This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Parking - Worst car'.

Our ref: 52180951
5 April 2023
Matthew Davis
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Dear Matthew Davis
I can confirm that the information requested is held by Birmingham City 
Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you. 
Dear Birmingham City Council, 
Please answer Question 1-7 in relation to the 2022 calendar year. 
1. How many parking tickets were issued to the vehicle that infringed parking 
regulations in the borough on the most occasions? 
2. What was the penalty value of these tickets? 
3. In what street or car park were the majority of them collected? 
4. How many of them have been paid? 
5. What was the make and model of the vehicle? 
6. If was a foreign-registered vehicle please state what was the nationality of its 
7. Did you manage to impound the vehicle? 
8. What is the biggest value of unpaid Penalty Charge Notices issued to one 
single 'persistent evader' vehicle that has built up over a period of time going 
back where the first unpaid tickets was before 1.1.22? Please state (i) the value 
of these unpaid tickets, (ii) the date of the first and last unpaid tickets, (iii) the 
number of these unpaid tickets, (iv) the make and model of the vehicle, (v) have 

you seized the vehicle or taken any other action to reduce the unpaid balance? 
Yours faithfully, 
Matthew Davis... 
1. How many parking tickets were issued to the vehicle that infringed 
parking regulations in the borough on the most occasions? 
143 Parking Pcns
2. What was the penalty value of these tickets? 
140 x £50 (reduced to £25 if paid in discount)
3 x £70 (reduced to £35 if paid in discount)
3. In what street or car park were the majority of them collected?
Waterloo Street
4. How many of them have been paid? 
5. What was the make and model of the vehicle? 
Model is not recorded.
6. If was a foreign-registered vehicle please state what was the nationality 
of its registration. 
Not foreign
7. Did you manage to impound the vehicle? 
Not yet
8. What is the biggest value of unpaid Penalty Charge Notices issued to 
one single 'persistent evader' vehicle that has built up over a period of 
time going back where the first unpaid tickets was before 1.1.22? 
Please state (i) the value of these unpaid tickets, 
Biggest value of unpaid parking penalty charge notices:-
146 x £50 (reduced to £25 if paid in discount)
208 x £70 (reduced to £35 if paid in discount)

(ii) the date of the first and last unpaid tickets, 
(iii) the number of these unpaid tickets, 
(iv) the make and model of the vehicle, 
Model is not recorded
(v) have you seized the vehicle
or taken any other action to reduce the unpaid balance? 
Recovery action is being taken by Civil Enforcement Agents/Bailiffs.
Please quote the reference number 52180951 in any future communications.
If you are dissatisfied with our response to your request, you have the right to 
ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within 
40 working days from the date this authority issued its initial response.  Please 
outline which part of the response you are not happy with setting out your 
reasons.  This request should be addressed to:
Corporate Information Governance Team
PO Box 16366
B2 2YY
If you are still dissatisfied with the Council’s response after the internal review 
you have a right of appeal to the Information Commissioner at:

The Information Commissioner's Office
I will now close your request as of this date.
Yours faithfully
Jenny Bent
Business Support Coordinator
Re Use of Public Sector Information
Where Birmingham City Council is the copyright holder of any information that may be released, re-use for personal, 
educational or non-commercial purposes is permitted without further reference to the City Council. Where the re-use is 
for other purposes, such as commercial re-use, the applicant should notify the City Council in writing to seek approval or 
agree terms for re-use