Pay and Display Transactions and Income

The request was successful.

Dear East Staffordshire Borough Council,

Where the council is responsible for On-Street and Off-Street pay and display car parking (excluding Off-Street pay-on-foot and pay-on-exit car parks, permits, season tickets, PCN and other income);

For the period 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020, please could you tell me:

* The total number of pay and display parking tickets or transactions sold (all payment methods)

* The total pay and display income (Cash, Credit/Debit card, Mobile App)

* Total number of pay and display parking tickets or transactions sold via a Mobile App parking payment provider

* Total pay and display income processed via a Mobile App parking payment provider

Finally, in relation to the Council’s current Mobile App parking payment provider, could you tell me:

* What is the contract expiry date for your Mobile App parking payment provider, and are there any extension periods?

* What is the current notice period required in order for the Council to exit this contract?

* What is the current contract value, annualised over the period 01/04/2019 – 31/03/2020?

Yours faithfully,

Mike Lebowski

Andrea Davies, East Staffordshire Borough Council




Freedom of Information Procedure


Contact Details


Freedom of Information Procedure
Please note that the Council will initially assess your request to establish whether it is a valid FOI and, if so, you will receive a response to your request within the statutory 20 clear working days.

Contact Details
Democratic Services
East Staffordshire Borough Council
P.O. Box 8045
Burton upon Trent
DE14 9JG<http://eaststaffordshireboroughcouncil.c...>
[email address]<mailto:[email address]>

This e-mail and files or other data transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying is strictly prohibited and you must not take any action in reliance upon it. Please notify the sender immediately and delete the message. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of East Staffordshire Borough Council unless explicitly stated otherwise. East Staffordshire Borough Council may monitor the contents of e-mail sent and received via its network for the purposes of ensuring compliance with its policies and procedures. East Staffordshire Borough Council does not enter into contracts or contractual obligations via electronic mail, unless otherwise explicitly agreed in advance in writing between parties concerned. The Council believes in being open with its information and the contents of this e-mail and any replies may be released to a third party requesting such information at a future date.

Kelsey Sharp, East Staffordshire Borough Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

Freedom of Information Request number FOI8686

Thank you for your FOI request below. My response is as follows:

Where the council is responsible for On-Street and Off Street pay and display car parking (excluding Off-Street pay-on-foot and pay-on-exit car parks, permits, season tickets, PCN and other income):
The council is response for Coopers Square, Burton Place, Library, Meadowside, Fleet Street, Bond Street on Saturdays and Sundays only, The Maltings, Trinity Road and Uttoxeter Leisure Centre. These are also the only areas that the Council are responsible for Pay and Display. Staffordshire County Council are responsible for Off Street parking within East Staffordshire.

For the period 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020, please could you tell me:

The total number of pay and display parking tickets or transactions sold (all payment methods)
The total amount of tickets sold during the period above is 1278092

The total pay and display income (Cash, Credit/Debit card, Mobile App).
The total income for the period of 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020 is £1,134,840. This is excluding VAT.

Total number of pay and display parking tickets or transactions sold via a Mobile App parking payment provider.
The PayByPhone app has only been available to the public within East Staffordshire Borough Council since 29th June 2020. Unfortunately, there are no transactions during the period of 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020.

Total pay and display income processed via a Mobile App parking payment provider.
The PayByPhone app has only been available to the public within East Staffordshire Borough Council since 29th June 2020. Unfortunately, there are no transactions during the period of 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020.

Finally, in relation to the Council’s current Mobile App parking payment provider, could you tell me:

What is the contract expiry date for your Mobile App parking payment provider, and are there any extension periods?
The contract runs for 2 years from April 2020. At the moment, there are no extension periods.

What is the current notice period required in order for the Council to exit this contract? There is no notice period as it is an agreed trial period.

What is the current contract value, annualised over the period 01/04/2019 – 31/03/2020?
Unable to answer as fluctuates dependant on usage.

If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may ask the Council to conduct a review of this decision. To do this, please contact the Council in writing (including by letter, fax or email), describe the original request, explain your grounds for dissatisfaction, and include an address for correspondence. You have 40 working days from receipt of this letter to submit a review request. The review request should be sent to:

By Post:
The Principal Democratic Services Officer
East Staffordshire Borough Council
P O Box 8045
Burton upon Trent
DE14 9JG

By Email: [email address]

When the review process has been completed, if you are still dissatisfied, you may ask the Information Commissioner to intervene.

Kind regards,

Kelsey Sharp

Community Enforcement Technical Officer

East Staffordshire Borough Council
The Town Hall,
King Edward Place,
Burton Upon Trent
DE14 2EB

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