Pass rate statistics

The request was successful.

Dear Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency,

I would be grateful if you would provide statistics on the average pass rates of practical tests in the following areas:

(1) Cheltenham
(2) Swindon
(3) Chippenham

The most recent statistics would be preferable.

Yours faithfully,

Cecelia Knight, Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

Thank you for your email.

If you are requesting information under:

· The Freedom of Information Act – we will normally respond within 20
working days

· Data Protection Act – we will respond within 40 calendar days

· Environmental Information Regulations - we will normally respond within
20 working days, Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

2 Attachments



  Public Liaison Team T    0115 9366028

The Axis Building  

112 Upper Parliament Street





Cecelia Knight

Cecelia Knight <[FOI #470220 email]>


our ref: IA/01541/18


20 March 2018


Dear Ms Knight


Information requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA).


Further to your request of 12 March, I can confirm that we have handled
your request for information about pass rates within the terms of the


Your request and our response is as follows:


I would be grateful if you would provide statistics on the average pass
rates of practical tests in the following areas:

(1) Cheltenham
(2) Swindon
(3) Chippenham

The most recent statistics would be preferable.


Please note this information is withheld from disclosure under section 21
(Information accessible to applicant by other means) of the FoIA. This is
because this information is already published in the public domain. Please
see the below link for the requested information.




I would like to advise that all candidates are assessed to the same level
and the result of their test is entirely dependent on their performance on
the day. As you may appreciate, it is essential that all drivers
demonstrate they have the right skills, knowledge and attitude to drive
safely. The driver testing and training regime tests candidates’ ability
to drive safely and responsibly as well as making sure they know the
theory behind safe driving.


If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your request, you can ask
for an internal review by contacting Vasim Choudhary, Public Liaison
Manager, at [2][email address] or at the above address.


Yours sincerely




Clare Limb

Public Liaison Manager

Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency 

The Axis, 112 Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham, NG1 6LP



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2. mailto:[email address]