We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Gurpreet please sign in and let everyone know.

PDR development

We're waiting for Gurpreet to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear East Devon District Council,

Could you please disclose how many applications you have had to convert
a) shops into residential homes (total number of homes )
how many of these were notifications of permitted development rights?

b) office spaces into residential homes (number of homes)
how many of these were notifications of permitted development rights?

c) The total number of new home applications. (number of homes)

For both in every year between 2016-2021, with a monthly breakdown (if a monthly breakdown for all years is not possible, please provide a monthly breakdown for 2020 and 2021)

Yours faithfully,


FOI EDDC, East Devon District Council

Dear Mr Gurpreet,


Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The information you have requested can be
searched and retrieved from our planning portal on our website. Please go
where you will need to select from the drop down menus to refine your
search including application type; decision; development type and then put
in the date parameters required for the search. You will then be able to
find the data you have requested and compile the data for your yourself.


As this information is published already it is exempt under Section 21 of
the FOI Act 2000 - Information reasonably accessible to the applicant by
other means.


I hope this information is helpful but, if you feel dissatisfied with the
way we have responded to your request, please contact our Monitoring
Officer, Mr Henry Gordon Lennox, to request an internal review
[2][email address]


You may also approach the Information Commissioner for advice at


Yours sincerely,




Ms S Harvey

Information and Complaints Officer

East Devon District Council


[4][email address]

01395 571659


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2. mailto:[email address]
3. http://www.ico.org.uk/
4. mailto:[email address]
5. http://www.eastdevon.gov.uk/
6. http://www.facebook.com/eastdevon
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8. https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/...
9. http://eastdevon.gov.uk/help/email-discl...

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Gurpreet please sign in and let everyone know.