This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Peer reviews from 2010 onwards'.

DWP Central Freedom of Information Team 
Our Ref: FOI2020/03586 
21 February 2020 
Dear Lee Jefferson, 
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received on 27 January. You asked:  
Please kindly provide the titles and dates of all peer reviews carried out from 2010 to the most 
recent available. If the exact date isn't known then please just specify the month and year.  
For instance:  
10th August 2010, Peer review into X matters 17th July 2015, Peer review into Y matters April 
2017, Peer review into Z matters
DWP Response: 
Peer Reviews were renamed Internal Process Reviews in 2015. 
Records prior to 2015-16 have been destroyed or are incomplete in line with GDPR/data 
retention policies. The retention of customer documentation is directed by the Information 
Management Policy, which specifies guidance for the retention of customer claims. The Data 
Protection Act 2018 dictates that “personal data kept for any purpose should not be kept for 
longer than necessary
We don’t hold the records in the format requested. 
Each Internal Process Review is titled with the name of the customer. This information is 
withheld as it falls under the exemption in Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 
2000; this exemption covers personal information. Personal information about another person 
cannot be disclosed to a member of the public without the consent of the person who the 
information is about, as unauthorised disclosure would contravene the data protection 
principles of the Data Protection Act 1998. 
Due to changes in processes the month the IPR was commissioned is used in the list below. In 
2019/20 we reviewed our approach to IPR’s, broadening the range of cases that were 
considered, including reviewing cases from previous years, therefore it is not possible to draw 
any further conclusions from this data set. 
June 2015 
August 2015 
September 2015 
June 2015 
September 2015 
November 2015 

November 2015 
August 2017 
June 2019 
December 2015 
September 2017 
June 2019 
February 2016 
September 2017 
June 2019 
February 2016 
November 2017 
June 2019 
February 2016 
November 2017 
June 2019 
March 2016 
January 2018 
June 2019 
March 2016 
January 2018 
June 2019 
June 2016 
February 2018 
July 2019 
August 2016 
March 2018 
July 2019 
August 2016 
March 2018 
July 2019 
September 2016 
March 2018 
July 2019 
September 2016 
April 2018 
July 2019 
November 2016 
April 2018 
August 2019 
November 2016 
April 2018 
August 2019 
November 2016 
May 2018 
August 2019 
December 2016 
May 2018 
August 2019 
December 2016 
June 2018 
August 2019 
December 2016 
July 2018 
August 2019 
January 2017 
August 2018 
August 2019 
January 2017 
August 2018 
September 2019 
January 2017 
September 2018 
September 2019 
February 2017 
October 2018 
October 2019 
February 2017 
October 2018 
October 2019 
February 2017 
November 2018 
October 2019 
March 2017 
November 2018 
October 2019 
March 2017 
December 2018 
October 2019 
March 2017 
January 2019 
October 2019 
March 2017 
January 2019 
October 2019 
March 2017 
January 2019 
November 2019 
March 2017 
February 2019 
November 2019 
March 2017 
February 2019 
November 2019 
March 2017 
February 2019 
November 2019 
April 2017 
February 2019 
November 2019 
April 2017 
April 2019 
December 2019 
April 2017 
April 2019 
December 2019 
April 2017 
May 2019 
December 2019 
May 2017 
May 2019 
December 2019 
May 2017 
May 2019 
December 2019 
June 2017 
May 2019 
January 2020 
June 2017 
May 2019 
January 2020 
June 2017 
June 2019 
January 2020 
August 2017 
June 2019 
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me quoting the reference number 
Yours sincerely,  
DWP Central FoI Team 

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Your right to complain under the Freedom of Information Act 
If you are not happy with this response you may request an internal review by e-mailing freedom-of-information- 
or by writing to DWP, Central FoI Team, Caxton House, Tothill Street, SW1H 9NA. Any 
review request should be submitted within two months of the date of this letter.  
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review you may apply directly to the Information 
Commissioner’s Office for a decision. General y, the Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have 
exhausted our own complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information 
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF 
Web: or telephone 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545745