Parking Tickets

The request was successful.

Dear Strathclyde Police,

I would like to know, how many parking tickets were issued in North Lanarkshire N Division the year prior to the Police Traffic Wardens being made redundant, and how many have been issued in the division since the Wardens were made redundant?

Yours faithfully,

Allan Montgomery

Nicola Sloan,


Good morning

Strathclyde Police received your request for information on 19 November
2012. Please quote Ref No 0871/2012 in any further correspondence.

Your request will now be considered under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002 and you will receive a response from us within 20
working days unless otherwise notified.

Please contact North Lanarkshire Council in relation to how many tickets
have been issued since the wardens were made redundant as the Council is
now responsible for parking tickets.

Thank you

Kind Regards, Nicola

Nicola Sloan
Analyst Researcher
Information Management
Freedom of Information
Telephone: 0141 435 1215 (704 1215)

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Dear Nicola Sloan,
I see from your response that North Lanarkshire Council are responsible for tickets issued since the Police Traffic Wardens were made redundant. This is not correct as the parking in North Lanarkshire HAS NOT been de-criminalised and is still the responsability of Strathclyde Police despite the officers of N Division thinking it has.Central processing will have the information required.

Yours sincerely,

Allan Montgomery

Colette McFarlane,

Mr Montgomery

In relation to your request we have had a response today from our
Central Processing Department, however, we have had to clarify it. We
are waiting on them getting back to us, however, I will have a response
to you in the morning. I apologise for the slight delay.

Kind Regards
Colette McFarlane
Freedom of Information Officer
Information Management

Strathclyde Police Headquarters
173 Pitt Street, Glasgow, G2 4JS
0141 435 1204 (704 - 1204)
0141 435 1218 (FAX)

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Colette McFarlane,

1 Attachment

Please see attached

Kind Regards
Colette McFarlane
Freedom of Information Officer
Information Management

Strathclyde Police Headquarters
173 Pitt Street, Glasgow, G2 4JS
0141 435 1204 (704 - 1204)
0141 435 1218 (FAX)
<<response letter.pdf>>

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