Information Governance
Medical Directorate
NHS Grampian
Rosehill House
Foresterhill Site
Cornhill Road
AB25 2ZG
19 March 2021
Rex Grant
Our Ref
Enquiries to Information Governance Team
Extension 51319
Direct Line 01224 551319
Dear Mr Grant
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
I refer to your e-mail dated 16 February 2021, requesting:
“Please tell me about your Vitrectomy surgery in years 2018, 2019 & 2020
• How many pars planar vitrectomy surgical procedures were carried out in the years 2018
2019 and 2020
• When is the current Vitreo Retinal ophthalmology contract due to expire?
• Do you plan to release an OJEU tender for the renewal of this contract?
• Do you plan to use a national framework for the renewal of this contract? If so which
• What is the volume of the vitrectomy procedures that wil be included within the contract?
• How many vitrectomy machines do you have?
• What is the age of your vitrectomy machines?
• How many phaco handpieces do you have?
• What are your top 3 requirements for the new contract and future awarded supplier to
• Do you plan to trial potential new suppliers this year? If so which month do you expect to
want to trial?
• Who is the procurement manager responsible for this?
• Who wil sign the new contract and what is their job title?
• What is the total spend on your VR procedure packs?
• Are there any other products within the scope of the current Vitrectomy contracts and if
so, which products are they and who supplies them?
• What level of maintenance cover is provided for your Vitreo Retinal equipment? What is
the annual cost of maintenance for your Vitreo Retinal machines?
• Who is the clinical lead for ophthalmology?
• Who is the current suppliers of VR equipment?
• Wil you plan to use capital or revenue budget to fund the next contract for phaco and VR
equipment, ie capital purchase or consumables based agreement?
• What type of viewing system do you use with your microscope eg Eibos, Biom or 3D
system etc?”
I can now respond as fol ows:
Please tell me about your Vitrectomy surgery in years 2018, 2019 & 2020?
• How many pars planar vitrectomy surgical procedures were carried out in the
years 2018 2019 and 2020?
Please see the table below for the number of admissions containing details of a vitrectomy
procedure using the pars plana approach for the period requested.
Number of Admissions Containing Details of Operative
Procedure - C792 - Vitrectomy Using Pars Plana Approach
• When is the current Vitreo Retinal ophthalmology contract due to expire? AND,
• Do you plan to release an OJEU tender for the renewal of this contract? AND,
• Do you plan to use a national framework for the renewal of this contract? If so
which one?
NHS Grampian can advise that we do not have a Vitreo Retinal ophthalmology contract;
s.17 of the Act refers – Information not held.
• What is the volume of the vitrectomy procedures that wil be included within the
Not Applicable.
• How many vitrectomy machines do you have?
NHS Grampian has one vitrectomy machine.
• What is the age of your vitrectomy machines?
Nine years and 10 months.
• How many phaco handpieces do you have?
We have 70 phaco handpieces across the Foresterhil Health campus.
• What are your top 3 requirements for the new contract and future awarded supplier
to meet?
The top requirements are the cutter speed and the type of vitrectomy possible 20-27G for
the new vitrectomy machine.
• Do you plan to trial potential new suppliers this year? If so which month do you
expect to want to trial?
NHS Grampian does not plan to trial new suppliers this year.
• Who is the procurement manager responsible for this?
Please note NHS Grampian only provide information of Senior Clinical staff – s.38(1)(b) of
the Act refers – Personal Information relating to third parties.
• Who will sign the new contract and what is their job title?
Please be advised that there is no contract required.
• What is the total spend on your VR procedure packs?
NHS Grampian is unable to disclose this information as competition rules prevent costing's
of equipment and it would prejudice substantially the commercial interests of NHS
Grampian; s.33(1)(b) of the Act refers – Commercial interests and the economy –
disclosure would prejudice substantially commercial interests.
• Are there any other products within the scope of the current Vitrectomy contracts
and if so, which products are they and who supplies them?
NHS Grampian is unaware of any Vitreo Retinal consumables required for surgery that are
on a contract.
• What level of maintenance cover is provided for your Vitreo Retinal equipment?
What is the annual cost of maintenance for your Vitreo Retinal machines?
NHS Grampian has a Planned Preventative Maintenance level of cover. As above, please
be advised that we are unable to disclose the annual cost of maintenance as it would
prejudice substantial y the commercial interests of NHS Grampian; s.33(1)(b) of the Act
refers – Commercial interests and the economy – disclosure would prejudice substantial y
commercial interests.
• Who is the clinical lead for ophthalmology?
Ms Kuffova, Consultant Ophthalmologist.
• Who is the current suppliers of VR equipment?
Alcon Constel ation.
• Wil you plan to use capital or revenue budget to fund the next contract for phaco
and VR equipment, i.e. capital purchase or consumables based agreement?
NHS Grampian can advise that there is no new contract required.
• What type of viewing system do you use with your microscope e.g. Eibos, Biom or
3D system etc.?
NHS Grampian utilises the BIOM viewing system.
Under section 20 (1) of the Act, if you are dissatisfied with the way NHS Grampian has
dealt with your request, you have a right to request a review of our actions and decisions
in relation to your request, and you have a right to appeal to the Scottish Information
A request for review must be made within 40 working days and should, in the first
instance, be in writing to: Directorate of Corporate Communications, Foresterhil House,
Foresterhil , Aberdeen, AB25 2ZB or by email t
Requests for appeal can be made by using the Scottish Information Commissioner’s online
service at or should be made in writing to: Scottish
Information Commissioner, Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, Fife, KY16
9DS Telephone: 01334 464610, Fax: 01334 464611.
If you remain dissatisfied fol owing an appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner
your recourse is to the Court of Session on a point of law.
Yours sincerely
Roohi Bains
Information Governance Manager & Deputy DPO
NHS Grampian