Paint and solvent and cleaner tested on guinea pigs
Dear Home Office Science Advisory Committee,
Why is this cruel test still being conducted, and to what gain?
Also please confirm if tax payers money was used to fund experiments of this nature.
The Acute Vapour Inhalation Toxicity of 2-Butoxyethanol
In the UK, guinea pigs were used to test the acute vapour inhalation toxicity of 2-butoxyethanol, a solvent found in paints, inks, cleaners, and other products. Experimenters confined guinea pigs in tubes for four hours and forced them to inhale the solvent. The conditions were so severe that one guinea pig, whose eyes were dull and who was experiencing laboured breathing, impaired movement, and weight loss, was killed by experimenters due to “welfare” concerns. Post-mortem examinations revealed a perforated colon, gastrointestinal distension, and other severe internal damage.
I look forward to recieving a meaningful explanation.
Helen Taylor
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Dear Helen Taylor,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref FOI2024/06115). We will
aim to send you a full response by 19th August which is twenty working
days from the date we received your request.
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Kind Regards,
Home Office
Dear Home Office Science Advisory Committee,
By law, i should have recieved my response ny now!
Yours faithfully,
Helen Taylor
Thank you for contacting the Home Office Freedom of Information Requests
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Dear Helen Taylor,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office.
I have reviewed the status of your Freedom of Information request, FOI2024/06115.
Our records indicate that this request has been amalgamated with your earlier request, FOI2024/06113, for which a response was sent on August 15th.
If you would like to receive the response again, please let us know, and we will reach out to the appropriate department to resend it to you.
Kind regards,
Information Rights Team
Home Office
Home Office - GOV.UK (
Dear Helen Taylor,
Please find attached a combined response to FOI2024/06113 and
Kind regards,
Animals in Science Regulation Policy Unit
Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF
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