Palantir and NHS: FOI request
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is an FOI request about Palantir Technologies.
1. Does your organisation use Palantir software for any purpose or policy?
2. If so please state the name of the software, the date on which use commenced, and the purposes and policies for which it is used.
3. Do you upload patient data to to Palantir e.g. Foundry? Please state the name of this data, the policy under which it is uploaded, and whether it is “de-identified”, “pseudonymised” or anonymised.
4. Have you conducted data protection impact assessments on your use of Palantir? Please provide a copy of these impact assessments if so.
If you use Palantir software:
5. Please provide copies of correspondence between relevant employees of your organisation and employees of Palantir related to the implementation and usage of - and troubleshooting issues with - Palantir software.
Please define correspondence as emails, text messages and WhatsApp messages generated since 01/06/2022.
6. Please provide copies of internal correspondence related to the implementation and usage of - and troubleshooting issues with - Palantir software.
Please define internal correspondence as emails generated since 01/06/2022.
Thank you for the time and energy you will invest in preparing a response. I would prefer to receive all information in electronic format and in machine-readable formats where applicable. I would be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of this request.
Best wishes,
Lucas Amin
Dear Lucas Amin
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act. The reference for this request is noted in the subject header above.
You will receive a response from us within 20 working days of receipt or an explanation as to why this is not possible.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Team
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Free London Group Headquarters
Anne Bryans House
77 Fleet Road
London NW3 2QH
Dear Lucas Amin
Thank you for submitting a request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. Please find the response below. This response
covers the hospitals and services managed by the Royal Free London NHS
Foundation Trust, namely the Royal Free Hospital, Barnet Hospital and
Chase Farm Hospital and associated group services.
The response
1. Does your organisation use Palantir software for any purpose or
a. If so please state the name of the software, the date on which use
commenced, and the purposes and policies for which it is used.
Not applicable
2. Do you upload patient data to Palantir e.g. Foundry? Please state the
name of this data, the policy under which it is uploaded, and whether
it is “de-identified”, “pseudonymised” or anonymised.
Not applicable
3. Have you conducted data protection impact assessments on your use of
Palantir? Please provide a copy of these impact assessments if so.
Not applicable
If you use Palantir software:
4. Please provide copies of correspondence between relevant employees of
your organisation and employees of Palantir related to the
implementation and usage of - and troubleshooting issues with -
Palantir software. Please define correspondence as emails, text
messages and WhatsApp messages generated since 01/06/2022
Not applicable
5. Please provide copies of internal correspondence related to the
implementation and usage of - and troubleshooting issues with -
Palantir software. Please define internal correspondence as emails
generated since 01/06/2022
Not applicable
Your appeal rights
I hope that this response deals with your enquiry to your satisfaction,
however if not you have two options:
· If you do not feel that we have provided you with the
information you requested, you may contact us again and state what
information you still require. However if you ask for additional and/or
different information this will be dealt with as a new request.
· All applicants have the right of appeal and can request an
internal review. The internal review must be focused on the original
request and should identify how the trust’s response failed to answer your
information request and explain what you would like us to review. Appeals
should be made in writing, within 40 working days of the date of the
response, and addressed to Mr Kevin Winter, Associate Director of
Information Governance, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust at
[2][email address] .
If you are not satisfied with the internal review, you can appeal to the
Information Commissioner. The contact details are: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
5AF, telephone 01625 545 700 or see [3]
Open Government Licence
The trust allows you to reuse this information under the Open Government
Licence found at the following [4]link.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Team
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
Anne Bryans House
77 Fleet Road, London, NW3 2QH
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