Parking charge notices issued at the Trust's car parks by a private operator
Dear Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust,
Please can the NHS Trust tell me, broken down by site if there are different operators/PCNs:
1. Which private parking operator(s) you use for enforcement of parking charges (PCNs) at each of your hospital car parks (including staff or other areas)? If the Trust has run any car parking sites in-house (without a third party operator) please state which, to ensure the answer covers all sites with a car park.
2. How much is the PCN charged for alleged breaches at each site and what is the discounted sum payable within the first 14 days?
3. Was the PCN amount charged at any site increased or decreased between the start of the contract to the current date, if so why was that change made and what was the change?
4. Does each/any Hospital receive a share of parking charges (‘PCNs’), or does the operator keep all income from those PCNs?
5. How many PCNs were issued at each site from the start of the contract to the current date?
6. As well as some or all of PCNs issued, does each operator also retain any additional income from parking, e.g. does the Trust allow the operator to share of permit or parking fee income?
Yours faithfully,
Lyn Reeves
Dear Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust,
This is a polite reminder that your response to this FOI request is now late.
I sent other similar FOI requests to other trusts at the same time, and they have responded already, which you can view if you click on my profile. I hope to receive your reply by return.
Yours faithfully,
Lyn Reeves
Dear Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust's handling of my FOI request 'Parking charge notices issued at the Trust's car parks by a private operator'.
Your response is very overdue. Kindly address your failure and tell me when I can expect your answers to my inexpensive, simple questions?
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Lyn Reeves
Dear Lyn,
Please would you kindly forward a reference number it would start F22/----. I will then be able to track your request.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Office
[Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust request email]
Trust Headquarters
Dear FOI Team,
The link shows you my request which was served via this WDTK website.
There is no ref. You've never replied to me.
Yours sincerely,
Lyn Reeves
Dear Lyn,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0083
I am not sure why the request was not sent to our FOI inbox. I have now registered your request and will obtain a response from the service area urgently.
Your request will now be considered in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You will receive a response within the statutory timescale of 20 working days after the date of receipt as defined by the Act, subject to the information not being exempt or containing a reference to a third party. In some circumstances we may be unable to achieve this deadline. If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised timescale at the earliest opportunity.
In some cases there may be a fee payable for the retrieval, collation and provision of the information you request. If this is the case you will be informed and the 20 working day timescale will be suspended until we receive payment from you. If you choose not to make payment then your request will remain unanswered.
Some requests may also require either full or partial transference to another public authority in order to answer your query in the fullest possible way. Again, you will be informed if this is the case.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Office
: [Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust request email]
+ Trust Headquarters, Health and Wellbeing Centre, Sandwell General
+ Hospital, Lyndon, West Bromwich B71 4HJ
Dear Lyn,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0083
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Responses below:
1. Which private parking operator(s) you use for enforcement of parking
charges (PCNs) at each of your hospital car parks (including staff or
other areas)? If the Trust has run any car parking sites in-house (without
a third party operator) please state which, to ensure the answer covers
all sites with a car park. Q-Park
2. How much is the PCN charged for alleged breaches at each site and what
is the discounted sum payable within the first 14 days? £60 discounted £30
if paid within 14 days
3. Was the PCN amount charged at any site increased or decreased between
the start of the contract to the current date, if so why was that change
made and what was the change? Yes increased due to increased
administration charges by PCN admin company. Increased by £10 from £50 to
4. Does each/any Hospital receive a share of parking charges (‘PCNs’), or
does the operator keep all income from those PCNs? Operator keeps all
5. How many PCNs were issued at each site from the start of the contract
to the current date? Commercially sensitive information. Not required to
6. As well as some or all of PCNs issued, does each operator also retain
any additional income from parking, e.g. does the Trust allow the operator
to share of permit or parking fee income? Yes
I hope that the information provided in this email answers your query.
However, if you are dissatisfied with the response please contact the
Trust in the first instance with the details of your complaint so the
Trust can conduct an internal review. Please address such requests
to [1][Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust request email] or in writing to Kam Dhami,
Director of Governance, Trust Headquarters, Sandwell Hospital, Lyndon,
West Bromwich, B71 4HJ. Alternatively, if you remain unhappy with the
outcome you can appeal directly to the Information Commissioner at the
following address: [2]
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Office
[Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust request email]
+ Trust Headquarters, Health and Wellbeing Centre, Sandwell General
Hospital, Lyndon, West Bromwich B71 4HJ
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