Paperless NHS

The request was successful.

Dear Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust,

The Department of Health intends the NHS to become paper-free.

For your NHS Trust, please confirm the following:

1. Have you deployed commercial IT software products to automate your policies around patient observation and the capturing of vital signs for early-warning of deterioration?
2. If your answer to Question 1 is YES, please confirm the commercial names of these software products and confirm the date when their current support contracts will expire.

Yours faithfully,

C. Mir

Paul, Diana,

1 Attachment

Please see attached acknowledgement of your request.




Diana Paul

Personal Assistant to:

John Harrop   Director of Strategy/Deputy Chief Executive

Sam Simpson Director of Finance


Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust

Chorlton House

70 Manchester Road


Manchester, M21 9UN


Tel: 0161 882 1381

Fax: 0161 882 1090




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The opinions expressed in this email represent the views of the sender,
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and/or any response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 unless the
information in the email and/or any response is covered by one of the
exemptions in the Act.

Paul, Diana,

1 Attachment

Please see attached response to your enquiry.




Diana Paul

Personal Assistant to:

John Harrop   Director of Strategy/Deputy Chief Executive

Sam Simpson Director of Finance


Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust

Chorlton House

70 Manchester Road


Manchester, M21 9UN


Tel: 0161 882 1381

Fax: 0161 882 1090




DISCLAIMER: This e-mail and any attached files are confidential
and are intended solely for the intended addressee. If you receive this
email in error please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete

This e-mail may be monitored by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care
Trust in accordance with current regulations.

This e-mail message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses
currently known to the
Trust, however the recipient is responsible for virus-checking before
opening messages and attachments.

The opinions expressed in this email represent the views of the sender,
not Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust unless explicitly
stated. As a public body, the Trust may be required to disclose this email
and/or any response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 unless the
information in the email and/or any response is covered by one of the
exemptions in the Act.