Parking Ticket Data
Dear Sir or Madam,
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would like to request some information relating to the enforcement of parking restrictions, specifically penalty charge notices.
1. I would like to request the raw data set of parking tickets issued in the name of the council within the last five year period (22 July 2004 till now) broken down by:
date, time, location, narrative of infraction, current status of case, next status of case, transaction details (ie. date, time and method of payments made), officer ID.
2. I would also like to request any information regarding ‘reward’/bonus schemes/contracts in place for your parking enforcement officers. This is envisaged to cover the details of any systems, including (where bonuses are paid) the amount per officer per year, for the last five years.
Regarding part 1. ideally I would like the location unit to be 'street' but if this is not practical then under your section 16 duty to advise and assist I would expect you to contact me to discuss how you record this geospatial data so that I may narrow my request in a way that works for both of us.
As a supplementary, under section 16, I would also ask that you provide some detail about the recording processes of this parking information. E.g. What software is used? What data fields are recorded? What other data sets it links to, etc.
If this information is held by an outside contractor then it is your responsibility under the FOIA to obtain that information.
If it is held by another public body then please can you inform me of this and if possible transfer the request to that public body. My preferred format to receive this information is by electronic means. For both parts I would like the response to be in the form of a raw text file, tab delimited, with text qualifiers where required.
If you need any clarification of this request or if it is too broad in any way please feel free to email me. If some parts of this request
are more difficult to answer than others please release the answerable material as it is available rather than hold up the entire request for the contested data.
If FOI requests of a similar nature have already been asked could you please include your responses to those requests. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request, and I look forward to hearing from you within the 20-working day statutory time period.
Yours faithfully,
Neil Houston
Thank you for your enquiry.
I am forwarding it to the relevant Services for their attention and we
will contact you again as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
The FoI team
Information Access Officer
Kirklees Council - Performance and Communication
High Street Buildings
Huddersfield HD1 2NQ
Tel 01484 225985 (860 5985)
Fax 01484 221293 (860 1293)
Dear Mr Houston
I refer to your recent freedom of information request regarding the enforcement of parking restrictions.
I have received the information below from the service concerned, however, I appreciate this does not fully answer your request.
I shall contact you again regarding the outstanding questions as soon as possible, in the meantime please be assured that this matter is received attention.
The Council took over on-street parking enforcement under DPE powers in July 2006, prior to this time it only enforced off-street parking as on-street parking was a function carried out by West Yorkshire Police. I will forward your request to the appropriate department in order that they may consider this for the time period concerned.
I am in discussions with the software suppliers in order that I can supply the large amount of data that you require in the format that you have requested. You will get this data as soon as I can ensure that I do not breach any of the Data Protection principles in relation to personal data.
The Civil Enforcement Officers do not have any "reward or bonus schemes" applicable to their duties.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team
Dear Mr Houston
I refer to previous correspondence regarding the above foi request and have now received the remaining information:-
The data is recorded using hand held devices - Casio IT50 & DT-X30 and the software used in "Nextapen" from ICES (Imperial Civil Enforcement Solutions).
The data fields recorded by the hand held devices are as follows:
Time of first viewing
VRN (Vehicle Registration Number)
Street / Location
VEL number (Vehicle Excise Licence)
Model / Make / Colour
Time issued
Other Notes
Other anecdotal evidence may be recorded in the CEO's notebook.
I trust this now completes your request.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team
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