 month period from 1 May to 30 October 2017 is
£5,109,035 (this figure is subject to change)
3. The location of the aforementioned notices.
A list of the locations where a PCN was issued for a parking contravention
is attached.
I trust this has satisfied your request. Should you be unhappy with the
handling of your request, the Council has an internal complaints process
for handling FOIA complaints. Complaints are reviewed by the Chief
Solicitor and Monitoring Officer or her nominee. A form is available from
our website to lodge your complaint
Please contact us if you do not have website access and we can provide you
with a copy of the form. Following this review, should you still be
unhappy with how your information request has been handled, you have a
further right to appeal to the Information Commissioner who is responsible
for ensuring compliance with FOIA.
Yours sincerely
Robin Yu
Information Governance and Management Officer
Shared ICT Service
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
The Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX
Tel: 020 7938 8226
Email: [2][email address] | Website: [3]
Visible links
2. mailto:[email%20address]
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