Parking Spaces

The request was partially successful.

Dear Cambridgeshire County Council,

I wanted to get in touch to see if you'd please be able to help me with a few of these questions, relating to your area.

I would like to know..
1. How many Blue Badge holders are in your area?
2. How many council-owned parking spaces there are?
3. How many of these council-owned parking spaces are for Blue Badge holders?
4. How many of these council-owned parking spaces are parent-child spaces?
5. How many fines are given out a month (on average) for people that park in Blue Badge spaces when they have no Blue Badge?
6. The same for parent-child spaces.

If you could please get back to me as soon as you can, that would be really great. It would be great if you could please email [email address] with the answers to these questions.

Yours faithfully,

Emma-Leigh Hull (15 Rowsby Court, Pontprennau, Cardiff, CF23 8FG, 07478709450)

FOI, Cambridgeshire County Council

Dear Emma-Leigh Hull
Re: Freedom of Information Request - Ref 1668363.
Thank you for your email. Your request will be dealt with in line with the
Freedom of Information Act and its regulations. In accordance with the
Act, the Council aims to respond to all requests within 20 working days,
in this instance by 21/09/2021.
If we require further information, clarification or a fee in order to
fulfil your request we will contact you again. Please quote the reference
number above in all future correspondence concerning this request.
Yours sincerely
Steve Thompson
Information Management Analyst
Information Governance Team
Cambridgeshire County Council
Shire Hall, Cambridge, CB3 0AP
t: 01223 699137

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FOI, Cambridgeshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Emma
Re: FOI 1668363
I am writing to let you know that there will be a delay in providing you
with the requested information.
Please accept our apologies for this. I will provide you with an update on
when you can expect to receive a response on Thursday, 23^rd September
Kind regards
Information Governance Team
Tel: 01223 699137 (Team)
Box No. SCO2306, Cambridgeshire County Council, Scott House, 5 George
Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3AD
The information in this email could be confidential and legally
privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee and they will decide
who to share this email with (if appropriate). If you receive this email
by mistake please notify the sender and delete it immediately. Opinions
expressed are those of the individual and do not necessarily represent the
opinion of Cambridgeshire County Council. All sent and received email from
Cambridgeshire County Council is automatically scanned for the presence of
computer viruses and security issues. Any personal data will be processed
in line with the Data Protection legislation, further details at
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FOI, Cambridgeshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Emma
Re: Freedom of Information Request ref: FOI_1668363
We have considered your request under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act. Please find our response below.
I wanted to get in touch to see if you'd please be able to help me with a
few of these questions, relating to your area.
I would like to know..
1. How many Blue Badge holders are in your area?
Number of badge holders currently for Cambridgeshire is 29,311 (as at
17^th September 2021).
2. How many council-owned parking spaces there are?
Please see the number of parking spaces for 2019/20 on page 3 at the below
Others covers: Disabled bays, taxi bays, loading bays, car club bays,
limited waiting bays, coach bay, motorcycle bay, Doctor bay, Samaritan
bay, electric vehicle charging bay.
Please be aware that this report is for Cambridge City only as this is the
only area that the County Council has parking enforcement responsibilities
for. For areas outside Cambridge City, you will need to direct this
question to the District/City Councils, details for which can be found at
the bottom of the following webpage:
3. How many of these council-owned parking spaces are for Blue Badge
Please see the response to question 2.
Blue badge holders can park in Disabled bays, pay and display and resident
bays with no time limit whilst displaying a valid blue badge. They can
also park on single or double yellow lines with a valid blue badge clearly
on display along with the parking disc set at the time of arrival, for a
maximum of three hours.  Blue badge holders are not permitted to park
where there is a loading restriction, taxi bay, loading bay, coach bay,
motorcycle bay.
Again, you will need to direct this question to the District Councils for
areas outside Cambridge City.
4. How many of these council-owned parking spaces are parent-child spaces?
Cambridgeshire County Council does not hold this information. Please
direct this question to the District Councils using the contact
information linked at the bottom of the following webpage:
[3]Requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act -
Cambridgeshire County Council
5. How many fines are given out a month (on average) for people that park
in Blue Badge spaces when they have no Blue Badge?
The average number of penalties issued per month is 70. This data is taken
from 2021. Please note that this is a slightly lower than normal figure
due to limited traffic movement at the start of this year.
6. The same for parent-child spaces.
Please see the response to question 4.
I hope this information is helpful but if you are unhappy with the service
you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint
or request a review, you should write to Information Management, at either
[4][Cambridgeshire County Council request email] or by post at Box No. OCT1224, Shire Hall,
Cambridge CB3 0AP within 40 days of the date of this e-mail.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
5AF, or via their website: [5]
Generally, the ICO will not undertake a review or make a decision on a
request until the internal review process has been completed.
Kind Regards,
Information Governance Team
Tel: 01223 699137
Box No. SCO2306, Cambridgeshire County Council, Scott House, 5 George
Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3AD
The information in this email could be confidential and legally
privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee and they will decide
who to share this email with (if appropriate). If you receive this email
by mistake please notify the sender and delete it immediately. Opinions
expressed are those of the individual and do not necessarily represent the
opinion of Cambridgeshire County Council. All sent and received email from
Cambridgeshire County Council is automatically scanned for the presence of
computer viruses and security issues. Any personal data will be processed
in line with the Data Protection legislation, further details at
[6] Visit [7]


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