Past Exam Papers
Dear University of Abertay Dundee,
Can I request a copy of the most recent exam papers (that you can release) for the following modules:
Yours faithfully,
Adam Finkel-Gates
Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please quote the reference number on the subject line above, should you need to contact the University regarding this request.
The University will make every effort to provide you with the information requested; if any clarification is required, the University will contact you as soon as possible.
In some circumstances, it may not be possible to provide you with an answer to your enquiry. Where the University believes this is the case, you will be informed in writing, stating the reason(s).
If the information you are seeking is already published by the University, or is otherwise available to members of the public, you will be sent details outlining how to access the information.
You will be advised if it is necessary for the University to charge a fee to cover the costs of processing your request. Should this be the case, please note the information cannot be released until such payment is received.
If you have any questions regarding your request for information, please contact:
FOI Processing
Abertay University
Bell Street
Dear Adam Finkel-Gates
Please find attached the University's response to your freedom of information request.
Kind regards
FOI Processing
Freedom of Information Processing
Abertay University
Bell Street
Email: [University of Abertay Dundee request email]
BSL Users:
Dear University of Abertay Dundee,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of University of Abertay Dundee's handling of my FOI request 'Past Exam Papers'.
I understand you believe releasing this information is exempt due to section 30. It is not clear to me how past exam papers relate to public affiars. If after considering the rest of my response you believe this still to be the case, could you please explain how releasing this information would cause substantial harm to one or more of the following: the maintenance of the convention of the collective responsibility of the Scottish Ministers, or the free and frank provision of advice, or the free and frank exchange of views for the purposes of deliberation, or the effective conduct of public affairs.
Regarding the public interest test. I respectfully disagree, the public, employers and government have over the past decade became concerned over the increase in 'good degrees' (firsts and upper seconds). A factor which will influence the grade the student achieves will be the cognitive difficulty of the exam paper. I refer to the UK Quality Code for Higher Education: Assessment, where it states: "The Expectations and Core practices of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education (Quality Code) are mandatory for higher education providers in all parts of the UK. Common practices are mandatory in Scotland". Under the Expectations and Practices, it states: "The academic standards of courses meet the requirements of the relevant national qualifications framework. Assessment ensures that the qualifications are awarded only to those students who meet specified learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are specified for each course, which are consistent with the relevant national qualification frameworks’ descriptors, and assessment determines whether each student has achieved them".
Given the increase in 'good grades' being awarded and concerns from employers over graduates’ basic literacy and numeracy, I argue that it is therefore in the public interest for these exam papers to be released into the public domain. It is only with the exam papers public availability can the public, employers and government confirm whether the exam papers comply with the expectations and practices set out in the UK Quality Code and SCQF level descriptors.
Section 33 relates to public bodies who complete audits of other public bodies. I do not understand how a request for an exam papers would match this description?
I respectfully request you reconsider the decision and release the exam papers requested.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Adam Finkel-Gates
Dear Adam Finkel-Gates
Thank you for your email of 12 August below. We acknowledge your request for an internal review of our handling of your FOI request related to past exam papers. We also confirm that this will be processed within the 20 working day period from the date of your request for a review.
Please find attached a copy of the University's internal review procedure.
Kind regards
FOI Processing
Abertay University
Dear Adam Finkel-Gates
The University has completed the review you requested of the original response to your freedom of information request which was issued to you on 3 August 2021.
Please find enclosed an updated response to your freedom of information request with the information enclosed.
Kind regards
FOI Processing
Freedom of Information Processing
Abertay University
Bell Street
Email: [University of Abertay Dundee request email]
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