Pcr tests

Department of Health (Northern Ireland) did not have the information requested.

Adrian McErlean

Dear Department of Health (Northern Ireland),

What information have you got on the pcr tests ability to know the difference between covid19 and any other coronaviruses?

What information have you got on why you test for coronavirus (flu, common cold covid19 etc) and not just covid19?

What information have you got about the false positive rates for the pcr tests? Testing positive for a coronavirus thats not covid19

What information have you got about the cycle rate of the pcr machines?

Yours faithfully,

Adrian McErlean

DoH FOI, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)

2 Attachments


We have received your Freedom of Information request and I attach your acknowledgement letter and a Public Information Leaflet.

John McCann
Information Management Branch
Department of Health
Tel: 02890 528218

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Adrian McErlean

Dear DoH FOI,

Hello you've still not replied to my FOI request on PCR test.

Yours sincerely,

Adrian McErlean

DoH Covid-19 Directorate, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

Dear Mr McErlean

Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request.

Kind regards


COVID-19 Response Directorate
Department of Health

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