PACS and RIS system query
Dear FOI Team,
I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the FOI Act 2000.
Please enter 'No System Installed' or ‘No Department’ under supplier name if your trust does not use the system or have the department:
System type – PACS
Supplier name
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Is this contract annually renewed? - Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? - Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Total value of contract (£) –
Notes - e.g. we are currently out to tender
System type – Radiology Information System
Supplier name
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Is this contract annually renewed? - Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? - Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Total value of contract (£) –
Notes - e.g. we are currently out to tender
System definitions:
Picture Archive and Communications System (PACs) – A picture archiving and communications system is used for diagnostic images.
Radiology Information System (RIS) – Radiology results and reporting are managed electronically.
Thanks for your time.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Georgina Kovacs
Dear Georgina,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0720
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Your request will now be considered in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You will receive a response within the statutory timescale of 20 working days after the date of receipt as defined by the Act, subject to the information not being exempt or containing a reference to a third party. In some circumstances we may be unable to achieve this deadline. If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised timescale at the earliest opportunity.
In some cases there may be a fee payable for the retrieval, collation and provision of the information you request. If this is the case you will be informed and the 20 working day timescale will be suspended until we receive payment from you. If you choose not to make payment then your request will remain unanswered.
Some requests may also require either full or partial transference to another public authority in order to answer your query in the fullest possible way. Again, you will be informed if this is the case.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Office
: [Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust request email]
+ Trust Headquarters, Health and Wellbeing Centre, Sandwell General
+ Hospital, Lyndon, West Bromwich B71 4HJ
Dear Georgina,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0720
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope that the information provided in this email answers your query.
However, if you are dissatisfied with the response please contact the
Trust in the first instance with the details of your complaint so the
Trust can conduct an internal review. Please address such requests
to [1][Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust request email] or in writing to Kam Dhami,
Director of Governance, Trust Headquarters, Sandwell Hospital, Lyndon,
West Bromwich, B71 4HJ. Alternatively, if you remain unhappy with the
outcome you can appeal directly to the Information Commissioner at the
following address: [2]
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Office
[Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust request email]
+ Trust Headquarters, Health and Wellbeing Centre, Sandwell General
Hospital, Lyndon, West Bromwich B71 4HJ
Dear Georgina,
Re: FOI request ref: F23/0720
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see attached.
I hope that the information provided in this email answers your query. However, if you are dissatisfied with the response please contact the Trust in the first instance with the details of your complaint so the Trust can conduct an internal review. Please address such requests to [Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust request email] <mailto:[Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust request email]> or in writing to Kam Dhami, Director of Governance, Trust Headquarters, Sandwell Hospital, Lyndon, West Bromwich, B71 4HJ. Alternatively, if you remain unhappy with the outcome you can appeal directly to the Information Commissioner at the following address:
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Office
[Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust request email]
* Trust Headquarters, Health and Wellbeing Centre, Sandwell General Hospital, Lyndon, West Bromwich B71 4HJ
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