Oyster Card Tracking

The request was successful.

Dear Transport for London,

What customer data and movements do you record through Oyster card?

How is this data stored and for how long?

Which of this information is passed to authorities and corporations?

Yours faithfully,

Mr M Meaney

FOI, Transport for London

Dear Mr Meaney,


Thank you for your email.


Please note your email has been classified as a ‘business as usual’
request and does not have to be answered in accordance with the
requirements of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.


I have passed your email onto Oyster Correspondence to respond to you
directly. You should receive a reply from them within 10 days.


Yours sincerely


Lee Hill

FOI Case Officer


FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London




show quoted sections

Transport for London

Ref:  1011211328  


Date 13.09.2012 


Dear Mr M Meaney


Thank you for your email to the Oyster Card Helpdesk. I'm sorry for the
delay in replying to you.


Transport for London (TfL) only holds the last eight weeks of journey data
pertaining to individual customers’ accounts.  We only hold eight weeks of
journey data because we feel that this was sufficient for our needs and
does not infringe on customers’ rights of privacy.


At the end of the eight week period, the travel information recorded
against an individual Oyster card is permanently disassociated from it and
can no longer be linked to either the card or the customer concerned.


At no stage is customer information passed to any authorities or


Please contact us if you need any further help.


Kind regards


Phil Wilkie

Oyster Customer Services


What to do next


If you want to reply directly to this email, please click on the reply
button on your email toolbar.  By doing this, we’ll be able to process
your query more quickly.


We aim to reply to all emails within ten working days.


Want to ask us a question about something else?


If you have another question that isn’t related to this email you can
search our most [1]frequently asked questions. If you can’t find what
you’re looking for or need further help, please use our [2]online feedback



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DO NOT DELETE.............................


Visible links
1. https://custserv.tfl.gov.uk/icss_csip/So...
2. https://custserv.tfl.gov.uk/icss_csip/in...

David Johnson left an annotation ()

The response says:
"At no stage is customer information passed to any authorities or corporations."

That's contradicted by the following:

Does TfL receive requests from the police for disclosure of information about the use of individual Oyster cards?
Top of page

Yes. All police requests for Oyster card information are co-ordinated by a specialist request handling team within TfL, which assesses the validity of each request.

Disclosing the above link and information would've been helpful.