parking tickets appealed in Cardiff,Cathay's Park and number of tickets given in one year
Dear Cardiff Council,
I wish to know how many parking tickets are issued per day,week,month,year in the Cathay's Park area of Cardiff,in particular, adjacent to the Welsh Assembly Government building.
How many are appealed, how many are rejected on appeal.
Yours faithfully,
Christopher Morris
Dear Mr Morris
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.
Your query has been assigned the Reference: FOI06739
Should we require any additional information in order to process your request we will contact you.
The Council aims to deal with your request within the statutory timeframes.
Please quote this reference number if you need to contact us regarding your request, the Council's contact details are below.
Improvement & Information - Gwella a Gwybodaeth
City of Cardiff Council - Cyngor Dinas Caerdydd
Room 401, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf Cardiff Ystafell 401, Neuadd y Sir, Glanfa'r Iwerydd, Caerdydd, CF10 4UW
Tel: 029 2087 2087
Ffôn:029 2087 2088
Dear Mr Morris
Thank you for your request for information about :
Parking Tickets-Cathays
which was received on 08/05/2015
The department reasonably requires further information in order to identify and locate the information that you have asked for.
I will not be able to take this matter further without extra information from you. In particular, it would be useful to know a specific area in which you wish to receive this information, Cathays as a whole? Cardiff City Centre as a whole? etc.
We also require the time frame you wish to receive this information for, 'per day,week,month,year' is not specific enough please state which years figures you require.
Yours sincerely
Improvement & Information - Gwella a Gwybodaeth
City of Cardiff Council - Cyngor Dinas Caerdydd
Room 401, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf Cardiff Ystafell 401, Neuadd y Sir, Glanfa'r Iwerydd, Caerdydd, CF10 4UW
Tel: 029 2087 2087
Ffôn:029 2087 2088
Dear Cardiff Council
Thank you for your reply,to be specific, Cathay's Park, and in particular the parking adjacent to the main Welsh Assembly Building.
To generalise the Cardiff Civic Centre.
Yours faithfully,
christopher Morris
Dear Mr Morris,
Thank you for your email however we still require a timeframe for this information.
Yours Sincerely,
Improvement & Information - Gwella a Gwybodaeth
Cardiff Council - Cyngor Caerdydd
Room 401, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff, CF10 4UW - Ystafell 401, Neuadd y Sir, Glanfa'r Iwerydd, Caerdydd, CF10 4UW
Tel: 029 2087 2087 - Ffôn: 029 2087 2088
Email: [email address].uk - Ebost: [email address]
Dear FOI,
Would it be possible to suggest with in 6 weeks,is this a reasonable amount of time to gather the requested information?
Yours sincerely,
christopher Morris
Dear Mr Morris,
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 we have 20 working days to respond to requests however we are not requesting this from you.
We need to know from what time period you are requesting the information. For example for the current year to date, or for the last financial year etc.
Our 20 working day deadline will not start until full clarification of what you are requesting is received.
Yours Sincerely,
Improvement & Information - Gwella a Gwybodaeth
Cardiff Council - Cyngor Caerdydd
Room 401, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff, CF10 4UW - Ystafell 401, Neuadd y Sir, Glanfa'r Iwerydd, Caerdydd, CF10 4UW
Tel: 029 2087 2087 - Ffôn: 029 2087 2088
Email: [email address].uk - Ebost: [email address]
Dear FOI,
For the the last financial year please would be great thank you.
Yours sincerely,
christopher Morris
Dear Mr Morris
Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request - FOI06739.
If you have any queries or concerns, are in any way dissatisfied with the handling of your request please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you believe that the information supplied does not answer your enquiry or if you feel we have not fully understood your request, you have the right to ask for an independent review of our response. If you wish to ask for an Internal Review please set out
in writing your reasons and send to the Operational Manager, Improvement & Information, whose address is available at the bottom of this letter.
You also have a right under section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act to ask the Information Commissioner to review our handling of your request. The Commissioner will normally require you to ask us to undertake an internal review before considering an
Yours sincerely
Improvement & Information - Gwella a Gwybodaeth
City of Cardiff Council - Cyngor Dinas Caerdydd
Room 401, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf Cardiff Ystafell 401, Neuadd y Sir, Glanfa'r Iwerydd, Caerdydd, CF10 4UW
Tel: 029 2087 2087
Ffôn:029 2087 2088
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