Requests similar to 'Parking - Worst car'

Worst car for parking
Request sent to Birmingham City Council by Matthew Davis on .


Please answer Question 1-7 in relation to the 2023 calendar year. 1. How many parking tickets were issued to the vehicle that infringed parking...
Request sent to Birmingham City Council by Matthew Davis on .


Please answer Question 1-7 in relation to the 2021 calendar year. 1. How many parking tickets were issued to the vehicle that infringed parking...
Background to S.I . 2007/3482
Response by Department for Transport to Mr. O'Brien on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr O’Brien   Please find attached the released information (first of two emails).     Kind regards     FOI Advice Team Departmen...
Dear Mr Fowler,   Thank you for your email, no its not a new system sometimes when the files are too big it will password protect them so they can...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Redbridge Borough Council to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr Farnet, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST Your request for information has now been considered and the information reque...
Dear Mr Hiscocks   ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION REGULATIONS 2004   With reference to your request received on 26 October 2018 about Public Spaces ...
Tender of parking enforcement work
Response by Transport for London to Mustaf Hassan on .


Dear Mr Hassan TfL Ref: 0352-1415 Thank you for your email received by us on 29 May 2014 asking for tendering information in relation to NSL under...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Lambeth Borough Council to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr Farnet Please find attached a series of Word documents containing the analysis that you asked for as Word Tables. These can readily be cop...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Merton Borough Council to Brian Farnet on .

Partially successful

Rosalind Girdlestone B ThisWorkbook "#,##0;\-" "#,##0 "#,##0;...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Bromley Borough Council to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr Farnet Please find attached Excel spreadsheets setting out the information you require. You will see that I am unable to provide you with th...
Car Parking
Response by Plymouth City Council to Keith Coventry on .


  FOI Ref: 876811 Please ask for: Natasha White   Dear Mr Coventry,   Thank you for your request for information below which is being handl...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Department for Transport to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr Farnet Please find attached my response to your FoI request, with supporting documents. Yours sincerely Lara Lara Bolch Information Rights...
FoI compliance statistics
Response by North Yorkshire Police to Tim Fast on .


Good afternoon Please see attached response to your internal review. Kind Regards Katie Ward Collar Number 3820 Police Lawyer (Civil Disclosure) Jo...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr Farnet, Please see the attached reply to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act Regards Brian...
Your FOI responses
Response by North Somerset Council to R Tozer on .


Information request Our reference: 3097121 --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Dear R Tozer   Thank yo...
Parking contract with NSL Ltd
Response by Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to [Name Removed] on .

Partially successful

Dear [name removed] FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST REF: 2017-1605 I am responding to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which...
Response sent to case F0011871 attached. Department for Transport Zone 3/29 Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR Tel: 0300 330 3000...
Dear Mr Briggs, Your request for information has now been considered and the information requested is enclosed. London Councils' joint committ...
Request past Exam papers
Response by University of Cambridge to Farrah Abdullah on .


Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambrid...
Request past exam papers for English Literature
Response by University of Cambridge to Farrah Abdullah on .

Partially successful

Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambrid...
List of FOI Requests
Response by Ministry of Defence to Kacey Montagu on .


Dear Ms Montagu,   Apologies for the delay in providing you with a response to your Freedom of Information request.   Please find attached our...
Land Economy Past Papers
Response by University of Cambridge to Mo on .


Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambrid...
Vehicle Parking Policy
Response by Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust to G Jennings on .


The Trust has now completed collation of data to support a response to your recent Freedom of Information requests for Pennine Acute NHS Trust.  ...
  Dear Tobia    Freedom of Information Request    Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) relating the Open U...
Information request Our reference: 33599774 ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════   Dear Diane Rigby   On...