Patient Engagement Research
Dear Barts Health NHS Trust,
I am currently researching the use of Patient Entertainment and Patient Information Access in hospitals, how it is funded, its affordability for patients and its use in enhancing the patient experience.
I would very grateful if you could supply the information requested below. For the purpose of my study, I am defining Patient Entertainment Systems as any bedside entertainment system that is for individual use and as a minimum allows access to television programmes.
If there are any questions you cannot answer, please state this and progress through the rest of the survey
Your assistance is very much appreciated.
Question One: Does the Trust have a Patient Entertainment offering? Yes, in all applicable wards; Yes in some wards or No
If Yes in all or some wards:
Is the system free or charge for patients, or is the service chargeable for either all or some content?
Does the system offer information services in addition to entertainment, for example nurse call or meal ordering?
Can you advise if you are under contract with a provider, and if so, who it is with and when that contract expires?
If No
Does the Trust have plans to implement a Patient Entertainment System and if so do you have an approximate date?
Are you considering additional services such as nurse call or meal ordering or solely entertainment?
Question Two
Are you able to provide a contact for Patient Entertainment for additional dialogue on the subject?
Yours faithfully,
Michael Bellamy
Dear Michael,
Your Request for Information [FOI-178-18]
Thank you for your recent request for information. This will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and you will receive a response within the stipulated timescale.
The FOI Act defines a number of exemptions which may prevent the release of the information you have requested. We will assess the material and if any of the exemption categories apply, then the information may not be released. We will tell you if that is so. If the information you request refers to a third party then they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken on whether or not to release the information to you. We will let you know if that is the case and give you an indication of the timescale for providing the information. There may be a fee payable for the information you have requested. The fee must be paid before the information is released. We will inform you if this is the case.
Information that we may provide in response to the Freedom of Information Act request will be subject to copyright protection. You may ask if you can re-use the information, perhaps for commercial purposes. Without the necessary permission you can breach our copyright. To enquire about re-using Trust information, please write to us at the above address or e-mail [Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
If you have any queries then please contact us at [Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
If you are dissatisfied on how your request has been handled, you can complain in writing to The Information Governance Manager, Barts Health NHS Trust: E-mail [Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
Postal address:
The Information Governance Manager,
c/o Archives and Records Centre,
Barts Health NHS Trust,
Lower Ground Floor,
9 Prescot Street,
Aldgate, London E1 8PR
If, after we have addressed your complaint, you remain dissatisfied with how we have responded, you are entitled to appeal to the Information Commissioner (Tel: 01625 545 745). Details are shown at
Yours sincerely,
Samir Kamil
Freedom of Information (FOI) Lead
Barts Health NHS Trust
9 Prescot Street
London E1 8PR
Email: [email address]
Dear Michael,
Your Request for Information [FOI-178-18]
Thank you for your request for information and the available information
is attached below.
Question One:
Does the Trust have a Patient Entertainment offering? Yes, in all
applicable wards; Yes in some wards or No
Our response: Within Barts Health NHS Trust, Only Whipps Cross Hospital,
Royal London Hospital and St Bartholomews Hospital have Patient
Entertainment System in a handful of selected wards.
If Yes in all or some wards: Is the system free or charge for patients, or
is the service chargeable for either all or some content?
Our response: Patient Entertainment System for users within the noted
hospitals are chargeable except for Paediatric wards at Whipps Cross
Hospital and Royal London Hospital. Please note, limited provisions that
are available within St Bartholomew’s Hospital are free of charge for
users as well.
Does the system offer information services in addition to entertainment,
for example nurse call or meal ordering?
Our response: No, this is due to the limited service the Trust currently
has in place.
Can you advise if you are under contract with a provider, and if so, who
it is with and when that contract expires?
Our response: At Whipps Cross Hospital we are under contract with one
contractor (Hospedia) and anticipated expiry is in 2019 (pending
If No, Does the Trust have plans to implement a Patient Entertainment
System and if so do you have an approximate date?
Our response: At Royal London and St Bartholomew’s Hospitals, contract
expired and the Trust is currently in the process of implementing a new
Patient Entertainment System with our new Soft FM Contractor.
Are you considering additional services such as nurse call or meal
ordering or solely entertainment?
Our response: This is under consideration, depending on options presented
by our new Soft FM Contractor and what the Trust agrees to.
Question Two
Are you able to provide a contact for Patient Entertainment for additional
dialogue on the subject?
Our response: Reza Miah, Estates & Facilities – Patient Experience Lead,
currently manages the Patient Entertainment Systems Trustwide can be
contacted via [1][email address].
If you are dissatisfied on how your request has been handled, you can
complain in writing to: The Information Governance Manager, Barts Health
NHS Trust,
Email: [2][Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
Postal address:
The Information Governance Manager,
c/o Archives & Records Centre,
Barts Health NHS Trust,
Lower Ground Floor,
9 Prescot St,
E1 8PR
If, after we have addressed your complaint, you remain dissatisfied with
how we have responded, you are entitled to appeal to the Information
Commissioner (Tel: 01625 545 745). Details are shown at
Yours faithfully,
Samir Kamil
Freedom of Information (FOI) Lead
Barts Health NHS Trust
9 Prescot Street
London E1 8PR
Website: [4]
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
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