Palantir and NHS: FOI request
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is an FOI request about Palantir Technologies.
1. Does your organisation use Palantir software for any purpose or policy?
2. If so please state the name of the software, the date on which use commenced, and the purposes and policies for which it is used.
3. Do you upload patient data to to Palantir e.g. Foundry? Please state the name of this data, the policy under which it is uploaded, and whether it is “de-identified”, “pseudonymised” or anonymised.
4. Have you conducted data protection impact assessments on your use of Palantir? Please provide a copy of these impact assessments if so.
If you use Palantir software:
5. Please provide copies of correspondence between relevant employees of your organisation and employees of Palantir related to the implementation and usage of - and troubleshooting issues with - Palantir software.
Please define correspondence as emails, text messages and WhatsApp messages generated since 01/06/2022.
6. Please provide copies of internal correspondence related to the implementation and usage of - and troubleshooting issues with - Palantir software.
Please define internal correspondence as emails generated since 01/06/2022.
Thank you for the time and energy you will invest in preparing a response. I would prefer to receive all information in electronic format and in machine-readable formats where applicable. I would be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of this request.
Best wishes,
Lucas Amin
Dear Lucus,
I acknowledge on behalf of Royal Papworth NHS Foundation Trust receipt of your Freedom of Information request Ref: 5538. You will receive a response on or before 30/03/2023.
Kind Regards,
Angela Morrison | Senior SARs and Digital Administrator
Information Governance
Direct Line: 01223 639979
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Papworth Road | Cambridge Biomedical Campus | Cambridge | CB2 0AY | 01223 638000
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Dear Lucas,
Please find attached Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust’s
response to your Freedom of Information Request Ref: 5538
Kind Regards,
Angela Morrison | Senior SARs and Digital Administrator
Information Governance
Direct Line: 01223 639979
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Papworth Road | Cambridge Biomedical Campus | Cambridge | CB2 0AY | 01223
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We are a member of Cambridge University Health Partners
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