Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Please provide the following data in respect of onstreet parking around the borough, and the controversial new requirement to register on arrival to use one-hour free parking bays.

For the months of June and September 2023 and the same months in 2024, please provide a spreadsheet showing as stated.

Number of free one-hour or 30-minute or two-hour parking sessions issued on each day of the month at the following locations. Also where applicable the number of paid-for parking sessions of 30 minutes, one hour, 90 minutes and two hours.

Note this data is required for parking bays in shopping areas where there is a free time element, not for bays in residential areas where there are shared-use permit bays.

Where areas had un-metered parking prior to this summer, data is required for August and September 2024.
In each case, “parking bay location” refers to the address and Ringgo code.

Coulsdon town centre – listing by parking bay location.

Purley town centre – listing by parking bay location.

Old Lodge Lane area – listing by parking bay location.

Thornton Heath town centre – listing by parking bay location – also Beulah Road area.

South Norwood town centre – listing by parking bay location.

South Croydon area – listing by parking bay location – this to include two near South End and all three areas near Sanderstead Road.

New Addington area – listing by parking bay location.

Coulsdon (outside centre) + Old Coulsdon area – listing by parking bay location.

Sanderstead area – listing by parking bay location.

Selsdon area – listing by parking bay location.

Addiscombe + Woodside area – 4 areas including near Davidson Road, listing by parking bay location.

Broad Green area – listing by parking bay location.

Norbury area – listing by parking bay location.

Upper Norwood + Crown Point areas – listing by parking bay location.

In the case of the last three, the 2024 May council document stated no machine or Ringgo control.
Is this still correct.
Why are these areas treated differently from other parts of the borough?

What evidence does the council have of any change in compliance with parking rules?

Yours faithfully,


Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Further to my FOI request, please note that the data should be segregated according to how any registration was made or paid.

That is, please state separately the numbers as previously requested, broken down into free tickets from a street machine, paid for tickets from a street machine, the same via Ringgo app, the same via Ringgo phone and the same via PayPoint.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Further to my FOI request, please confirm that this has been received and is awaiting reply.

Yours faithfully,

PJ MORGAN, Croydon Borough Council

Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B

Contact: Information Team
[email address]


Dear PJ Morgan, 

Thank you for your request regarding parking payments in Croydon. I can
confirm we did receive your request on 20/09/2024, and our parking team
are currently working on a response. 

Kind regards, 
Information Team, Croydon Borough Council

1 Attachment

Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B

Contact: Information Team
[email address]



Request FOI/10698

Further to your request received on 20/09/2024, I confirm that the Council
has now considered your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000. Specifically, you have requested the following information:



"Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Please provide the following data in respect of onstreet parking around
the borough, and the controversial new requirement to register on arrival
to use one-hour free parking bays.

For the months of June and September 2023 and the same months in 2024,
please provide a spreadsheet showing as stated.

Number of free one-hour or 30-minute or two-hour parking sessions issued
on each day of the month at the following locations. Also where applicable
the number of paid-for parking sessions of 30 minutes, one hour, 90
minutes and two hours.

Note this data is required for parking bays in shopping areas where there
is a free time element, not for bays in residential areas where there are
shared-use permit bays.

Where areas had un-metered parking prior to this summer, data is required
for August and September 2024.
In each case, "parking bay location” refers to the address and Ringgo

Coulsdon town centre - listing by parking bay location.

Purley town centre - listing by parking bay location.

Old Lodge Lane area - listing by parking bay location.

Thornton Heath town centre - listing by parking bay location - also Beulah
Road area.

South Norwood town centre - listing by parking bay location.

South Croydon area - listing by parking bay location - this to include two
near South End and all three areas near Sanderstead Road.

New Addington area - listing by parking bay location.

Coulsdon (outside centre) + Old Coulsdon area - listing by parking bay

Sanderstead area - listing by parking bay location.

Selsdon area - listing by parking bay location.

Addiscombe + Woodside area - 4 areas including near Davidson Road, listing
by parking bay location.

Broad Green area - listing by parking bay location.

Norbury area - listing by parking bay location.

Upper Norwood + Crown Point areas - listing by parking bay location.

In the case of the last three, the 2024 May council document stated no
machine or Ringgo control.
Is this still correct.

Why are these areas treated differently from other parts of the borough?

What evidence does the council have of any change in compliance with
parking rules?"

Please find data attached.


The Council publishes Access to Information requests and responses on its
online Disclosure Log. (Any request included within this log will be
anonymised appropriately)

To view the Council’s Disclosure Log, please visit our website available

[1]The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act | Croydon Council


If you are dissatisfied with the way the Council has handled your request
under the Freedom of Information Act, you may ask for an internal review.
This should be submitted to us within 40 working days of this response.
You can do this by outlining the details of your complaint by:


Email:        [2][email address]


Writing:     Information Team

London Borough of Croydon

Bernard Weatherill House

Floor 7 - Zone B

                   8 Mint Walk

Croydon, CR0 1EA


Any requests received after the 40 working day time limit will be
considered only at the discretion of the council.


If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane


Cheshire, SK9 5AF


Yours sincerely,


Steven Borg


Information Team

Croydon Digital Services

Assistant Chief Executive Directorate

Bernard Wetherill House,

Mint Walk,





[3][email address]

[email address]



Visible links
2. mailto:[email%20address]
3. mailto:[email%20address]

Dear [email address],

Thank you for the data.
However this is incomplete.

- - - -

Thank you for the Ringo data for these car parks for 2024 September.

16403 - Garnet Road Car Park Thornton Heath
16404 - Purley Multi
16412 - Lion Green Road Long Stay Car Park Coulsdon
16414 - Russell Hill Car Park Croydon
16415 - Purley Multi
16417 - Sanderstead Station Car Park Croydon

** Please provide the data for the other three dates, including machine data.
** How do the two “Purley Multi” differ?

For these locations below, Ringo data has been provided, but not machine data.

16407 - Central Parade Car Park Croydon
16410 - Central Parade Central Market Car Park Croydon

** Please provide that data.

** Please provide the full data for the car park off Chipstead Valley Road in Coulsdon.

- - - -

Please confirm the following details:

A - The original FOI includes this:

> Where areas had un-metered parking prior to this summer, data is required for August and September 2024

Please now provide this data – with any zero data made clear.

B - It also included this:

> Also where applicable the number of paid-for parking sessions of 30 minutes, one hour, 90 minutes and two hours.

Please now provide this data – with any zero data made clear.

C - It also included this:

> Further to my FOI request, please note that the data should be segregated according to how any registration was made or paid.

> That is, please state separately the numbers as previously requested, broken down into free tickets from a street machine, paid for tickets from a street machine, the same via Ringgo app, the same via Ringgo phone and the same via PayPoint.

There is no data on paid-for parking, and no reference to PayPoint data at all.

Please now provide this data – with any zero data made clear.

- - - -

D – incomplete or missing specific data

16436 - Wyche Grove, there appears to be no machine data for this location. Why is that?
Can the council explain why the Ringo data shows a two thirds reduction in Sept 2024, compared with the three previous periods?

Same question for 16442 - Jarvis Road with 80% reduction?
Why are there two rows for this location for June 2023 – with different data?

19503 - Addington Road - why is there no data for June 2023?

1000 - Wandel Park – Where is the Ringo data for this location?
Is this location in fact Wandle Park in Waddon?

19558 - Brighton Road – where is this – Purley, Coulsdon, South Croydon – which machine data relates to this location?

19704 - London Road Croydon – where is this – how does this location differ from 19715 - London Road?

How do the above link in with 085 - London Road and 120 - London Road etc?

566- Station Approach Coulsdon - where is the Ringo data that relates to this location?
(This should actually be Station Approach Road - Station Approach is now known as Leaden Hill – a different road).

16407 - Central Parade Car Park Croydon and 16410 - Central Parade Central Market Car Park Croydon – are these in fact in New Addington?
How do these relate to C01 - Central Parade etc – are these also in New Addington?

19894 - Allenby Avenue Croydon On – Is this in fact in South Croydon?
Where is the machine data for this location?

19738 - Old Lodge Lane Sanderstead – Old Lodge Lane is partly in Purley and partly in Kenley – does this relate to the shopping parade near Reedham station, which is Purley?
759 - Old Lodge Road – does this relate to 19738 - Old Lodge Lane, near Reedham station, Purley?

- - - -

Parade Croydon On-Street(55013 - Coulsdon Road – Is this in fact Tudor Parade in Old Coulsdon?
Should this be:
55013 - Tudor Parade, Old Coulsdon?

> near Rickman Hill Croydon On-Street(55012 - Chipstead Valley Road
Should this be:
55012 - Chipstead Valley Road, near Rickman Hill, Coulsdon?

> by Tollers Lane Croydon On-Street(55014 - Coulsdon Road
Should this be:
55014 - Coulsdon Road, near Tollers Lane, Old Coulsdon?

> by Shops Croydon On-Street(55009 - Mitchley Avenue
Should this be:
55009 - Mitchley Avenue, by Shops, Sanderstead

> Crown Point Croydon On-Street(55000 - Beulah Hill
Should this be:
55000 - Beulah Hill, Crown Point, Upper Norwood

Please supply any other data the council has but omitted to provide in the previous reply.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Croydon Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'PARKING In CROYDON – Phone Pay Usage Data'.

FOI made 20-9-24
Clarification added 23-9-24
Follow-up sent 30-9-24
Incomplete response: 18-10-24
Follow-up request sent 19-10-24
No further response from council – now over 3 weeks later

The council should acknowldege requests made for FOI.
Where a response is incomplete, the council should state within seven days what it is doing abouit this.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,


Passman, Howard,

2 Attachments

  • Attachment


    10K Download

  • Attachment

    10698 Internal Review Revised Breakdown of Data.xlsb

    15.9M Download

Dear PJ Morgan,

Further to your email dated 11 November 2024, in which you requested an
Internal Review of the Council’s response to your request for information
made under the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA), I have now concluded
this review, and I am able to reply as follows.

In your request for Internal Review, you asked the Council to reconsider
your request as you believed that you had not been provided with the
information requested.

In your request for information dated 20 September 2024 you requested the
following information:

“Please provide the following data in respect of onstreet parking around
the borough, and the controversial new requirement to register on arrival
to use one-hour free parking bays.

For the months of June and September 2023 and the same months in 2024,
please provide a spreadsheet showing as stated.

Number of free one-hour or 30-minute or two-hour parking sessions issued
on each day of the month at the following locations. Also where applicable
the number of paid-for parking sessions of 30 minutes, one hour, 90
minutes and two hours.

Note this data is required for parking bays in shopping areas where there
is a free time element, not for bays in residential areas where there are
shared-use permit bays.

Where areas had un-metered parking prior to this summer, data is required
for August and September 2024.

In each case, "parking bay location” refers to the address and Ringgo

Coulsdon town centre - listing by parking bay location.

Purley town centre - listing by parking bay location.

Old Lodge Lane area - listing by parking bay location.

Thornton Heath town centre - listing by parking bay location - also Beulah
Road area.

South Norwood town centre - listing by parking bay location.

South Croydon area - listing by parking bay location - this to include two
near South End and all three areas near Sanderstead Road.

New Addington area - listing by parking bay location.

Coulsdon (outside centre) + Old Coulsdon area - listing by parking bay

Sanderstead area - listing by parking bay location.

Selsdon area - listing by parking bay location.

Addiscombe + Woodside area - 4 areas including near Davidson Road, listing
by parking bay location.

Broad Green area - listing by parking bay location.

Norbury area - listing by parking bay location.

Upper Norwood + Crown Point areas - listing by parking bay location.

In the case of the last three, the 2024 May council document stated no
machine or Ringgo control.

Is this still correct.

Why are these areas treated differently from other parts of the borough?

What evidence does the council have of any change in compliance with
parking rules?”

To which the Council responded to you on the 18 October 2024 providing the
requested information in an Excel document.

In your request for an Internal Review dated 11 November 2024 you stated
the following:

“Thank you for the data. However this is incomplete.

Thank you for the Ringo data for these car parks for 2024 September.

16403 - Garnet Road Car Park Thornton Heath

16404 - Purley Multi

16412 - Lion Green Road Long Stay Car Park Coulsdon

16414 - Russell Hill Car Park Croydon

16415 - Purley Multi

16417 - Sanderstead Station Car Park Croydon

** Please provide the data for the other three dates, including machine

** How do the two "Purley Multi” differ?

For these locations below, Ringo data has been provided, but not machine

16407 - Central Parade Car Park Croydon

16410 - Central Parade Central Market Car Park Croydon

** Please provide that data.

** Please provide the full data for the car park off Chipstead Valley Road
in Coulsdon.

Please confirm the following details:

A - The original FOI includes this:

Where areas had un-metered parking prior to this summer, data is required
for August and September 2024

Please now provide this data - with any zero data made clear.

B - It also included this:

Also where applicable the number of paid-for parking sessions of 30
minutes, one hour, 90 minutes and two hours.

Please now provide this data - with any zero data made clear.

C - It also included this:

Further to my FOI request, please note that the data should be segregated
according to how any registration was made or paid.

That is, please state separately the numbers as previously requested,
broken down into free tickets from a street machine, paid for tickets from
a street machine, the same via Ringgo app, the same via Ringgo phone and
the same via PayPoint.

There is no data on paid-for parking, and no reference to PayPoint data at

Please now provide this data - with any zero data made clear.

D - incomplete or missing specific data

16436 - Wyche Grove, there appears to be no machine data for this
location. Why is that?

Can the council explain why the Ringo data shows a two thirds reduction in
Sept 2024, compared with the three previous periods?

Same question for 16442 - Jarvis Road with 80% reduction?

Why are there two rows for this location for June 2023 - with different

19503 - Addington Road - why is there no data for June 2023?

1000 - Wandel Park - Where is the Ringo data for this location?

Is this location in fact Wandle Park in Waddon?

19558 - Brighton Road - where is this - Purley, Coulsdon, South Croydon -
which machine data relates to this location?

19704 - London Road Croydon - where is this - how does this location
differ from 19715 - London Road?

How do the above link in with 085 - London Road and 120 - London Road etc?

566- Station Approach Coulsdon - where is the Ringo data that relates to
this location?

(This should actually be Station Approach Road - Station Approach is now
known as Leaden Hill - a different road).

16407 - Central Parade Car Park Croydon and 16410 - Central Parade Central
Market Car Park Croydon - are these in fact in New Addington?

How do these relate to C01 - Central Parade etc - are these also in New

19894 - Allenby Avenue Croydon On - Is this in fact in South Croydon?

Where is the machine data for this location?

19738 - Old Lodge Lane Sanderstead - Old Lodge Lane is partly in Purley
and partly in Kenley - does this relate to the shopping parade near
Reedham station, which is Purley?

759 - Old Lodge Road - does this relate to 19738 - Old Lodge Lane, near
Reedham station, Purley?

Parade Croydon On-Street(55013 - Coulsdon Road - Is this in fact Tudor
Parade in Old Coulsdon?

Should this be: 55013 - Tudor Parade, Old Coulsdon?

near Rickman Hill Croydon On-Street(55012 - Chipstead Valley Road

Should this be:

55012 - Chipstead Valley Road, near Rickman Hill, Coulsdon?

by Tollers Lane Croydon On-Street(55014 - Coulsdon Road

Should this be: 55014 - Coulsdon Road, near Tollers Lane, Old Coulsdon?

by Shops Croydon On-Street(55009 - Mitchley Avenue

Should this be: 55009 - Mitchley Avenue, by Shops, Sanderstead

Crown Point Croydon On-Street(55000 - Beulah Hill

Should this be: 55000 - Beulah Hill, Crown Point, Upper Norwood

Please supply any other data the council has but omitted to provide in the
previous reply.”

On receiving your request for an Internal Review, I contacted the Head of
Parking Services, who has provided additional information in answer to the
issues raised in your Internal Review.

In your original request focused on ‘areas’ of the Borough rather than
specific roads, and as such the information provided to you was on that
basis, further the data sets were filtered based on relevant zoning, and
no data was intentionally omitted.

The location names provided are how these locations are recorded within
the respective systems.

The data provided is for every parking session for the months requested
for every location within in the Borough.  Where a location not shown,
this is because no parking sessions were obtained for that location.

This includes all parking session obtained from: Pay and Display machines
for June 2024, June 2023, September 2023. There is no data held for
September 2024 as the machine are no longer in operation. Ringo Sessions
data has been provided for September 2024, August 2024, June 2024, June
2023 and September 2023. This data includes PayPoint sessions as this is
just a method of buying a Ringo session the same as the App or using
phone, there is no separate data set for this.

In an effort to provide clarification in respect of the location
information originally provided, please see below:

│Location Question │Clarification │
│1000 Wandel Park - is this location in │Wandle Park Cornwall Rd, Croydon│
│fact Wandle Park in Waddon? │CR0 3RD │
│19558 Brighton Road - where is this - │This relates to Machine number │
│Purley, Coulsdon, South Croydon - which│758 in South Croydon. │
│machine data relates to this location? │ │
│19704 London Road Croydon - where is │Ringo location code 19704 is in │
│this - how does this location differ │London Road along with 19715 but│
│from 19715 London Road? How does the │in different sections of the │
│above link in with 085 London Road and │road along with 085 and 120 │
│120 London Road etc? │London Road. │
│566 Station Approach Coulsdon - where │Station Approach Coulsdon. │
│is the Ringo data that relates to this │ │
│location? Should this be Station │ │
│Approach Road - Station Approach is now│ │
│known as Leaden Hill, a different road?│ │
│16407 Central Parade Car Park Croydon │16407 is the RingGo code for │
│and 16410 Central Parade Central Market│C01- C04 which was the machine │
│Car Park Croydon, are these in New │number 16410 is the RingGo code │
│Addington? How do these relate to C01 │which covers Machine C05 all in │
│Central Parade etc - are these also in │New Addington │
│New Addington? │ │
│19894 Allenby Avenue Croydon, is this │This location is RingGo only, no│
│in fact in South Croydon? │machine date will apply. │
│ │ │
│Where is the machine data for this │ │
│location? │ │
│19738 Old Lodge Lane Sanderstead; Old │Yes │
│Lodge Lane is partly in Purley and │ │
│partly in Kenley. Does this relate to │ │
│the shopping parade near Reedham │ │
│station, which is Purley? │ │
│759 Old Lodge Road, does this relate to│Yes │
│19738 Old Lodge Lane, near Reedham │ │
│station, Purley? │ │
│Parade Croydon On-Street, 55013 │The information provided is │
│Coulsdon Road; is this in Tudor Parade │correct. │
│in Old Coulsdon? Should this be 55013 -│ │
│Tudor Parade, Old Coulsdon? │ │
│Near Rickman Hill Croydon On-Street, │The information provided is │
│55012 Chipstead Valley Road; should │correct. │
│this be 55012 Chipstead Valley Road, │ │
│near Rickman Hill, Coulsdon? │ │
│Tollers Lane Croydon On-Street, 55014 -│The information provided is │
│Coulsdon Road; should this be 55014 │correct. │
│Coulsdon Road, near Tollers Lane, Old │ │
│Coulsdon? │ │
│Shops Croydon On-Street, 55009 - │The information provided is │
│Mitchley Avenue; should this be 55009 -│correct. │
│Mitchley Avenue, by Shops, Sanderstead?│ │
│Crown Point Croydon On-Street, 55000 - │The information provided is │
│Beulah Hill; should this be: 55000 │correct. │
│Beulah Hill, Crown Point, Upper │ │
│Norwood? │ │

If you are not content with the outcome of the Internal Review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane


Cheshire SK9 5AF

Yours sincerely,

Howard Passman

020 8726 6000 ext. 27103

Resources Directorate

Legal Services Division

12th Floor
Bernard Weatherill House

8 Mint Walk

Croydon CR0 1EA

[1]Have Your Say on Budget 2025-26

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