Paediatric usage of Buccolam for pre-med/diagnostic use

The request was successful.

Dear Airedale NHS Foundation Trust,

I write to you to request information to answer the below questions:

What number of Buccolam syringes were administered to paediatric patients for the purposes of sedation pre procedures over the last 12 months of data you hold (please provide details of what this date range is).

What number of Buccolam syringes were administered to paediatric patients for the purposes of treating epilepsy over the last 12 months of data you hold (please provide details of what this date range is).

If a specific purpose is not discernible please could I request the number of syringes administered to all paediatric patients. If the number of syringes is not possible but the number of paediatric patients that received Buccolam is, then again this information would also be gratefully received.

Yours faithfully,

Ed Fryer


1 Attachment

Dear Mr Fryer


Thank you for your request for information from Airedale NHS Foundation
Trust which was received on 4^th February 2021.  Your request has been
given the Reference Number ANHSFT REF 5130 . 


We will now proceed to process the request.  The deadline date for issuing
you with a full response is 4^th March  2021.   We will try to respond to
you before this date and we will contact you if we envisage delays or if
we need more information from you.


Please note that under the Freedom of Information Act, some information
can be subject to exemptions, which means that the Trust does not have to
provide the information requested.  Some exemptions are “absolute” such as
personal information and some only apply where the “public interest” in
maintaining the exemption, outweighs that of providing the information.


In some cases, where identifying, retrieving and processing the requested
information requires more time than the “appropriate cost limit” of two
and half days work, we may refuse the request or we can charge a fee.  If
the latter is the case, I will let you know and a Fees Notice will be
issued to you.  In that case you would need to pay the fee before we
proceeded with your request,  but we will offer assistance and advise you
if, by modifying your request, we could provide you with some non-exempt
or free of charge information.


Please contact me, quoting the Reference Number above, with any questions
you might have about your request.


With kind regards


Deborah Cocker

FOI Administrator

Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, Steeton, KEIGHLEY, BD20 6TD

Location: IT Business Centre | Zone C | Department 48

My usual working pattern is Mon-Thurs and I am currently working from home


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1 Attachment

Dear Mr Fryer

Further to your application to access information under the Freedom of
Information Act (ANHSFT REF.  5130) please find our response below.


 34 syringes issued to 8  individual paediatric patients in the period
01/02/2020 to 31/01/2021 .


28 syringes issued as stock to Children’s ward and 8 to Children’s
outpatients during the same period. For these we cannot see from the
pharmacy system who specifically received them as they were stock on the


We trust you find our response helpful.  If you feel we are not complying
with our publication scheme, you feel your request has not been properly
handled, or you are dissatisfied, you can write within 40 working days to
Brendan Brown, Chief Executive at the address below to request a review. 
You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner under
section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 if you are dissatisfied
with the outcome of that review.

Unless identified as another party's copyright, you may use and re-use the
information we have provided (not including logos or photographs), free of
charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government
Licence which can be viewed via the link below.



Yours sincerely


Deborah Cocker


Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, Steeton, KEIGHLEY, BD20 6TD

Location: IT Business Centre | Zone C | Department 48

My usual working pattern is Mon-Thurs and I am currently working from home

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